Destination Out Blend Mode Not Working

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2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hey,

    I started working on something in Construct 2, but decided to give Construct 3 a go. In C2 if I give a sprite "Destination Out" blend mode which essentially made it & anything underneath it on the same layer invisible, in Construct 3 this just shows a black square over the entire sprite with "Destination Out".

    Does anyone know if this is broken or if I'm doing anything wrong?

    Thank you,


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  • Hey,

    I started working on something in Construct 2, but decided to give Construct 3 a go. In C2 if I give a sprite "Destination Out" blend mode which essentially made it & anything underneath it on the same layer invisible, in Construct 3 this just shows a black square over the entire sprite with "Destination Out".

    Does anyone know if this is broken or if I'm doing anything wrong?

    Thank you,


    in the demos folder of C2 there is a "blends" demo capx which should demo the destination out blend.

    load it into C2 and then C3 see if different.

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