LDC Studios's Forum Posts

  • Here's a screen showing some action using the machete

  • It's all about the times too. The majority have been enjoying the concept of jumpscares every 5 minutes because it's exciting to them. They like the "instant gratification" of the scare because we live in fast times now. People will feel like their time is being wasted otherwise. That's why tutorials and cutscenes are becoming less and less popular these days too. People wanna be able to just gogogo without having time to think. Eventually more and more people will be asking for the old subtle atmospheric horror back though. It's a weird cycle that these things go through. Sometimes it can take decades to pass.

  • I actually always enjoyed the old tank controls too. I don't remember anyone ever complaining about them until RE4 (still tank controls) came out. Then hating tank controls became a sort of a fad.

    That's pretty hilarious about the main characters' breasts. It's funny because I intentionally made their chest and **** smaller when I remodeled the characters for the GP: Redux patch that later became this game!

    Back to the main point, though... I would LOVE to make a game like this with the classic tank controls! 3rd person, over the shoulder? Forget about it!! Some day...

  • This is Abby, who is the sister of the main character, Lilly. Her role will be the equivalent to what Miki's was in Grave Prosperity.

  • Thank you! I hope soon I'll have a demo ready.

  • Here's another screenshot to oppose the last one that was posted:

    Creepy basements and phonographs are still a thing!

  • Not all locations in CoA are dark and dreary. Here's a nice highly detailed and well-lit interior of a manor! Sort of takes me back to RE's mansion.

  • Thank you! I am hoping to have it out pretty soon. Maybe around April? It's constantly being worked on, but there's a lot going into it, so I really can't say exactly when it will be ready. But I'll be posting updates steadily here and on its Facebook page as it progresses.

  • City of Amber will play very similarly to the games from the Souls series or Bloodborn. The combat is focused on a dodging, blocking and attacking system that all runs off of a stamina gauge and revolves around the use of guns and melee weapons. The world itself is a dark and dreary place full of monsters, puzzles and exploration. Lily can be upgraded by using EXP acquired through combat. Upgrades consist of learning new evasive maneuvers, increasing attack power, learning new melee combos, increasing firearms effectiveness and improving stamina.

    Developer: LDC Studios

    Official Website: Coming Soon!

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Amber-108073936245507/?ref=hl

    Genre: Action/ Horror

    Players: 1-Player

    Combat Style: Live Action

    View Style: 3rd Person 'Faux 3D' - Side Scroller.

    Platform: PC

    Engine: Scirra's Construct 2

    Minimum Requirements:

    Pentium 4 or Equivalent

    2.8 GHZ Processor (Single Core)

    1 Gigabyte of Ram

    128 Bit Video Card

    Gamepad Controller/ Keyboard


    Lily Ridge is a 26 year old woman, looking at her 8th year of Military Police service. Recent developments have caused her to begin to have reservations about her life's choices, and she decides to take a much needed leave of absence. During this time off she plans to travel to California to meet with her sister, Abby, and discuss whether or not she should make this year her final year of service. Of course, things are never that simple. Lily's car doesn't make the cross-country trip, and Lily is left stranded in a remote location with no phone reception and no signs of passing help. She manages to find her way to the nearest town. This is where her story truly begins... Even with 8 years of war hardening experience, the things waiting in the shadows of this town will test her strength and her sanity far more than anything she has ever encountered. The world of war she plans to leave behind will be a day at the beach compared to the world of suffering she is about to enter. Welcome to Prosperity, the City of Amber.



    Intro FMV

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  • Grave Prosperity: Redux is being discontinued. Due to the title's overwhelming unpopularity, I am going to be making the patch that has been being worked on into its own separate game. Title and character names will change, but what has been posted advertising the progress of the patch will not change. GP was my first real attempt at a game. It was fun and I learned a lot from it, but it's about time to shut it down and move onto a fresh start. I will be creating a new thread for the new game, "City of Amber" very soon!

  • Neat. I'll have to check it out sometime.

  • This is an image from the cutscene where Amber finds the machete:

  • Haha yes, it definitely takes some practice to get used to his attacks. But by the time you get to him you'll have had so much practice from fighting other smaller creatures that any flinch from an enemy will have your muscles trained to either block or dodge immediately. That is the main draw I want to come from this game. Players developing skill in themselves from experience while fighting throughout the story. I don't want grinding for experience points and increasing stats to be the safety net that carries them to victory. Answering this will actually give me the opportunity to really explain why/how I've done things the way I have!

    Mechanically, the game is rather shallow in the sense that everything takes place on the same two dimensional plane, so I have to add depth by making enemies that are unpredictable and always unique. They are tough, but fair. As quick as the boss Malik may be (or any other enemy you may encounter), Amber is just as quick. And the quicker the player becomes, the quicker Amber becomes, giving you the edge. Also, having the enemy and the protagonist on the same plane means that no one is handicapped by things like a poor sense of depth perception. That means that the enemy is always within reach, and so are you. This levels the playing-field to shear skill and timing.

    I also want the players to have to learn how each encounter works, and realize that no two creatures will ever approach you the same way. They're being created as organic individuals that act in their own unique way. So some may dodge attacks, some may block, and some may even try to counter. With these possibilities always being present, that means that the player's play-style will have to constantly adapt to the adapting threats. The story itself is not based in realism, but I want the combat to feel real in the respect that you are a stranger to this place and you will never walk into a situation fully knowing or understanding your opposition. In the game, as in real life, stats fall second to skill, meaning all you can truly rely on in this hostile environment is knowing yourself and use what skills you have/develop to survive.

    I'm hoping that these things will keep the game fresh and consistently challenging. I don't want players to have just another mindless hack n slash on their hands. You could say that I want Grave Prosperity to be the "Bullet Hell of Hack N Slash," which demands extreme focus and accuracy at all times a threat is present.

    **I'm glad you commented what you did, because sometimes I don't even understand the motivation of the things I create. Having to think on and answer to a comment like yours has been very revealing mainly to myself. So much so, that I even posted our interaction here on the game's Facebook page! It really helps to explain the direction the game is taking. I never full realize the logic behind what I'm doing until long after I've started! Haha!

  • Here is a combat demonstration video for Grave Prosperity: Redux's new patch:

    There's still more to do, but this fight is just watered down to the game's most basic mechanics.

  • Whew! This took a little longer than I thought it would! As promised, I have the new combat demonstration video ready! So here it is:

    The fight is still watered down to the most basic mechanics, so remember there will still be more added into the finished product.