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  • It's so weird that it's something I've never been able to see before. I'm usually more observant than that. Anyway, I messed around with the speed a little bit and it actually does look a lot better now! I think I was always afraid of the player moving too quickly between screens since I'm a bit limited on how large I can have a screen- length wise. But yeah, boosting it up by 35 was just enough I think. Thank you for the tip!

  • Thank you! I have tried increasing the speed in the past, but it never seems to look right to me. But this is the most consistent observation made on the movement animation, so I really do think it's just me not seeing it. I'm gonna go ahead and up the speed and see what happens though.

    Or I wonder if the animation speed is just set too fast? I still got a bit to play around with I think.

  • Here's the first 8 minutes from the latest patch for Grave Prosperity: Redux

    Use headphones!

  • Looks like the gameplay video got done a lot sooner than expected! So here's the first few minutes of the new patch for Grave Prosperity: Redux!

    Got a little frame drop in 3 spots during the recording, but that was due to my recording software.

    Some things will obviously be subject to change. Things like the title screen and the ending FMV. That was just implemented as a way to end the video. Anyway, I would love to hear all your feedback!

  • Hey there everyone! I got a bit of a long winded message and some final screenshots to preface the release of the first official gameplay footage for the patch that's been in the works. It's been a long time coming, but I am very proud of how everything is turning out! Everything from visuals to sound design and controls have all been vastly improved over the original installment of Redux.

    So, to start, you'll notice yet another change in Amber's model. Funny story, actually. Basically once word got around that Miki was being removed from the story line there was a bit of an uproar in my inbox. I never realized just how much people liked her character... Until I got a nice pile of emails that made it nice and clear! Some were more colorful than others, but it was actually very endearing to find how passionate the fans of the game are. Now I still don't get the draw to her character, as she never had enough screen time to develop a good solid personality. Not even back in the RPG Maker XP days. But whatever it is about her, people like it. So since I didn't have much personality to draw from, I decided to just give her image to Amber. Amber is still Amber, she just looks like Miki now. It seemed like a pretty good idea at the time and I hope it makes everybody happy! So here's lookin at you, crazy fans! Haha

    Aaaanybut, the video will be released by the end of the month. What can be expected is a more exploration and story driven game, rather than such a combat driven game. There will still be combat, but not the rage-inducing difficult kind of the former Redux. Gameplay draws a lot of inspiration from titles like The Witches House and The Evil Within. Both amazing games from two very different sides of the industry (Indie and AAA).

    Also, the setup is changed now as well. I initially wanted to do the classic 1990's RE style menu system, but unfortunately it proved to be a bit beyond my skills up to this point. Once I got more than 1 item in the menu things got a bit... Off. That's ok though. I have a much more suitable HUD and menu system running now. The HUD looks very much like The Evil Within's, and the item selection menu is all real-time, similar in looks to the way The Last of Us did it. It's all been tested and it works perfectly, so no worries in losing out on this one.

    Wellp, with all that said, how about some screenshots from the coming video?

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  • This is the Smiler, the latest addition to the creatures of Grave Prosperity: Redux

  • Today we have a couple new images of Gabriel Pryst from the upcoming patch!

    Gameplay footage will be coming soon!

  • Awesome, thank you!

  • Here's a new wallpaper to kick off the holiday! Happy Halloween everyone!

  • It's been a while since I've posted any updates here!

    Some of us may already be up to speed on what all has been going on with the current patch being worked, but for everyone else I have some screenshots and video to show what's been happening!

    PATCH Intro Video:

    PATCH Menu System Rundown:


    Things may look a little different now, but I am actually very pleased with the direction this patch has taken the game. Everything that has led up to these changes can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/graveprosperityredux/ Starting from October 1st to today. Hopefully everybody digs the new patch work, and the next update will be a short video showing the transition into the darker places of Prosperity!

  • Yup, this is still the same Construct 2 engine. I'm not sure what Spine is though. It could be something useful. What is it?

  • Grave Prosperity: Redux has been getting some patchwork done on it since its initial release. Here is the latest screen from its graphical overhaul it is receiving!

  • I've got one more image to show off before I get back to the old grind stone! I'm very excited about how the new graphics are turning out so you'll have to forgive me for the constant screenshots!

  • So I have been super busy lately trying to upgrade the game in its entirety. From the combat system to navigation to graphics. Finally I have an image to show what I have been up to since my last posting! Below is a comparison between the graphics of the currently playable version of GP: Redux on Steam, and the version that I am currently working.



    As you can see, graphics have been boosted by a lot, and the backgrounds are no longer fuzzy. Everything is also noticeably larger too. What you can't see is that the game is no longer playable as a fixed camera system. It is now strictly platformer movement (Left and Right only). This has absolved many of the awkward visual issues that caught a lot of flak when the game first came out. This means no more frustrating camera transitions, no more collision issues while fighting, and no more funny looking proportions between the characters and backgrounds. It is taking some time to do since I'm having to re-render everything from backgrounds to sprites, but I feel it is paying off beautifully. I can't wait to get the patch finished and out there for everybody to enjoy!

  • NEWS!

    Part 1 will be receiving yet another patch! This one will expand greatly on the combat system, adding in many more attack combinations and counter attacks, and also a grappling ability to perform unique deadly attacks on different enemies. With all of these extra new goodies there will also be a "moves list" added to the pause menu to reference all the different attacks. The list will show the button combinations and a preview of each move they are attached to. I am hoping this will add to the versatility of play styles and of course add to the overall fun!