LDC Studios's Forum Posts

  • I have an image here of what pops up when it stops working. This is all that's coming up when the game crashes. I know usually if it's something with Construct it will give a code, but this is just the window crashing. If you still want a .capx I can send that to you over a pm or something. Not ready to have the game out there in the public yet..

  • My game is pretty big and I am using the Node Webkit exporter to run it. The game is using the built in Save function for its save system right now, and when I load my game using the Load function, the window the game is running in will crash. Is there any way to keep this from happening? There are lots of big objects in the game that the system is having to load up every time I hit the Load Game button. Could this be the cause for the crash? It only happens after the second (sometimes third) time I load the game and then enter a layout with a large number of objects.

    Is there a memory limit to the window running the game? If so, is there a way to clear a possible cache for that window to keep the game from getting overloaded and crashing? Any help at all would be awesome because I am at a loss right now.

  • Retro just sorta seems like the trend right now, (Especially because many indie devs out there grew up around that same era when NES and SNES were the big thing, and they create out of nostalgia, which is cool) but I totally get what you're saying. Hopefully the game will catch fire when the first episode is released though! It was gonna be a paid version at first, but I decided I'm gonna release episode one as a demo for the players, and if they like the game enough I will have the remaining episodes that will follow for sale. The players will still be able to use their save data from the free episode to continue the story too.

  • Looks AWESOME!!!!

    Thank you! It's been a bit tough to get the project noticed since it isn't the usual retro or artsy style game much of the indie community seems to be into right now, but we do appreciate any bit of support we can get. A simple nod in our direction is more than motivating, so thanks again!

  • Demo Download Link

    Name: Grave Prosperity: Redux

    Developer: LDC Studios

    Website: graveprosperityredux. com

    Genre: Action/ Horror

    Players: 1-Player

    Combat Style: Live Action

    View Style: 3rd Person 'Faux 3D' - 3D Polygonal Sprites Displayed Over a Pre-Rendered Backdrop With Pre-Set Camera Angles.

    Platform: PC

    Engine: Construct 2

    Minimum Requirements:

    Pentium 4 or Equivalent

    2.8 GHZ Processor (Single Core)

    1 Gigabyte of Ram

    128 Bit Video Card

    Gamepad Controller


    youtube. com/user LDCstudios

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  • Here is a cutscene from the upcoming "Grave Prosperity: Redux"


  • messing with some title screen ideas for my current project

    <img src="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/308/5/b/screenshot_9_by_graveprosperity-d6t1hp1.jpg" border="0" />

  • Oh... Well that does sound much easier! I didn't realize it actually saves it straight to the user's computer. Alrighty then, thanks so much to both of you!

  • Here's some more progress being made for Grave Prosperity: Redux


  • I still have a lot to learn about this engine. I don't understand how to work the JSON yet or even really the Webkit. I've just been fooling around with the system and accidentally figuring things out so far. I have looked at a bunch of tutorials for these things though. Is there one that could break it down very simply for me that you could recommend?

  • I was just thinking about this. Since I'm using the Node Webkit, every time I save the full state of the game it creates a file somewhere on my computer right? Would I be able to just find that file and then copy it into the directory of the next episode of my game and load it by name from within the new project?

  • I'm making my game using the Node Webkit exporter, and releasing it in episodes (separate game files). I want to be able to allow the player to make a save file at the end of each episode that can be carried over to the next episode so they can retain all of their stats and acheivements. Is there any way to do this?

  • Cool! That reminds me of the old SNES Sunset Riders game. Just a bloodier version.

  • [TUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgFRXs0rI5g&feature=c4-overview&list=UUbSWoqKiWKVfhgV6zwjExRw[/TUBE]

    Here is a quick little vid showing some of the basic mechanics for "Grave Prosperity: Redux."

  • Hey everybody! I just happened by this thread and thought I would share my project "Grave Prosperity" with you guys. This game is very much about the graphics!

    <img src="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/254/f/a/screenshot_7_by_graveprosperity-d6lvbgr.jpg" border="0" /> <img src="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/254/8/3/screenshot_8_by_graveprosperity-d6lvbif.jpg" border="0" />

    The project is coming along nicely, so hopefully soon I'll have a demo out!