LavaWave's Forum Posts

  • So finally you can make full games with C2? or is it too early for that?

    Construct 2 is getting better and better. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Edit: I disagree LavaWave, if you are making a full game you just need to know some limits, workarounds, and keep lots of backups. That's pretty much the same with any programming/game making tool. Construct Classic just needs a bit more time for refinement =]

    Playing avi's I agree doesn't work as well as it could, but the 3D model object surpases the 3D Box Object. With R0j0hounds plugin you can even do animations

    Good point but Game Maker is stable and doesn't crush as often, I created my old games in it and they were kind of medium/large kind of games, anyway I shouldn't discuss this as this has already been discussed and it's a waste of energy to type out words on why C1 should be avoided for large projects/games.

    C2 will indeed be one of the best drag n drop game maker tool there will be, I'l buy it once it is finalised ofcourse.

  • For the time being, no offence but for a fully made game Construct 1 shouldn't be used, so I have to agree with Paulkotsu there atleast for the stability part, using Construct to make a big game is frustrating, however Construct 2 is gonna be one of the best non-programming game maker once it's finished, so this is just my opinion here.

    Also I just stumbled upon "it can play avi files as well" it does but has very limited control over avi videos, you might find a plug-in somewhere however that has more support for avi then the one comes with Construct.

    The 3D box object was never complete and it is not gonna be complete, sure you can make some cool objects with it but it's use is very limited.

    Game Maker seems to have improved upon it's 3D objects and can play AVI files just fine and has more control then the standard Construct AVI object, consider C1 as the prototype of C2 as it's sequel will fix all these issues, except maybe for 3D object, since Construct 2 is aiming to be purely 2D.

    And yes, it can export exe files, Construct 2 can't for the time being however, it's gonna be implemented eventually

  • it's community developed now

    I see

  • there should be more updates. No idea on when though. Just when enough changes amass to make it worth a release.

    Cool, so does this mean that C1 is still being supported/worked on even tough C2 had started development for quite some time now?

  • With all these updates, I might reconsider using Construct again although I haven't been in the mood of making games lately, is this the final release of C1 or are there some more updates coming for C1?

    I'l be downloading this version soon tough.

  • But I hope that you guys don't become like YoYo games or Click Team, because then, someday a group of uni students making plugins for C2 will team-up to make a free open source alternative to C2.

    So? what's wrong with that? that means more game making software to choose from.

    I see you added retrib and SWFPSC, retrib's development has stopped as you labeled but you should also label SWFPSC development stopped as well, since it is also dropped in favor of the now possibly vaporware Plutonium3D.

    Also another game engine comes to mind (perhaps the easiest 3D game creator software known, not counting the crappy game maker 3D) Realityfactory, it does not have awesome nextgen shaders tough and it's 3D power is akin to Quake 1 and the earliest 3D games known but it's something for hobbyist I must say.

  • idk maybe Prototype game, where you play as Alex Mercer, it's music is nothing special imo.

  • I was slightly disappointed at C2 going commercial at first but then I understood it will have faster development, take a look at ZeldaClassic game engine for example, ZC's last version is unstable and latest version has been under construction for I don't know how long and it's not even released yet, SRB2 is pretty much the same, the dev's work on it when they feel like it and they can abandon it at will, not to mention most have a job and a family/life, it took them 11 years for version 2.0.X to come out since version 1.90, hence I understand and support Ashley's decision here, nobody wants a product that keeps getting slown down and having low priorities and possibly forgotten now does anyone? I sure don't.

    Anyway few may know about this but I'l post it here.

    Retribution engine, it is an easy FPS game creator without any coding knowledge needed, it is also free and you can produce your favorite Quake 2/HL1 styled FPS game for free with it, tough you are not allowed to sell them according to it's license but you can make a full fledged large FPS game with it, it isn't widely known either so there aren't any custom games/maps/whatever made by it around sadly.

    Compared to FPS Creator I find Retrib's AI much more fun and harder and it doesn't take ages to load a game and it is somewhat more flexible and easier to use and a much more professional map editor program. (it looks slightly like Valve's hammer editor for HL games)

  • I did and it did crash on me on certain occasions, and I believe it's not only DravenX that said it crashes with big full games, please don't take my comment above as a matter to hurt Construct 1, I don't but my games I am creating are not prototypes or small games, now I've seen small incomplete games with it with impressive details and so on and atleast one person managed to do a full game with it (the guy who created phenominom 32) but it crashed on him alot in the end, I will use C2 when it will be complete enough to have actions, events and usability to make a full game.

  • Is all this happening with C1 .97?

    I Guess I'm gonna have to use another game maker for my projects in the meantime my games I want to create are big, full games with a load of maps/levels not some small games, seeing as C1 is just bad when it comes to big games, so I think I'l wait until C2 have enough resources, events and actions til you can make a full game then.

  • Set ignoring input is good for enemies and cutscenes which you have the player do an action like going somewhere without pressing any keys, while activated disables the events of that character completely.

  • Yeah, MMF2 platformer behavior sucked, they have no collision box so you had to make your own events for it or using the alternative platformer object that is a downloadable plug-in, Construct's behaviors are much better coded, I have no problem myself with games using behavior as long as the games are fun to play ^^ but as posted here it's quite sad to see people downrate your game because you used a built-in object, something which game maker guys are famed for, I saw some good/decent gm games that are done with care yet to be downrated by a guy who decompiled their game and checks them out to see if it's code or DnD, which is discouraging to say the least.

    [quote:1qmpsyrd]I would argue that money has already brought a lot of programmers who aren't serious about game development into the field. Have you seen how many soulless games there are on the web? It's the result of people saying, "I can program, games make money, I'll make a game."

    Programming has been a barrier of entry to game development but being a great programmer doesn't make you a great game designer. There are a lot of artists out there who have great game design ideas, and now they can take a stab at it. People won't be able to get away with making lazy, bad games and those games shouldn't be a threat to anyone who has confidence in their own abilities.

    Spoken by Tom Fulp from Newgrounds and I agree with him, this is from the TGF2NE forum on their bbs.

  • Yeah, behaviors are good to save time and I do plan to change them/play around with them to make, that's why I tend to use behaviors, atleast the platform behavior feels more flexible then game makers platform tutorial imo but the again gml pro's tend to make their own engine most of the time as gm doesn't use behaviors and they have alot of time on their hands as well, in my game I do tend to add atleast skidding/dashing tough, even tough I haven't used Construct much I will learn how to add it eventually, I couldn't use Construct because I have school work to do and it's difficult to work on games when you have essays to write/complete.

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  • Oh sorry >_< I read it wrong, it's 9:07 PM late here in Malta, couldn't concentrate, glad to know C2 will be portable.