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  • People on another site were talking about making games, and EVERY time I bring up Construct, my suggestions fall on deaf ears. Not this time, however. But... as I'll show you in the post, things didn't go well. ;_;

    Although, I should've expected something like this when he asked what the file extension of the projects were. I was like, "He couldn't be asking what the file extensions are. That's impossible! What does that matter? What would that prove? He must be asking what file types work with Construct and what it can do!"

    <img src="" height="929" width="999" border="0" />

    I've failed you guys. ;.;

  • Based on his first comment on Game Maker, I think he was asking what file formats Construct can export.

    Maybe post again explaining that Construct can export fully independent .exe files, that only need DirectX to run.


  • For the time being, no offence but for a fully made game Construct 1 shouldn't be used, so I have to agree with Paulkotsu there atleast for the stability part, using Construct to make a big game is frustrating, however Construct 2 is gonna be one of the best non-programming game maker once it's finished, so this is just my opinion here.

    Also I just stumbled upon "it can play avi files as well" it does but has very limited control over avi videos, you might find a plug-in somewhere however that has more support for avi then the one comes with Construct.

    The 3D box object was never complete and it is not gonna be complete, sure you can make some cool objects with it but it's use is very limited.

    Game Maker seems to have improved upon it's 3D objects and can play AVI files just fine and has more control then the standard Construct AVI object, consider C1 as the prototype of C2 as it's sequel will fix all these issues, except maybe for 3D object, since Construct 2 is aiming to be purely 2D.

    And yes, it can export exe files, Construct 2 can't for the time being however, it's gonna be implemented eventually

  • As KrushBrother said. However, it looks like the person is going to use GameMaker regardless of what you say. If they care, it'd be worth mentioning the following about Construct Classic:

    -Completely free and open source as well as a plugin SDK

    -Some (basic) 3D support without any complex scripting

    -Runs MUCH faster than any GameMaker game I've ever seen

    -Supports pixel shader effects

    -Some really nice plugins like R0j0hounds Texture Set plugin (allows a render-to-texture style effect)

    -Games can be scripted with Python, but events alone can make a great game (GameMaker is pretty broken without resorting to GML programming)

    -Game graphics can be more than just tile-based

    The list is pretty endless, but for support and (definitely) stability GameMaker wins, simply because it has been going on for so long.

    Edit: I disagree LavaWave, if you are making a full game you just need to know some limits, workarounds, and keep lots of backups. That's pretty much the same with any programming/game making tool. Construct Classic just needs a bit more time for refinement =]

    Playing avi's I agree doesn't work as well as it could, but the 3D model object surpases the 3D Box Object. With R0j0hounds plugin you can even do animations

  • For the time being, no offence but for a fully made game Construct 1 shouldn't be used, so I have to agree with Paulkotsu there atleast for the stability part, using Construct to make a big game is frustrating,

    I have to agree with Jayjay in disagreeing with you Lava.

    My game is huge, in landscape and scope, but as long as it's well designed, there's no reason why Construct 1 can't be used to create any size game.

    Admittedly the IDE can be fragile sometimes, but the exported .exe has never caused me any problems.

    I guess the proof will have to be in the pudding, sometime later this year.


  • I looked up some vids and it looks like c++ might be all round better

  • [quote:2a9vimrd]I looked up some vids and it looks like c++ might be all round better

    I agree on that one.If you know how to code,Then C++ always wins hands down.Game maker pro eases you into the wonderful world of programming.Construct helps you with your creative ideas.GM Pro also supports GMOGRE 3D which has shader support etc...

    The free version of game maker is pretty useless compared to Construct.But Construct 2 will be the ultimate drag and drop game creation app.I use construct to get an idea of the game i want to create and then i use C++ to create the full game.Im only doing this because Construct can be limited sometimes (full 3d shader's , MultiTexturing etc..).

    I also had this kind of response when i told other dev's about Construct,Some say that it's just a cut and paste app where you only have to change a few parameters to create a game which they say is cheating.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Don't bother playing the missionary... just make game and release them. Sooner or later they will begin asking what you are using.

  • Edit: I disagree LavaWave, if you are making a full game you just need to know some limits, workarounds, and keep lots of backups. That's pretty much the same with any programming/game making tool. Construct Classic just needs a bit more time for refinement =]

    Playing avi's I agree doesn't work as well as it could, but the 3D model object surpases the 3D Box Object. With R0j0hounds plugin you can even do animations

    Good point but Game Maker is stable and doesn't crush as often, I created my old games in it and they were kind of medium/large kind of games, anyway I shouldn't discuss this as this has already been discussed and it's a waste of energy to type out words on why C1 should be avoided for large projects/games.

    C2 will indeed be one of the best drag n drop game maker tool there will be, I'l buy it once it is finalised ofcourse.

  • Thanks for spreading the word... it's a great way to help us, suggesting CC/C2 on other forums. However, you shouldn't be surprised to get responses like this. Construct isn't the right tool for everybody - sometimes for someone's particular case, a different tool may be a better fit. You're not going to be able to persuade every single person ever to use Construct.

    Perhaps this user was looking for a tool that they could import an existing Game Maker project in to, because they did a lot of work on it. As far as they're concerned, it's possible other tools are compatible with Game Maker projects, but if not, they're not interested. You shouldn't get frustrated - although they weren't super clear, that's a reasonable position.

    However, other forum lurkers may read the thread and try out Construct! I see in our site referrers we do actually get a lot of hits from forums where Construct is mentioned in passing like that - even if nobody directly replies - so it still works! Also, Google counts it as an extra mention on the internet, and possibly another inbound link to our site, which helps our page rank. So it's still great to mention us around - just don't be forceful, remain respectful and understanding of the tools people use - and keep spreading the word!

  • hardware rendering > software rendering


    construct > game maker


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