ranma's Forum Posts

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. double click the sprite to open animation editor

    2. switch to "anim2" animation

    3a. right click on anim2 and click "Duplicate"

    3b. right click on anim2 and click "add animation"

    4. press enter

    Observed result:

    In the animation box "anim1" is selected, but in the image editor there's a "anim2" sprite. This rarely functions as expected, but most of the time above bug appears.

    Expected result:

    newly created animation is selected in the Animations box and loaded to editor

    Browsers affected:

    n/a - IDE problem

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 version:

    139 and below

  • You mean the "Fullscreen in browser" -> "Scale" option? Is it missing in your version?

  • and this is why I striped it down to these five copy pastes as everything else can be achieved when you have the access token, with ajax plugin that is already built in - true, you will have to tokenize responses, because there is no way to deserialize json received, but that is another thing.

  • but again, this is not acceptable in the arcade, mate :)

  • ok, I managed to add the get access token expression to the official plugin, if Ashley could take a look, below is everything you need to add it to the official plugin in the next release maybe? :)


    line 94:
    AddExpression(9, ef_return_string, "Get Access Token", "Facebook", "AccessToken", "Get the user's current access token.");


    line 38:
    var fbAccessToken = "";
    line 113:
    fbAccessToken = response["authResponse"]["accessToken"];
    line 133:
    fbAccessToken = response["authResponse"]["accessToken"];
    line 462:
    Exps.prototype.AccessToken = function (ret)

    that's it! 5 copy pastes, Ashley can we count on you? :) pleeeeeaaaaaaase, I'd love to publish my facebook integrated game to arcade, but I cannot because of this :( and also just imagin what kinds of features you're unlocking with this - every request to the graph api can now be made! retrieving friends, photo albums, videos, etcetc!

    and thanks go to of course :)

  • bumpidybump :( as the custom plugin still is not a solution (with arcade in mind)

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  • ok, thanks.

    maybe it's worth mentioning in the upload form?

  • Hi,

    We all know how arcade supports only official plugins, but what about webgl shaders? are there any limitations?


  • posting the exact steps to reproduce from blank new project:

    1) add second layout with event sheet

    2) in the event sheet 2 add a new global constant variable - VARIABLE1

    3) in the event sheet 1 add a new event with condition compare two values, one of them is your "VARIABLE1" constant

    4) delete the event sheet 2.

    5) run game, save, etc - you get error - probably caused by referencing a removed constant.

    hope that helps.

  • It really is impossible for us to investigate issues without a .capx and full steps to reproduce. This issue is very likely to be related to the particular project you used so it is absolutely necessary to always provide it.

    it's not, that's what I'm telling you from the start, you can use blank new project, add loader layout, add a constant variable to it, use some action with the constant in second layout and remove the loader layout. bang - crash + project corrupted :)

  • that's fine with me, everything you need to recreate the bug is in the original post, I just wanted to be helpful (for once ;) but if you think this bug is closed - no problem for me to be honest.

    also the "hit ctrl+c" doesnt work for me for some reason, that is why I suggested to make it a textarea of some kind. you want a capx with that? ;)

    now in all serioussness, don't get me wrong, but it's not me that should be pursuing a non bugged ide, it's scirra. closing a bug report just because it doesnt fit into general bug report template is not equal to fixing it.

    cheers anyhow.

  • Sorry i'm not using the bug template, but I don't think it applies here.

    Got this a moment ago:

    Check failure!

    Expression exception during export.

    Condition: false

    File: Projects\Parameters.cpp

    Line: 809

    Function class era::IExpression *__cdecl

    EventParameterERACallback::GetExpression(void) const

    Build: release 120.2 (64-bit) checked

    Componen: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    (it would be great if in future versions, these errors could be easily selected for copy and paste, cos writing them from screen to forums is a pain :)

    I used a loader layout in one of my projects, I went to project properties and changet it to not use the loader layout and deleted the layout that was used as a loader layout, previously changing the "first layout" to some other.

    In the loader layout I could have had (sorry if its not proper english - not my alma mater :) a constant global value, so it may be related to it.

  • 1. the playerimage sprite is placed outside of window border (the dotted border in the editor) - you need to enlarge it in project properties

    2. the playerimage sprite has platform behavior so it falls down, outside of layout, just as the game is started, because he has no platform to land on

  • post capx pls kthxbye :)

  • oh lol, didnt think of that, but that actually seems to be true :D

    gj rojo! :D