LanieCoder's Forum Posts

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  • I understand what is supposed to happen but I'm having issues with the parameters? Whats the tag for?

  • Can someone please give me a very simplified step by step process on how to send scores to a database?

    Everything I read isn't making sense to me.

    I have tried to use request and send. I can't even get it to call the PHP page?

    I am very beginner learner. I built a very basic game but I just need to send the scores. Can someone please help.


  • Hello, I would like a general quote for three custom point earning games and then after private discussion, an updated quote with the added custom ideas.

    Three game ideas:




    No 'official' artwork needed so placeholders are fine. No music or sound effects. I'm in need of just the functions o the game only.

    Each game will have my custom settings (that are not too drastic from the original).

    Thank you

  • Thanks, Kyatric. I decided to just keep using the bullet behavior, but I'll keep that in mind for next time!

  • Thanks, ! I actually figured it out. I did indeed have physics. I forgot to remove it.

    I am more curious about the SINE, though. It's meant for same repetitive movements but is there a way to change its direction on demand?

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  • I made a basic stacking game that will go on a larger site.

    One of the levels involves the stack moving back and forth. I tried using SINE but if the items on top are not stacked neatly, they will be pushed off screen since only the bottom brick will move and it carries the other bricks. Is there a way to change the direction if one of the carried bricks collides with a wall?

    Secondly: I use bullet and platform to achieve this level. The bottom brick bounces back and forth but I noticed that the collission check/sec increases nonstop since the brick above it is constantly colliding with it. Does the never-ending increase in colission check hurt anything?

    I also noticed that if the carrying brick moves too fast, the items on top will fly off.

    I can't pin the items to the brick since that will nullify collision.

    Is there a better way to do this?

    the other levels with no moving parts, just falling bricks, work perfectly fine.

  • Thanks!

  • Hey, all! I'm in the process of building a gaming website. Part of the website is to have a lot of mini games to win points. I am the only coder and a lot of my time needs to focus on the other aspects of the website. Is there a way or an area I can purchase a skeleton of a game and then build off of that on here? For instance, if I wanted a Bejeweled type game, I could purchase what someone else built and just adjust it from there?


  • PixelPower, I don't think that solves the problem.

    Here's a shot of how the jump works:

    The cat jumps up and forward. When it lands on the platform, EVERYTHING on screen moves. So the cat and all platforms (even invisible ones) move. When the platform touches the invisible 'home base', EVERYTHING stops moving. Everything is moving at the same speed and stops at the same time. No platform should be moving faster or slower than any other platform.

  • Sorry for the super delayed response. Here's the video: ... 1.mp4?dl=0

    Game play: Pressing 1 has a set jump to land on platform 1 and pressing 2 has a set jump to land on platform 2. These are the only keys in game play.

    Some things wrong:

    The platforms should stop at the same spot on the left side every single time. There's a hidden sprite there and "on collision" everything stops moving, but it seems that the platforms go past this hidden sprite sometimes.

    But most importantly:

    If you skip to the end of the video, you can clearly see one of the platforms spaz out and move much quicker and stop much closer than it's supposed to. Every platform lands where the 1 and 2 are, nowhere else.

    I didn't get THIS on video but there have been instances where the cat would go flying when I hit 1 or 2. Sometimes when I hit 1, it would jump as if it I hit 2, and sometimes when I hit 2, it would go FLYING off screen. And of course, sometimes the cat would just do a vertical leap and land back on the original platform.

    I'm just wondering WHY this happens (it happens in both regular AND debugging mode). The CPU usage according to the debugging mode is 2.5 mb which is MUCH less than the suggested 100.

  • Each level has it's own layout and event sheet. blackhornet

  • "Restart layout" seems pretty obvious but when I start the command in game, the game doesn't reset as if it was the first time it started. What can screw this up? Shouldn't everything reset, including globals/locals and the position of the sprites? It's kind of screwing everything up.

  • Haha, yes ! I do the same. I only started using construct a couple of weeks ago and can only dedicate my weekend time to it. i would much rather 'fake' my way through things with that limited time than try to do it the harder way.

  • Thanks and of course, I will literally spend 2+ hours on a simple logic before I ask for help. I don't want to be someone who appears that I don't try and test as many possibilities before reaching out. It's just frustrating because if everything went smoothly, I'd probably be on my 20th level by now. I'm stuck back at the first one! Ugh!