Learning to think "computer logically" is definitely a skill you will acquire and hone with practice. I've been tinkering with C2 for a couple of years now and am definitely now able to solve logic problems that would have been completely beyond me when I started. You will get a feel for it! And things will become easier the more you learn about C2 and the tools that are available to you.
I find that sometimes when I have literally no idea how to get it to do what I want it helps to sit down with a pen and paper and no distractions and work out, step by step, exactly what the software will need to do. One step at a time! If you want the program to do this, this, and this, how would you explain that to it? What is the first thing it would need to know, work out, or do? Every complicated function is just a bunch of very simple parts put one on top of the other.