LanieCoder's Forum Posts

  • ... .capx?dl=0

    When the instances appear on screen, they don't move instantly which causes a gap between the platforms to get wider and wider.

    How do I get them to move as soon as they appear?

  • Thank you. I don't even know why I used it to begin with. -_-

  • I started from scratch and will be attacking my game from a different angle. ... .capx?dl=0

    When the cat dies, more and more platforms are created. There are only supposed to be three platforms total, at most, on screen.

    Not sure why it's not resetting when the cat dies. I have tried 'restart layout' and i have tried 'go to layout>test' which would send it back to Level 1 but nothing is working. It should only be making the platforms at the start of the layout!

  • OMG, KYATRIC. I have copied, pasted, and deleted so many times I didn't even realize that. Thank you so much.

  • Here is the file: ... .capx?dl=0

    I set the global variable randomPlat to 1 to make the platform zero invisible. This number will be change at random at a later date.

    The issue is that I successfully make platform 0 disappear off screen (the game will be 400 wide, but it's set to 800 so I can see what's going on), but will become solid and visible when it enters game play area. There is nothing in the code that says it should do this. What's happening?

    I do have it set so when it hits the wormhole (the hidden sprite on the left side) that it becomes a solid and is visible but other than there, there is nothing that should make it do any of this before then.

  • lol 99Instances2Go, I looked at the event sheet and your coding is much more intricate than mine. I will have to dial back some. ALso,, since I posted this, I've changed a lot of things but thank you!! i'm keeping it for future reference.

  • It's a platform jumping came where the user has to hit the correct number that corresponds to the platform.

    Yes, all the platforms are the same size and spacing.

    Edit to add: ALL the platforms are spaced equally. Some of them will be invisible with solid disabled.

    As the platforms shift offscreen on the left side, they hit another hidden sprite which sends them back to the original point to be looped through the level again.

    I was just wondering how the acceleration number works so I can easily implement it. My coding is very young, so to speak, so there's no fancy tricks or anything. All straight forward. The way i have it is the cat jumps and the platforms accelerate at -12500. That number is very strange to me since the screen is only 400px wide. What does the 12500 mean? 12500 pixels?

  • 99Instances2Go, i just had a peak at the edits! Thank you!

  • Thank you for the help, 99Instances2Go. And thank you for the compliment! means a lot for my first game. Can't wait until I get more stuff into it.

  • I was just wondering what the 'math' is to the number when it comes to the play screen. The platforms in my game move left giving the illusion the character is moving right. I'm having a hard time trying to get the character to land directly in the middle of the platforms each time, plus trying to figure out the spacing between the platforms. There's so many slight changes I need to make to the acceleration of the platform that for all these levels that I'm making, I would be wasting a lot of time adjusting the number by small increments. So, I just wanted to know what the math would be to easily figure out speed and distances using the sprite origins and such.

  • My game consists of a cat jumping to platform to platform. The platforms shift to the left as the cat jumps, to give the illusion of a right scrolling level.

    For one of the platforms, the acceleration is -12225. What does this number mean exactly? I didn't see it in the manual.


  • Good idea, mikehive. I'll give that a try. But is it a bug that the spawned objects are not behaving like their parents? It just seems so weird.. especially when playing the game 20 times in a row and seeing no pattern whatsoever to when they would and would not move.

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  • I was having an issue of the player double tapping the keys when only one key press is allowed per jump. So, I added more conditions: the cat can't be moving, platform one and two can not be moving either. So in order for the cat to jump, nothing in the game should be moving. These platforms are destroyed once they are off the canvas.

    With that said, the moving platforms that don't stop when the character collides with a platform will eventually move off screen. They should be destroyed after this; however, I can't move the character so it must still be moving. It seems like the behaviors for the original sprites don't go to created duplicates..

    P.S. I originally had it so when that it had to be true that the character was NOT moving for the any action to happen with the key. For some reason, that didn't work until I added the conditions for the platforms, too.

  • I have two platforms that will generate offscreen. The platforms will move to the left to give the illusion that the character is moving right.

    My problem: when the new platforms generate, they don't follow the same rules as the platforms that start on screen. The ones that start on screen are platform one and platform two. The ones generated off screen are these same platforms.

    On jump, the platforms move at a set speed. On collision, all platforms stop moving. This works for the first few jumps but as the new objects are generated, they don't stop moving on collision. And unfortunately, it's only *some* of the time they will stop moving. Sometimes they move, sometimes they don't. What gives?

    The created objects are either platform one or platform two.