Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Remote preview will likely help out on this end.

  • LuisCGForte: If you bought through Scirra's store, send an email to providing your transaction ID for the purchase.

    Governador : Please, these forums are English only, always do post in English or provide a (google) translation to your post.

  • You could use regular tap on the screen in the Touch plugin.

    Your could use the light sensor in the User Media Plugin.

    I'm not aware of a way to use "vibration sensors", I'm not sure if they are accessible to browsers/HTML5.

  • MorrisFeldman: I have reuploaded and edited the link in the previous post.

    You can see the images now.

  • Construct 3 does not yet have a manual, but currently, most plugins and behaviors are the same as in Construct 2 so don't hesitate to check out Construct 2's manual for references about them. For example Fade behavior

    Most of what is written in C2's manual carries on to C3.

    You can use the common action "Destroy" to remove any instance (or the specifically picked instance) of a layout.

  • Looks like a bug with the "X spacing" value (if you set X spacing to 0, the tiles are not looking good, but the correct one is displayed).

    When tiles X space > 0, their index seems replaced (my tilemap does not use spacing so I had not encountered this issue).

    Definitely report a bug for it.

  • Strange.

    It could really help to have access to the project though.

    You can save a project like this by choosing Menu -> Project -> Save As -> Download a copy.

    Also consider filling a bug report including your platform informations, this could be helpful.

  • I have a project relying on tilemaps, and I can't say I have experienced this.

    Could you post your project or at least screenshots of the tilemap properties, tilemap bar, the tilemap in layout and the preview ?

  • Try Construct 3

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    • Post link icon

    Best approach to the voting would be to get votes back when an item is declined or accepted I guess.

    That's already what is planned as per this post in the first page.

  • In March 2017

    C2 New releases

    • No releases, focus was on Construct 3 for this month (see below)

    The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)

    Be sure to keep updated to the

    most recent release of Construct 2

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 2 you can report it in this forum BUT

    • Make sure it is not already a reported bug by searching through the "Bugs" forum
    • Make sure it is not a bug in your events, a difference between what you have coded and what you would expect
    • Make sure you're using the very latest version of Construct 2 (beta possibly, stable if this is the very latest release available)
    • Attach a .capx of the issue in the simplest manner possible (no 100+ events capx, no 10 mb capx)
    • Make sure to read Bug report requirements before posting and provide all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide)

    It is really important since about 50% of reports aren't bugs which takes time out of working on Construct2 directly.

    Be responsible, help everybody by making sure it's not your events in cause first.


    • v0.21.1 (Chromium 57) [Requires r217+]
    • Get the latest and current version and make sure you are using the appropriate Construct 2 release :

    Third part addons

    WebGL effects

    Blog posts

    • Scirra
      • The new Image and Animation editor - An article that introduces the new and improved Image and Animation editor in Construct 3. It does everything that you could do in Construct 2 and then some more.
      • Event sheet improvements in Construct 3 - An article that introduces a lot of improvements and new features for the events sheet, aimed at improving the workflow in Construct 3.
      • Construct's new website - A blog article about the new upcoming website for Construct 3 and Construct 2.
      • Introducing Remote Preview - A blog article about this new preview option that will allow for easy sharing of a project you work on to playtesters and getting direct feedback within Construct 3 while you are still working on the project.
      • Construct 3's Architecture - An article which presents the new improvements on C3's architecture's, the home made JavaScript framework used for the UI and various performance improvements already depicted.
      • UI improvements in Construct 3 - An article that displays the many improvements brought to Construct 3 User Interface and how they can add up to make your experience making games faster and funnier.
      • The Construct 3 beta starts march 28 - An article that gives the date for the start of the public beta of Construct 3 and summarizes announced C3 features.
      • Construct 3 game jam with Newgrounds - An article in which Tom announces a game jam that will occur during Construct 3 public beta phase, giving access to the full features version for free.
      • Construct 3 public Beta now available - An article that announces the launch of the Construct 3 public Beta.
      • Some bonus extra in Construct 3 - An article which indicates a few new tips and improvements you may have missed despite having access to the Beta. Amongst which, the highly requested "Create object by name", improvement to the bullet behavior's collision, access to C3 projects through URL and more.
    • Ashley

    C3 New releases

    • R12 - Welcome to the Construct 3 public beta!
    • R13 - The first round of bug fixes from the beta release
    • R14 - Another big batch of bug fixes and improvements!
    • Find all the releases and changelogs on the new website

    Construct 3 is currently going under a period of public beta test which does not represent the final quality of release.

    Please help with testing and be sure to keep an eye on further developments coming for it if you are interested about this software.

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 3 you can report it in this forum BUT

    • Make sure to read the Bug report guidelines before posting and to provide all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide). The "platform information" from the menu/about dialog is worth adding to your posts.

    EDIT 06 April : The bug report process has changed. Please now

    report your bugs on github following the instructions and templates provided there.

    You can discuss Construct 3 in this forum.

    Remember, as announced, ultimately forums and other community related discussion channels will be moved to the new


    Former retrospect

    As an added bonus, here is a list of the former "What you may have missed" posts for the year.

    March was a big month for Construct 3, following its announcement and releasing the Public Beta.

    A lot of work is still on the way so keep an eye out.

  • Your answer is in the manual.

    How events work

    is the fact that the event sheet is read 60 times per second.

    And each condition that is true is executed.

    So what you have done is basically spawning objects 60 times a second.

    In 2 seconds you have 120 object.

    In 60 seconds you have

    And each of those times, you are creating duplicates of the object when you should be creating objects only once.

    Actually make a Function that you call when you click, it will create a single object at the moment of clicking instead of "every tick".

  • You should actually check if 50 pixels from player's X position is belonging to a tile.

    To do so I'd suggest :

    This works for when the player is to the left of the tilemap.

    Invert the check for when the player is to the right, have the correct check depending on the direction the player is going.

  • It is the same as tracking score to a certain extent.

    Consider that each question in your text file do have an index.

    Have an array of 2 columns (X = question (index); Y 0 = Number of displays of the question; Y 1 = Number of correct answers) in your program.

    You pick the question randomly, yet you know that question X was asked. So you add 1 display to this question in the array.

    Depending on the result, you add one correct answer to X question (second column, Y 1).

    Save and load the array to and from local storage, this way you'll be able to do the tracking you are looking for.

    Obviously you can then get your statistics out knowing the number of times the question was displayed, the number of times it has been answered correctly and deducing the number of times it was answered wrong.

    Save this array to local storage and have it loaded

    • Post link icon

    For now, ask questions in the C3 forum.

    Then, as indicated in the blog article about the new website, the new website will have a dedicated part for questions about C3 where content will be transferred to, little by little.

    If, for now, you encounter C3 questions in the How do I forum, please report them as wrong section so moderators can move them.

  • (I'll count myself as an expert in as well).

    To be honest, I don't mind the text in the blank event sheet at first, since from the moment you add an event to it, it disappears and is not to be seen again.

    It is like a graffiti in the empty event sheet, and even adding a comment makes it go away.

    As for the tooltip/field helpers, they are freaking helpful and preventing from having to go dive in the manual for a quick refresher when needed.

    Especially for the kind of objects you don't use everyday, or come back to later in your development.

    Sure for common actions/conditions they are "useless" after a while, but honestly it is easy to focus on the field(s) and not even pay attention to the small line on top of it.

    I think the suggestion of having them grayed is actually giving them more focus on top of making them harder to read if you want/need to, which in the end defeats both purposes.