[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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Cordova device Info mobile and browser modules detect-gpu
  • Hi, I bought this plugin :


    But it doesn't work, when I test my game with my android phone, it doesn't react at all !

    So I tried only your own example : example_cordovadialer.capx itself but it doesn't work either !!!

    It tried to built on Phonegap AND cocoon. I tried the original plugin automatically installed and then this new one : https://github.com/Rohfosho/CordovaCallNumberPlugin

    without success.. Please someone help me, I took an engagment to publish my app this week-end, it's VERY URGENT ! thx

    (Or else, if someone know an other method to dial a number in the events that WORKS, please tell me)

    thx a lot

  • hi cranberrygame

    Not working plugins CordovaWallPaper (can't set wallpaper, I tested in 3 phones, I use example .capx ) and CordovaSoftKeyboard (intelxdk build error 10 times)

  • Hi cranberrygame

    I'm using Cordova Camera in my app, it works great on andorid, but for ios, I am able to take photo or choose photo from photo library, but it could not load into the sprite.. I'm doing this action by

    Cordova Camera: On camera picture OK clicked

    • sprite: Load image from CordovaCamera.CameraPicture
  • I'm using the Cordova Camera and when I try upload to itunes connect I get this message from Apple:

    Missing Info.plist key - This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

    Please let me know what to do?

  • Hi. The cordova logo looks at the start of the game . How to remove cordova splash screen for android game Project. I use convert to intel xdk...

    Does not work when converted to APK...

  • Hi. The cordova logo looks at the start of the game . How to remove cordova splash screen for android game Project. I use convert to intel xdk...

    In your config.xml file at the bottom you'll see instructions

  • my config.xml file. I can't find

  • my config.xml file. I can't find

    Oh I thought you wanted to put your own in. In the plugin list there's one called "Cordova SplashScreen" that auto hides it.

  • Hi everybody.

    I've added Chartboost ad plugin to my C2 project. ( rewarded video plugin)

    When i'm trying to test it from intel xdk ( app preview) it works fine on the android phone,

    but when i'm building app, it doesn't work on a phone and the app quits instantly.

    On the other phone it shows server connection issue ( and shows a path to the android assets, index.html etc)

    Did anyone had this issue?


  • Hi everybody.

    I've added Chartboost ad plugin to my C2 project. ( rewarded video plugin)

    When i'm trying to test it from intel xdk ( app preview) it works fine on the android phone,

    but when i'm building app, it doesn't work on a phone and the app quits instantly.

    On the other phone it shows server connection issue ( and shows a path to the android assets, index.html etc)

    Did anyone had this issue?


    I had the same issue with this, but i'm using Cocoon.IO

    When in developer app, the game doesn't crash and can load & show the ads (interstitial and rewarded video)

    But when i compile it to a live APK, and open the app (after the cocoon splash screen) the game quits instantly without warning.

    At Cocoon forum, they said that it's the Cocoon's fault and not the plugins.

    But after seeing this problem with XDK also, i think it's the plugins fault?

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  • cranberrygame : Do you have the plugin that supports "Saved Games - Google Play" that saves game data to Google Drive to synchronize player game data across multiple devices? I have already bought the plugin, but I saw that Cordova Game doesn't have this feature.

    So is there actually one?


  • I'm using the Cordova Camera and when I try upload to itunes connect I get this message from Apple:

    Missing Info.plist key - This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

    Please let me know what to do?

    Solved this adding the following to intelxdk.config.additions

    <!-- +iOS --><config-file target="*-Info.plist" parent="NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" overwrite="true">


    <string>We need access to your photos for whatever reason</string>



  • Hello Cranberry.

    I was wondering if you had other options for InApp browser. For some reason your "Close Window" action doesn't work on an Android device. Users are forced to press the Home button if they want to exit app.

  • 1 - Estou utilizando o addon cranberrygame_CordovaAppodeal_1.0.9 em meu projeto no construct 2.

    2 - Logo após eu compilo no cocoon.io utilizando o plugin https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal.git// Estou apenas usando esse plug in em meu projeto

    3 - Quando fui compilar deu esse erro: Log de erro do cocoon.io


    /workspace/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1


    [2017-04-13 18:24:09.189] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] cordova restore platforms

    [2017-04-13 18:24:09.207] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] adding engine androidwvw@6.1.0

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk

    [2017-04-13 18:24:56.899] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] cordova restore plugins

    [2017-04-13 18:24:56.902] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] adding plugin https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordov ... podeal.git

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/README.md

    skipping existing file: applicationKey.png

    skipping existing file: index.html

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/README.md

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/README.md

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/plugin.xml

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.java

    skipping existing file: applovin-sdk-5.4.3.jar

    skipping existing file: appodeal-1.12.2.jar

    skipping existing file: appodeal-1.12.2_cranberrygame_remove_com_mopub.jar

    skipping existing file: supersonic-sdk-5.14.jar

    skipping existing file: AerServSDK

    skipping existing file: ASAdView.h

    skipping existing file: ASInterstitialViewController.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: CodeDirectory

    skipping existing file: CodeRequirements

    skipping existing file: CodeResources

    skipping existing file: CodeSignature

    skipping existing file: embedded.mobileprovision



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk

    [2017-04-13 18:25:03.608] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - /workspace/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1

  • Hi all,

    I bought the package 3 days ago, and I still have not received the download link, I have work to complete, what is happening? It's fake?

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