Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Please check the steps in this bug report :

    Consider posting your own results in the topic.

    Reporting issues for C3 should be done in the bug reports forums, not the general discussion forums, thanks.

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  • Bug reports ?

  • - Auto-Close windows (behavior,instance variables,etc...) when we click outside of it , or just by losing focus

    I don't agree with that one at all. At times, I have to click in the properties bar, or elsewhere and still want this dialog to be kept opened for I am adding variables and/or behaviors. Closing on focus lost would make sense in certain case, but in most it wouldn't.

    As far as my work habit and workflow goes, this is not something I would wish for.

  • As seen in the How do I FAQ (where to check before posting any question) :

    [quote:fun2mtct]How do I open a recent project in an older release - LINK

  • : I think it works for questions about third-part addons as well.

    To me it makes sense to have such a comparison question here.

  • : Why ?

  • Guif0DA:

    [quote:7h7diw8e]Why haven't you responded to my bug report yet?

    We do look at every report, but developer and release schedules mean we may not get round to it immediately. Please allow a few weeks for it to be investigated.

    Construct 3 public beta has been announced for next week which understandably can bring a bit more time in the C2 bug reviews currently.

  • That's a good question.

    Please send an email to that will make it easier to investigate and treat this issue in a quick manner.

    Posting in the forums will only get your report lost without being investigated.

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    It was indeed sent from the support.

  • You possibly should add the "NW.JS" object to your project, and instead of invoke download, try to "write file" UserMedia.CanvasRecordingURL.

    I haven't tried it, so no guarantee it will work.

  • When creating an object, you can set its UID as value of a cell.

    This way, if you know what your cell is supposed to be (for example X2 is supposed to be red) the UID contained at will be of a red sprite.

    (in the event where you Create object Sprite, you set Array X 2 to Sprite.UID)

    Your sprite can be red by either being an instance of a Sprite that only contain an animation frame Red, or the instance of a Sprite that is set to animation frame Red and whose animation is 0.

    Depending on what you are attempting to do with your Sprite later on, one or the other solution may be more appropriate.

  • Some of your answer concerning the difference between personal and business is in this page and in the licensing terms.

    With a license, you can modify the Project property "Loader style" which allows you to change from the Construct 2 splash on loading to another loader style you can customise.

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    [quote:2lf1ql6x]and the mods should review and add files they think are useful

    The mods have other things to do and moderate the forums/website on their free time.

    Each time your suggestions contains "mods should" you're considering adding a work load on people who do voluntary work.

    I've been pretty much doing what you are suggesting in the How do I FAQ for the better part of 6 years now.

    I've always asked to have people proposing to put in some useful links because I can't read and see all the capx around. You can see in 6 years, there have been a handful of proposal in the topic at best.

    In the end I still add as much elements I find useful to it when I go through the forums, but it is far less than there actually are good capx posted.

    And moreover, in the end, most people don't go through the How do I FAQ anyway and go on to post the same questions over and over in the forums. It has been so for years, despite the resource being there for them.

    Also to consider : Capx are the creation of their authors. Most capx evolve over time and versions. So the original author is the one to be around to maintain the capx and make it still working. When this user has gone out of reach/activity generally another user takes over and maintain his own version of the file.

    The tutorials contains a section "example capx" in which you could just post the link to the forum topic the capx is an answer to. No need for a tutorial in that case.

    That can already be handled by the users as long as they use the tools already at disposal.

    At last, I have a feeling this topic has not been understood for what I meant it to be.

    Currently, when you click an existing Dropbox link, there are chances for it to return a 404 error.

    If it does DO warn the person who posted the link. Some inactive users won't do anything about it, and sure those files are likely lost.

    But other will update and share their capx again.

    I was doing this topic thinking of the How do I FAQ which can easily bring people to encounter "missing capx" and images.

    It deviated pretty quickly on a subject about other file hosts and suggestion to reinvent the wheel. I don't understand why and to keep the topic on track I prefer to lock it for now.

  • Still try to rename the file from .capx to .zip and try to decompress it in a temporary folder.

    You will have a .caproj file you can edit in the notepad and see if you can open up in Construct 2 nonetheless.

    Otherwise, time to save instances of your capx and do some backups from time to time.