Kyatric's Forum Posts

    • Post link icon

    Dropbox removed its Public Folder.

    So now, you may find yourself trying to download Capx files (or even view images) or anything that were shared through the public folder of dropbox and end up with a 404 error, file not found.

    Some of those files will likely be lost for good.

    For others, it is likely possible to get them by asking them to their author, if he/she's still active in the forums.

    The best thing to do is to post in the topic where you have found a file you want to download.

    In your post, make sure to alert the person who posted the original file using nickname (with the proper capital letters and proper name, otherwise the alert won't work).

    Let them know the URL of the post they posted the capx in and ask them nicely if they can post it again using another service or share it some other way.

    Tip by shinkan:

    Normally when you want to share a file you'll get a link similar to this: ... .capx?dl=0 (some random link from the forum)

    So when you click on it new dropbox page will open where you can sign in, download file etc etc... it's just to many clicks...

    Instead all you need to do is to change the last dl=0 to dl=1. So the link looks like this: ... .capx?dl=1

    Then when you click on it download will start immediately without annoying new pages, clicks, confirmations etc.

    So, yeah that's it. Little tip to speed things up <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Best regards and take care!

    Tip by Ethan:

    add ?raw=1 to have images appear in the post rather than an link to the image.


  • rah: You can also check the How do I FAQ and see there are some examples on the subject :

    [quote:1jefy7ll]Obtain non-repeating numbers from a fixed set - LINK

    [quote:1jefy7ll]Obtain random numbers without repeat - LINK

    [quote:1jefy7ll]Another way to obtain random numbers without repeat (lottery like) - LINK

    [quote:1jefy7ll]Randomize an array without duplicates/repeat numbers - LINK

  • Add a new animation, no.

    But loading frames on the fly can be done by using the Sprite's action "Load from URL".

    Nevertheless, the animation and frames must already be there.

  • The forums are not Scirra's support. To question the support itself, do so by sending an email to where you'll get official answers and where google translate will be used.

    The forums are a different service, having purchased Construct does not give any special rights of use or of behavior in the forums to the users paying or not.

    English is used as an international language (as well as Scirra's main language).

    Items are checked for approval every business day. There are no "minimum", it is your choice what you sell and at what price.

    Depending on the quality of your items and what is available on the market, you can see if it makes sense and if it will sell.

    To provide and make commercial usage of game templates (made in Construct 2) though, you need to own a valid license for Construct 2.

    As per the licensing terms, you cannot use the free edition to sell templates.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • In February 2017

    New releases

    The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)

    Be sure to keep updated to the

    most recent release of Construct 2

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 2 you can report it in this forum BUT

    • Make sure it is not already a reported bug by searching through the "Bugs" forum
    • Make sure it is not a bug in your events, a difference between what you have coded and what you would expect
    • Make sure you're using the very latest version of Construct 2 (beta possibly, stable if this is the very latest release available)
    • Attach a .capx of the issue in the simplest manner possible (no 100+ events capx, no 10 mb capx)
    • Make sure to read Bug report requirements before posting and providing all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide)

    It is really important since about 50% of reports aren't bugs which takes time out of working on Construct2 directly.

    Be responsible, help everybody by making sure it's not your events in cause first.


    Third part addons

    WebGL effects

    Blog posts

    • Scirra
      • Announcing Construct 3 - An article that does announce the release plans for Construct 3 as well as the fact C3 will be browser-based and the license system for it.
      • A first look at Construct 3 - An article that does announce the some of the new features and tries to answer some of the concerns that rose on the announcement day.
      • Construct 3 on mobile - An article that announces how Construct 3 does currently work on mobiles as well, and can already be executed on Android phones and tablets. A note also on the browsers that currently can execute Construct 3 or not.
      • Building mobile apps in Construct 3 - An article that explains how Construct 3 will provide a build service to export to mobile that is close to a one-click operation. Export your project, get your APK file (IPA hopefully in the future) and be allowed to use IAP/AdMob maintained by Scirra themselves.
      • Live previews in the Construct 3 editor - An article with quite some videos to demonstrate the features presented: Live previews. For objects like particles and sprites, have a preview in the layout view of the animation and the result of its set parameters.
      • Finding in Construct 3 projects - An article about the new search functions available in Construct 3 that allow you to look into events through the whole project as well as reference to an object/add on.
      • Integrated Web Fonts in Construct 3 - An article displaying the new improvements made to manage Web Fonts easier inside the project while edition and at runtime. Also hints at the new Edit Text dialog and a few other usability things you might like.
      • Saving and loading projects in Construct 3 - An article that explains the several ways Construct 3 will provide to save and load projects locally, in the browser space or even in the cloud.
      • New editors in Construct 3 - An article that introduces new editors to help visualise the content of the dictionary and array data structures as well as a text editor to handle any other type of project file that could be added to your project.
      • Addons in Construct 3 - An article which introduces the way addons will be handled in Construct 3. Construct 2 addons will need a quick update from their author's to be compatible with Construct 3's format, an Addon Manager will be available in Construct 3 to handle the built in and third-part addons installed in the editor and projects will be available to bundle with external addons to be opened and worked on even if the addon is not installed on the destination editor.


    Former retrospect

    As an added bonus, here is a list of the former "What you may have missed" posts for the year.

    The big news this month is the announcement of Construct 3 and a lot of blog posts introducing the features it will contain.

    See you next month.

  • In your sub event 25 each tick (60 in a second) that the frame is displayed, a bullet is created.

    Add the system condition "Trigger once while true" to create only a single bullet and so have a single hit.

    Same to the sub event 30.

    Also you probably will need to use instance variables instead of global variables to keep on with your project.

    Also, you should look into including event sheet instead of redoing tons of the same events in different layouts.

  • Moved.

  • What is the OS you are executing your game on ?

    Do you have an URL for your game ?

  • If you are talking about webfonts, that is due to the fact that each browser has a different rendering system and handling of fonts.

    Only way to fix it would be for browser vendors to standardize the way they render fonts. We're not there yet.

  • Moved as requested.

  • You can find version 242 via Google. Just type in Construct2 r242

    Or simpler, look at the bottom of any page of the website and notice how there are two links in the "Download" column, one for the latest stable release, one for the latest beta release.

    Sometimes, google is not your friend.

  • Indeed families sounds like something that should work.

    Your issue might come from Function picking that you would have to handle differently.

    You rely on the Function.ReturnValue from "Monster_Hit", but pass no UID for picking to MonsterHit (and we don't know what is inside this function).

    Adapt it so it can handle families and is passed the family UID of the correctly picked monster and all should work as intended.

  • The problem is if you set something to play while you are touching the screen it will be triggered over and over as long as you touch the screen until you crash the sound card.

    That is accurate.

    So simply use the condition "Sound is not playing" (right click the condition/Invert) from the audio plugin in your "rubbing" event to play the sound in loop.

    Event Rubbing

    • Sound is NOT playing => Play sound

    Event Stopped Rubbing

    • Sound is playing => Stop sound
  • It is normal for a global variable to be static by default.

    Static means that the value it contains is stored and stays the same between an execution tick to another (which is what you do want from a global variable, for the value it contains to be stored and not reset each tick).

    What prevents from modifying the value is the fact that the variable is Constant (its value cannot be modified at runtime).