Kouji San's Forum Posts

  • Well I think it really comes down to how much individual unique artwork instances you're using. Are you reusing anything at all (instancing) or are you using loads upon loads of large images to create the world layout?

    Also what does the debugger say about VRAM?

  • Uploaded a new build. If you got a crash earlier, please try this one.

    Ah you also fixed the cfg file not working initially it seems

    Can I make a suggestion for version control? You might want to start using builds for version control and the possibility of adding release/patchlists based on said builds. Might make it easier for the public and yourself to keep track of things.

    For instance this would be "pub-build2" (or whatever iteration system you want to use of course )


    When you respawn and already have the movement keys pressed your sprite stays in the respawn state and you can't shoot/run or jump. Only way to fix it is by going into ballmode. Doesn't happen at the start though, just on a savepoint


    I can't seem to reproduce it though, so it might have been a one time unlucky keycombo...

  • Initially I had to run the ControlConfig.exe, apparently the cfg file in the zip doesn't work

  • This is some amazing stuff right there, as a matter of fact I'm going to feature your tech demo trailer on my channel for a while (heh it might help just a bit a bit )

  • I keep running into this on forums... I'm scared!

  • I can "see" your ninja, he needs more practice

    Seems interesting to see this in motion someday

  • A minimalistic looks is quite hard to pull off with a good results, you sir are have certainly mastered that. Love those graphics!


    Hehe, I wish it would be released "soon", still so much to implement and probably more when ideas pop into my head for it

  • Might want to include the font in there, on WindowsXP it is lacking the font at default (I don't have it installed )

  • Nope, this isn't actually a screenshot, but a showcase video I just made of what I have working for now. t'Be allowed in here I hope? I mean technically a video is a bunch of screenshots pasted together

    You might want to ignore the awesome developer mode tiles in there!

    http://www.youtube.com/user/kouji82?fea ... rOYmZNGjzM

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  • > Beautiful, I like how foreground and background colors blend nicely together. May I ask, how water splashes are made, particle generator?


    Yes, it's a particle emitter

    Hit me up with mo'info on it when you've got an alpha playtest version, I'd love to do an Indie Indeed showcase! YouTube ftw

    Also love the Kirby meets Anime vibe, it gives me

  • You know, Minecraft comes to mind as well. However, I think a game which has replay value is also a very good option, instead of loads upon loads of content. Heh in this case Tetris comes to mind

    Because if a game has a theme going for it, it could get stale after a while if it just more of the same with a different coating so to speak...

  • More info:

    • When you use a sprite as a mask, you have to use at least 2x multisampling
    • When you use a canvas as a mask, you can turn multisampling off as well
    • Adding a mask effect to a sprite or canvas and sending it to the front, you can have it affect only the layer it is on. This was kind of fiddly using a sprite, but with a canvas it works so much better!
    • Adding a sprite to use as a mask on a layer, you can't use another mask effect sprite on top of it to mess with the first mask sprite partial visibility/invisibility. They don't play nice together and keep everything invisible, which was invisible for the first sprite. This is where the canvas object comes in!

    I didn't know about the canvas object's existence, but reading trough this forum I found out it was in there somewhere. As a matter of fact, a lot of stuff posted on these forums were kind off related to what I want, but not quite. So by messing with all of those things and molding into what I wanted. You guys did indeed help me out indirectly. Good info on here, thanks for that at least

  • Alright, I've been hammering away at it some more.

    To get rid of the trails or what we call "hall of mirrors" or "leaks into the void" on some older 3D engines

    Application settings needs to have multisampling set to at least 2x for this to go away.

    "Run without pixel shader" is off by default as well? Ah well not needed for this one of course, but still something to keep in mind indeed

    With that solved (and quite logical indeed, D'oh!), onto my next question.

    I've got a few layers I want to cover partially with a texture, using this Mask effect on a layer higher up in the layers list. Can I force this effect only affect a specific layer, ie: one layer below it and not the rest?

  • Well, I've been fiddling with this effect and it seems it is buggy. After reading trough this thread, which has the same issue as I'm seeing

    And not knowing the policy on thread necromancy on these here forums, I took the liberty of posting a new thread.

    So here's what I'm seeing with for example three layers

    • Layer 3, mask layer (using alpha it seems for visibility of what's underneath)
    • Layer 2, which should peek trough
    • Layer 1, which should be left alone has all kinds of pretty test box thingies on it

    All of the above works, well sometimes... I've seen it influence layer 1 as well. As I've read in the thread linked above, it seems the mask just outright refuses to update after moving/scrolling or even re-testing using debug all. Leaving trails and simply not updating the render at all. Checking "force own textures" as suggested in the thread, doesn't seem to do anything either.

    So what's the deal, how is the Mask effect actually used. I REALLY need to have some kind of mask effect for something I'm working on.

  • > I need it to get the initial state of the game going.


    On load does not trigger at game start, but after having loaded a save file. If that is what you want, you should be able to use it by doing a Load from disk (or Quickload) followed by on load.

    Aha, I see where I went wrong with this. I was comparing it to Flash's on load event. I need to use Start of layout instead to init things (on load ) and on load is and external loader...

    Thanks for that piece of info!