Kouji San's Forum Posts

  • Looks cool


  • Booster Z-Frame is a Single player Top-Down Hyperspace jumping Space Shooter with a Randomly Generated Adventure

    You will be piloting a modular ship, which you can adapt to your playstyle or to the environment using various artifacts, addons or upgrades you can obtain or buy in shops. Just trying to get back to your homeworld after your support frigate was destroyed.

    Following each Hyperspace jump, you'll have to explore the space around you to gather resources. There will be many dangers out there in the forms of black holes, pulsars, stars, nebulas and of course the fleet that's chasing you. The good thing is, your space fighter is quite capable to defending itself and even take the fight to the enemy. However, always keep in mind, you're just one ship out there in a world that is mostly out to destroy you, with a few neutral or friendly exceptions...

    Full Game Description on the website

    Trello, live development tracking:


    Latest Playable Alpha for fun and feedback purposes

    Play the latest Alpha

    • public Alpha Build 54 (2015-Jan-08)

    Alpha Build 54 screenshots

    Alpha Build 52 screenshots

    Older Alpha Build 38 techdemo video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    - Streamed live on Dec 8, 2014

  • Soooo, this happened

    Also don't take it personally, I like to break games to see if they do funny things. It's the playtester blood that runs inside my veins and sadistic nature

  • Seem very interesting, but than I'm a huge fan of randomly generated survival games. Really liking the style as well! Are you also adding day and night sequences, with Construct 2's dynamic shadows and "darkness layer", it would really add to the atmosphere and depth

  • Lol disregard my previous comment about it taking to long to build, APPARENTLY you need to press space to place the structure and the actual construction takes 3 taps on the anvil. Here's what happened, why it drew that conclusion

    Once I'd constructed the turret (tapping 1, when I had enough resources) I proceeded to the turret platforms where the blue(green) print snaps in place, and pressed 1 again, I was in build mode once more. Banging away with the hammer on the anvil and not being able to move. I was under the impression this is where he was erecting the structure, just lacking a build progress indicator (what with being alpha and all). But as you can guess, it took forever and by the time I thought was a reasonable construction time, the drones were already knocking on the door (killing me). Basically you are stuck in build mode forever.


  • San

    This one is a design decision as I want the game to be a survival at heart. You have to find time and space to be able to build or get hit by a robot and do it anyway. Thanks for playing!

    Fair enough and I definitely like that idea, but right now it's not clear how long it would take to construct it. That was my pet peeve with it

    Also I'm not sure why it is happening, but sometimes you keep on walking on auto pilot, when releasing the movement keys. Mostly when rapidly spamming WASD to evade the enemies. Spamming the WASD keys some more gives you back control, it's fairly easy to reproduce

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  • One suggestion could be showing the (A) button when you're on top of Junk, so the player knows he can scavenge it.

    You can also throw some text hints on the HUD (per example, when you've got enough Junk, you can show a text "Now you have enough to build your first turret, that will kill those ***********

    You can imagine the rest, let the game teach the user, not otherwise.

    QFE! This is probably the best advice for any game designer, games need to be intuitive. Learn by play so to speak

  • I really like the look and feel you've got going here. I'm just a bit confused how to get those gadgets up and running. Being forced to stand still while constructing instead of still being able to manoeuvre is the bane in my hobo engineer existence

    That or I'm doing something wrong here...

  • BoosterBarrierBlaster - A random space adventure

  • Booster Bubble Blaster Techdemo Build 38

    • A random space adventure

  • Yeah, the developer tiles and random (insider) information, I'm talking about in in the video's are somewhat confusing. The funny thing is, the ingame chars look very consistent compared to the comic itself :P

    Short sitrep:

    I've got animation for movement (walking), idle animations, holster/draw weapon finished and working ingame. Now I'm working on the ladder animation and transition animations as well. And after I've got those ingame and working, I'll start work on the world art and perhaps some weapon sounds and shooting scripts.

    The next video will probably be somekind of trailer with at least one or two enemies in there as well. giving a better view of where I want to go in terms of look and feel of the game <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • "Boom" is Dutch for Tree, so in the Netherlands it works fine. You none Dutchies obviously need a language patch to make it work :P

  • <center><font size="4">Avast me hearties, there is treasure to behold...</font></center>

    Well not really, but I do have the basic look of the main characters finished and also some animation. Which remain hidden for now, until I get them ingame, I'm not a fan of *.gif animations! I'm going to use 128x128 for the main chars and they will of course resemble their webcomic look and style.

    Here's a picture on indieDB showing you the guys of the game and webcomic


    Click on it for a bigger picture

    and some info on indieDB

    The link to the article on indieDB<font size="1"> when they approve it...</font></center>

  • Testing out the sound system was the main idea I had. however once I opened up Construct another idea came to mind, which could very well accompany the sound testing. Combining the sounds from Natural Selection and Super Mario Bros in a crossover platformer was the result.

    So here it is, an open source platformer with soundFX and music. I used the basic knowledge from platform school and some wiki powered sound


    IndieDB page - <font size="1">download inside</font>

    Heck I might continue this by adding more features, perhaps even turning it into a complete game (more chars like the flash version "Super Mario Bros. Corssover")

    Also feel free to use this or maybe even expand upon the game and if you want your build added to the indieDB page, just hit me up on here or on there. I'm all over the internet, there is always a way to contact me :P

    I think there's a possibility for developer teams for games on indieDB, if I'm not mistaken. Heh, I need to look into that I guess...

  • Nice, featuring the new trailer on my channel for a while. Really liking the new FX and character skills!