Kouji San's Forum Posts

  • Timing attacks is something that is an awesome concept, it has that Simon Belmont whip timing feel behind it apart from not being able to move in Castlevania. You know for placeholder art this lad has a lot of character already. I LOL at the death animation, it looked funny seeing him upside down like that

    Good stuff!

  • Absolutely loving the detail in your sprite work!

  • There are a bunch of fan made games out there, ie metroidlikes, vanialikes and they are technically in violation of copyright but don't seem to have issues. In terms of the Dragonball franchise, I've seen trouble for one of the mod makers out there. The mod Bid for Power had some issues if I recall correctly and even received a cease and desist order. So maybe their publishers are a bit more inclined to do those sorts of things.

    Certainly something to keep in mind, it's a dangerous game to play

  • Hey! Looks quite interesting.

    Tried to play, but could not figure out the controls for it :/

    Maybe a little hint?

    Thanks and yes that is the main question I keep hearing and I'm going to look into another control scheme (keyboard+mouse or gamepad).

    Current controls are as follows:

    To move you simply click and hold and then swipe in the direction you want to travel. The length of the swipe is relative the amount of force you apply.

    To shoot, click and hold and it will start shooting.

    The crystals are simple buttons you can press to change the power distribution of your ship. I guess you can clearly see that the initial idea was to have it run on tablets/phones (swipe based controls). The current controls will be used for those platforms, while I'll add proper input support for the computer platforms. I just haven't gotten around to it yet, other things are higher on the feature list right now

    I also played around with the particle systems, these explosions are in the game right now as well (Alpha 53)

  • Livestream developer interview tomorrow by Action Soup Studios, be sure to check it out if you're interested

    This video player can be used as a countdown timer

  • Nope, it was at the start f the first level when I blew up one of those turrets. It only happened once though, so it is one of those cute bugs that is hard to repro, I'm afraid...

  • Heh ok, never mind then, I searched these here forums and the manual and nothing came up about this missing condition. It just seems a bit odd to me the sliderbar has no visibility condition that's all. Well at least there is now a more descriptive thread on the forums, I guess everyone wins

  • Am I missing something here or is there an appearance condition missing from the sliderbar. I mean you can set it to either visible or invisible, but I can't seem to find a way to actually check if it is visible or invisible.

    Do I have to make a new layer to work around this missing option, toggling the layer visibility instead? Or perhaps using an Instance var...

  • I'm guessing you'd have to change this in the even sheet:

    Draggable| On DragDrop drop

    -->System | canFit = 1

    ----> Draggable | Set position to DropZone.SnapX(Self.X + 16) - 16, DropZone.SnapY(Self.Y + 16) - 16

    To half the size you want as it is using the origin of the tile +half the width of your tiles

    And then for both Tilemaps (DropZone and Draggable), setting the Tilemap width and height properties to the tile size you are using (set to 32x32 right now)

  • Magistross posted an example of exactly what you need, I think. The magic of tilemaps, have a look at this post

  • So here's my idea behind this. I've got a sprite with a turret behavior and a private var called faction. Is it possible to add turret targets based on that private var or perhaps based on animation?

    Sprite Ship1, faction: purple (animation purple, random frame)

    • Add all Ship1 sprites, which are of faction red to the turret targets of faction purple

    Sprite Ship1, faction: red (animation red, random frame)

    • Add all Ship1 sprites, which are of faction purple to the turret targets of faction red
    • Or add all Ship1 sprites which are running a different animation as the one I want to add the target to

    family Enemyships.faction != Ship1.faction OR family Enemyships.AnimationName != Ship1.AnimationName

    -> Ship1 Add target (Enemyships) to turret targets

    This seems to add all the ships, because it is family. Including their own faction and itself to the turret target list. Isn't this possible, using just one Sprite container for this...

    In short:

    Can you select two sprites from Ship1 and separate them somehow based on their private var (faction) or AnimationName

    Maybe one more question, is it somehow possible to see a turret's targets in some kind of list?

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  • You know, going through this thread and also finding out the various visual toys in C2. It's never ceases to amaze me what you can do with this engine if you've got the imagination and skills. Some really awesome looking stuff in here!

  • To add to what has been said already. To me it feels like the ship is too slow in terms of sideway movement, constantly having to throttle down to be able to hit stuff or pick stuff up feels wrong, even with the re-arming/fueling system in place. I mean slowing down still uses fuel and you might not make it to the next area of fueling, so to speak Usually shooters are all about being a badass using speed combined with some random bullethell thrown in.

    I like the idea behind having to hold still to refuel/rearm, but right now it's not intuitive as regisRquoi mentioned. Players tend to think they're pickups (simply fly over them to pick up). Just thinking out loud here, but maybe your type of gameplay isn't suited very well using a forced forward movement system. The screen can be forced forward just fine, but maybe give the player full control over movement instead? I'm guessing that would make the game flow a lot smoother in terms of playability

    • I guess you'd need to use a collision poly on the ship instead of box collision, I swear I've been killed by things actually not hitting me (especially walls, but I do suck at these kinds of games )
    • I think I found a bug, perhaps the enemy is not removed but turned invisible? Some of the time when they explode and going through the smoke they leave, I also explode. And I randomly exploded once after coming back from the pause screen, no idea what happened there

    I definitely like the detail on the units, good stuff!

  • Bullet Hell stresstest

  • Alpha 52!

    With Alpha Build 51 being quite boring to play, I hope this new build with a better spawn system and some small things added is at least nicer to play. Have a look at the new alpha on this here link, this one always links to the latest Alpha!

    Play the Alpha

    • The world spawns are much richer. Enemy ships, black holes and nebulas will spawn more often, nebulas are purely visual as of now apart from affecting your light output and bullet distance
    • Enemy ships will now spawn crystals
    • Crystal spawn bug fixed, no more up to five free crystals from one rock
    • The ship can now be destroyed with a placeholder effect, no more immortality
    • Black holes will eat your ship
    • Lights are back to the old way, it seems to work once more
    • Suns now have a bubbly effect
    • Startup scanner sweep now has correct information
    • Added an inventory, it doesn't work yet right now it's purely visual