Kouji San's Forum Posts

  • Well now that the game has been greenlit and n the final stages for an fairly complete early access release. Here are a few things about the game:

    Trello board with live development information:


    And I made two short timelapse video, the making of two ships:

    Touching up, to finish (I forgot to archive the first part on Twitch <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> )

    From start to finish

  • A FollowUp Interview tomorrow by Action Soup Studios

  • Somebody are you also going to add a way to move objects up or down in the z-index? Just having "move to top" and "move to bottom" is a bit limiting. Or rather a bit cumbersome to work with.

  • Somebody yep it seems to happen due to scaling and lighter colors show those lines a bit more clearly

  • Quite fun to use!

  • Thanks! I did see that tool and it is pretty damn amazing, good on ya! But I'm going for a retro 8 bit lo-fi look for the ships and a hi-fi (not music tower lol) for the effects and backgrounds. however nothing is set in stone of course <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I've messed around with lot's of options for controls and actually have the asteroid controls in there, they weren't tweaked yet so they don't work that well and as such disabled. Having said that, I'll probably add multiple control schemes in there based on what players prefer. I actually had a similar issue of losing track of movement due to the parallax layer messing with your depth vision I think.

    These controls are kinda based on Echoes, if I recall that control scheme correctly (can't get it to run on win7 64bits to check, too bad echoes was an awesome game). But it doesn't have these parallax layers messing with your mind <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


  • New alpha release! Alpha Build 54

  • Found a bug (web version, Chrome):

    If you're on the lift and go up/down and while it is moving press the opposite direction. The lift never stops and goes offscreen through the ceiling/floor, the sound also keeps playing. Pushing the buttons on the wall to call the lift doesn't work either if this happens.

  • Cool, did put a bit of work into those, tweaking them to work with the light/shadow and overall "darkness of space feel" I want in there as well, thanks! Also you're probably going to love this little mistake on my part then

    One variable and the walls come tumbling down, well not really but pretty cool nonetheless!

    I'm most likely also going to upgrade the bullet looks as well in a build further along the lines. I'm currently optimizing loads of things, not that it is needed in terms of performance. However, it is needed in terms of workflow of being able to add more enemy ship types and things to the game. Do missile wings and frigates or suicide drone corvettes sound exciting

  • For those interested while not having to fiddle with the spaces <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    http://tikimanthegame.altervista.org/al ... index.html

    I definitely like the artstyle, but the interactive objects do not stand out enough from the world/background. I hardly noticed you could pick up coins until it was in front of a blue sky background. Games in general should visually separate interactive objects from the game world.

    And I'm not quite sure what to do when on one of those lianas to climb up (arrows to move/jump, am I simply missing some key config there?)

    ALSO PLEASE NORMALIZE YOUR SOUNDS!!! I think a bird exploded in a tree all the way across the street because of that DeathSoundofDOOM <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • A sneak peek at the patchlist for Alpha 54

  • HELP!

  • Thanks always good to hear

    I've added rare planets with rings as well now, they will mess with your radio signals (confusing your scanner array from time to time) and have a lot of Dust (resource)

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  • Some graphical improvements and new parallax layered content, the closest layer visually will be home to interactive objects/planets/satellites etc...

  • The link for those interested

    Movement: WASD

    M: Jump

    N: Shoot

    Enter: Inventory/pause

    It does indeed play like Megaman, much nostalgia and good job on that. Would love see custom controls, but I saw you're working on that. It doesn't feel right on keyboard Is this also a learning project for something non-fanmade perhaps?