Reporting what I saw:
the fuel/missile thing is not intuitive. I mean, having to stay on them and not moving before fuel is 20 is both boring and not intuitive. You should fix that.
(+The fact that the fuel is still reducing when you're collecting it is frustrating, because we see that it should be collecting the fuel could be collected quicker, but
avkch couldn't manage to code that :p )
I think it's good that's going in a wall is instant-killing the player, but if it's a wall that is on the right or on the left, it's very frustrating. Maybe it shouldnt hurt, or not that much.
Also, the fact that the ship is going slower when you have been shot is cool, but maybe exessive, when I got shot, I just kill myself because I feel it will be quicker than doing the level like this. It wouldn't be a problem if we could regain health I think, or if it was less visible that we're going slower.
I guess that's all, there's some nice lvl design in it I think but I didnt note anything in particular.
Have a nice day