Air Guard (Simulator bomber)

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  • <img src="">

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    Air Guard - simulator of the bomber, in which you will need to rub out the terrorists blow up their fortifications, communications, technology! The game is colorful EFFECTS interaction bombings seems to me good voice acting. With a plot as usual did not bother. I did focus on gameplay. Management of helicopter built by inertia so that the helicopter is subject to the forces of gravity:)


    w,a,s,d - fly

    RMB - bomb

    LMB - shot

    Download 1.4 mb

  • Screenshots look familiar to me. I wonder where you got the idea.

  • ???? ?????????? ???? ? ????? ??????.

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    I was inspired by a game with this forum.

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  • I was being sarcastic.

    That's my game. Hehe.

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  • Might want to include the font in there, on WindowsXP it is lacking the font at default (I don't have it installed )

  • Seems like these type of games are very popular.Ive seen a video of an hillarious game called poopocallypse.Same type off backgrounds etc.. as this game, but it involves a bird that craps on everything.

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