kmsravindra's Forum Posts

  • Google has a "app invite" feature as shown here in the below video. Wondering if there is a way to integrate this into the construct2?

  • Good to know that! Thanks for your response.

  • Thanks I am trying to understand more about the utility expressions "Worldtolocal" and "localtoworld" and a use case context for the same...can you throw some light on that?

  • I really like the accuracy of chipmunk physics compared to Box2D in most of the aspects (especially the way collisions happen). Thanks a lot for giving us this plugin...

    R0J0hound, I wanted to show how the things around look like from a moving object (that has a behavior of chipmunk physics). More like a relative motion where I change the reference frame to a moving object...For example, the way the objects in the scene appear if I sit on a moving swing...

    Are the utility expressions "Worldtolocal" and "localtoworld" the ones that I need to use to translate other objects in the scene?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, I am having couple of issues if you can help -

    1. I have multiple layouts and using Q3Dmaster in one of the layout. When I navigate to the layout having the Q3DMaster and then back to any other layout that has buttons/listboxes, then the buttons/listboxes in other layouts disappear irrespective of whatever layer they are present on..I am using the "Behind" mode of Q3DMaster.

    2. When I use the "Inside" mode, then the listboxes/buttons on the other layouts show up in the above scenario...However inside mode renders everything upside down...

    Any help is appreciated.

  • OK, it says that "Your APK should include custom drawables assets for common tablet screen densities" and its takes me to section 4 of this link - ... blet-icons

    The Intel XDK has only option to upload assets in 4 icon sizes (36px at LDPI, 48 ,72 and 96px@XHDPI)...

    So I think this is a Intel XDK issue of not being able to upload more assets as requested in the above link...

    Any thoughts/suggestions how to get around this? Otherwise the app simply shows that it is NOT designed for tablets!

  • Kali, thanks for the info. I have uploaded 10inch screenshots but not the 7inch ones...So let me give it a try.

  • I am using Intel XDK crosswalk to build my app. When I upload the APK file to the production, then a bulb comes up next to the upload button saying "Design your app for tablets and a link - What you need to fix". When I click on What you need to fix, it says -

    Your Production APK needs to meet the following criteria:

    Your APK should include custom drawables assets for common tablet screen densities. Learn more

    And because of this reason, it looks like in the app store the app will not be mentioned in the category of "Designed for tablets". It will only be mentioned as "Designed for phones"

    In the build settings of Intel XDK crosswalk, I provided all the information needed. I am not sure what is the reason for this error. IntelRobert / someone knowing how to fix this using Intel XDK, could you please help?

  • Gigatron, There is this link wherein we could draw lines and curves using threejs - ... and-webgl/

    Wondering if this is possible using this plugin?

    Something like the below ? -

    geometry = new THREE.Geometry();

    geometry.vertices.push(new Vector2(x1, y1, 0));

    geometry.vertices.push(new Vector2(x2, y2, 0));

    material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, linewidth: 2 } );

    line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);


  • QuaziGNRLnose, There is this link wherein we could draw lines and curves using threejs - ... and-webgl/

    Wondering if this is possible using the Q3Dplugin? I havent seen the corresponding actions/conditions to draw a line, push vertices, draw curves for example. Please let me know.

    For example if the below has to be achieved using Q3D, is there a way to do it? -

    geometry = new THREE.Geometry();

    geometry.vertices.push(new Vector2(x1, y1, 0));

    geometry.vertices.push(new Vector2(x2, y2, 0));

    material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, linewidth: 2 } );

    line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);


    If this is not present in the current Q3D, can it be considered for the future version?

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  • I really wonder why such a critical plugin such as "Canvas" is not an integral part of Construct 2! There are so many basic stuff that can only be done using this plugin, that I really feel Scirra should consider integrating this plugin into Construct2..

  • bangTop, This is great! Are you planning to add the support for all the remaining gestures as well? I thought Intel has a pre-built Javascript API for all gestures that Realsense supports...So is it like - Realsense has only some basic support API and we have to come up with our own logic for the Realsense to recognize a specific gesture?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, Thanks. It works!

  • QuaziGNRLnose, I want to change the origin of the cylinder from its center to its base. Here is what I tried but none worked. Could you pls let me know which is the correct way of doing this?

    1. I changed the origin of the cylinder from its center to its base in blender and exported the json. However, the origin is still at the center when I run in C2.

    2. I have seen this suggestion on the stackoverflow to apply - "geometry.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( 0, cylinderHeight/2, 0 ) );" So I used "on model created" --> Translate (local space) and then "update model matrix". This also didnt change the origin of the cylinder from its center to the base.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, any luck with the fixes that we discussed couple of months back. Thanks!