kmsravindra's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound , I used canvas tool to create free hand curves and it works great. However the smoothing effect is missing in the free hand curves. Is there any way this can be converted to multiple beizer curves for smoothing effect as mentioned in this link - ... ating.html

    I believe this will be a very useful feature and greatly enhance the user experience with free hand drawn curves. Any pointers on how I can achieve this will be much appreciated. Thanks.

  • Does Q3D plugin support creating and using vector3 as in threejs ( for example -->

    var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();

    matrix.extractRotation( mesh.matrix );

    var direction = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );

    matrix.multiplyVector3( direction );

    kind of stuff ?)

    Given two thin cylinders ( representing vectors) in 3D, I wanted to align a plane that contains these two vectors. I am unable to find the relevant expressions in the plugin in this regard. The lookup vector / look towards conditions doesn't seem to help (or atleast I am unable to understand to use them for this purpose). Any pointers?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, I think it will be good if Q3D plugin could support exporting the models created to a 3D printing output format. As an usecase, I wanted to create an educational app where the user can create custom molecular structures inside the app and then I want to provide an ability for the user to 3D print the model that he/she creates. I believe threejs already has this feature as I have seen threejs editor supports exporting models created in the threejs editor. So it could be a matter of extending that feature to Q3D plugin...I am not sure how difficult/easy that would be but it will be definitely an interesting enhancement to the Q3D plugin. Please let me know.

  • I must add a note that, I am mostly into making apps that have educational value... So the idea behind this tool reflects this... It's more of a fun/entertainment tool along with learning spacial visualisation, three dimensional views etc., rather than a serious artist oriented tool.

  • Thanks. Its Q3D plugin from QuaziGNRLnose

  • Here is the youtube demo -

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I will be soon releasing it on iPad and Google play store.

    Please send in your comments / suggestions.

  • There is a javascript color picker along with touch support and could be a cool integration into Construct 2. This plugin will allow dynamic color changes to the Q3D objects, text objects etc.,

    Here is the link -

  • QuaziGNRLnose, Thanks for the suggestion. I will try that.

  • R0J0hound, I was wondering if there is any way I could make a color palette with canvas plugin using the gradient feature. One idea that I had was to use multiple small canvas objects on the screen with different color gradients. Is there any better way with a single canvas instance? Please let me know if this is possible?

    Since I can read the color value rgbaAT(touch.x,touch.y) using canvas plugin, I can apply that color to a Q3D model.

    EDIT : I was able to resolve this - Pasted a color palette image onto canvas. But after pasting the image, I lost some resolution of the palette...does the canvas paste use a color loss/reduction algorithm?

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  • I guess this plugin only works on PC.

  • What kind of help are you looking for? I haven't dealt with AI, but have made several educational simulations including 3D. You can take a look at the link in my signature for the apps that are hosted on itunes in this regard.

  • Bl4ckSh33p, I think I figured this out and got it working. You need to have browser--> Open newURL window --> instead of https:// in your URL, use itms-apps://

    Then it opens the iOS app store app directly w/o safari getting involved

    Also note that this functionality doesn't work in preview mode...It works after the app is installed on your iPhone/iPad. Hope you will find this information useful.

    Although the above approach works, Apple's recommended way of doing this is -


    NSString *iTunesLink = "";


    [UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:iTunesLink]];

    But I am not sure how to make this kind of code work in Construct2 for iOS. IF ANYONE HAS A BETTER WAY OF DEALING WITH THIS, PLEASE SHARE....

  • pablorocco, I am trying to do something similar to this. Just wanted to check if you had any further luck with this software? thanks!

  • Great to know! Thanks for accommodating this request.

  • Ashley, Wanted to know if there is any touch enhancement being planned to leverage "3D touch" iphone6s feature into construct2?