Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • frozze , I remember Quazi stating that you can't modify an object's geometry with his plugin, so I don't think your first question is possible.

    I'm pretty sure the second question is possible though.

  • Man, this is so much ******* fun to play around; fantastic stuff.

    One question QuaziGNRLnose :

    It seems like when I deactivate 'Debug body' in an object's 3D Physics settings it's the same as disabling 3D Physics completely, even though to my knowledge the only thing that should happen if you deactivate 'Debug body' is that the debug body basically turns transparent, am I correct?

    In my example, I'm working on a top-down view system. I was working on a ramp and this works fine with debug body enabled; the player can run towards the ramp and it moves him along the Z axis, like it should. But when I disable the debug body for the ramp it has the same 'hit box' as a normal box.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, any luck with the fixes that we discussed couple of months back. Thanks!

  • Debug bodies shouldn't affect the physics at all, and in my testing they never did. Are you 100% sure this is whats happening?


    crossy road is very possible, it's essentially 2D gameplay so you could get away without even using 3D physics. The rendering of course is also very easy to attain

    that fracturing however is not easily attainable. You can kind of fake it but getting the real effect wouldn't be possible cause the physics only supports simple primitives or built up objects made of simple primitives (box,sphere,cyclinder).


    I'm still too busy to work on Q3D atm.


    You can fake cell shading somewhat, by having a larger shell mesh with reversed normals/backface rendering. The shading itself wont be cell but you'll get the "toon" outline, and could play with the specularity/ambient settings to obtain some kind of toonish look.

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  • QuaziGNRLnose, I want to change the origin of the cylinder from its center to its base. Here is what I tried but none worked. Could you pls let me know which is the correct way of doing this?

    1. I changed the origin of the cylinder from its center to its base in blender and exported the json. However, the origin is still at the center when I run in C2.

    2. I have seen this suggestion on the stackoverflow to apply - "geometry.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( 0, cylinderHeight/2, 0 ) );" So I used "on model created" --> Translate (local space) and then "update model matrix". This also didnt change the origin of the cylinder from its center to the base.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, hi. Could you make an example moving player for Q3D Oimo physics behaviour?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, hi. Could you make an example moving player for Q3D Oimo physics behaviour?

    you mean moving player platformer based or moving player ... physics movement based (i.e pool ball game , bowling etc)?

  • , i meant player as in 3D shooter

  • kmsravindra

    you can do this by changing the "model fit"/"model center" properties. By default Q3D centers models, but you can adjust the center or leave it unchanged/default, and also use the model offset parameters.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, Thanks. It works!

  • QuaziGNRLnose, how to make highpoly body for physics objects?

  • you can only use primitives or combinations of primitives (to use combinations you must set up the extra colliders with events). This is for performance reasons.

  • Debug bodies shouldn't affect the physics at all, and in my testing they never did. Are you 100% sure this is whats happening?

    I tested it again, and yeah.. this is dependant on the debug body for some reason.

    I created a completely new object (box.obj), gave it the Q3M Physics behaviour and at the start of the Layout it rotates the physics body 45 degrees. Looks like this with the debug body activated

    Ignore the 3D model for now. Well, next the thing I did was to deactivate is the debug body, nothing else, and..

    The collision for that object is different now. I can't reach the same spot like in the first image (slightly inside the box). It all works when I activate physics body. Dunno where my error is Maybe I'm understanding something wrong? Sorry for the questioning again!

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Okay. I have another request: "Could you make an example moving player for Q3D Oimo physics behaviour?"

  • I can't really figure out what you mean from those images.

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