Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • QuaziGNRLnose, I am having couple of issues if you can help -

    1. I have multiple layouts and using Q3Dmaster in one of the layout. When I navigate to the layout having the Q3DMaster and then back to any other layout that has buttons/listboxes, then the buttons/listboxes in other layouts disappear irrespective of whatever layer they are present on..I am using the "Behind" mode of Q3DMaster.

    2. When I use the "Inside" mode, then the listboxes/buttons on the other layouts show up in the above scenario...However inside mode renders everything upside down...

    Any help is appreciated.

  • [quote:1y63jp7p]however having to many of those bullet holes may drop FPS in future gamepla

    That is why I would like to draw them to the object's texture directly. I'm hoping to make a system that finds xyz cords and then pastes a sprite unto the objects texture at those cords.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a closer look thanks.

    I don't need to get their distance in 3D for the game to function as intended. but I'll definitely try it out, might fix or improve the game altogether.

    I have thought that maybe the reason why the closest object to Home was because the camera was making objects appear to be further away than they are. But Now I've got a life system In place, that doesn't seems to be the case, as objects that look like the closest, but are not being recognised as the closest are colliding with Home correctly and causing the player to lose a life, meaning that it was definitely the closest.

    Is there something wrong with the way I'm using the "Distance" expression? I noticed that there's allot of different options for obtaining the x/y/z coordinates for a Q3DModel object e.g. Sx,Sy, Sz or nBx. Should I be using these? What's the difference between each of these? My guess its to do with mathematics but I'm not proficient in this kind of maths.

    Either way I'll revisit the distance gathering logic and see if theres something else that's causing it.

  • After reading the 140 pages I can say Q3D is a must have! Thanks to davioware team!!

  • ....

    hey quazi ... i was just wandering is there a way to load maps in .bsp format like in the CS1.6 etc games? it seems they are very fast as loading and generating, i need a good map loader or map creator, for q3d and i was just wandering if that could be possible, or some fast terrain creator and placing some crates around and walls, or do i have to do all by hand in the editor?

    if that is not possible, if im going to export a entire map like as an obj then load it in c2 wold that be having a box collision? or can i load it as a terrain from an object? dident played lately with the q3d so i just ask cause its faster then to bust my brains for something that may not be possible thanks

    or is it possible to load .mdl formats from halflife-etc ?

  • From my understanding you can only load .obj or three.js json model.

    You can also only use spheres/box primitives for physics. I haven't tried using these.

    I'm still waiting on updates to the shader features. Hopefully Quazi will get some time to work on stuff soon since he said he was taking a break a while ago.

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  • Hi,

    I'm trying to run the "lights and geometry" example but i get this error -

    Uncaught Type error: Cannot read property 'setHexR' of undefined Quazi3D_plugin.js line 2656 (col 42).

    I have the latest stable build of Chrome, Construct and NW.js.

    Also when i try the other examples and try clicking on any light action like lights/hemisphere it always brings up "Auto update shadows" instead. I'm guessing it's because there arnt any light based commands in the Q3D master that i can see, so how are the lights being created/set? The examples don't use any Q3dLight objects. I'm just trying to learn how to set up a scene.

    A bit disappointed with the lack of docs to be honest.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Is there any way to map a tilemap onto a created 3d object? Or create a object as a plain then repeat a texture frame over its surface to match a tilemaps tiles layout?

    I'm trying to reproduce a tilemap in 3d, i been able to do it by creating separate cubes objects at each tiles world coordinates but it equates to over 800 objects which causes the fps to drop to about 5 with around 80% cpu usage.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Hi ya! Have you been able to work on the Q3D-plugin lately? And if so, what are you working on?

    I would love a few new examples or better yet, implementation of things like working shaders, AO, DOF and so on.

  • purplemonkey

    hey wanted to ask you is there a way you can tell me the song name that u used in the example you shared around page 130 in this topic, i cant seem to find it on your example page in the developer console, seems u used an external link for it to load

    btw here something been working on for a few days https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0lqV ... HN5bVdudFE

    its a FPS KIT has a model crouch function/ reload/ WS moves to pointer /AD move on strafe lines/jump and kinda thats it..., however its kinda weird to determine the strafe left right when i switch to Y axes but il figure something out, i know can be done by calculating the RZ (angle of the object, ) the only problem is that my model rotates around its axes so the model mesh rotates bu not the object itself.... there for angle never changes... weird system but eh.. im guessing i need to learn theorem of pytagora again

  • > QuaziGNRLnose

    > Hi ya! Have you been able to work on the Q3D-plugin lately? And if so, what are you working on?

    > I would love a few new examples or better yet, implementation of things like working shaders, AO, DOF and so on.


    hey wanted to ask you is there a way you can tell me the song name that u used in the example you shared around page 130 in this topic, i cant seem to find it on your example page in the developer console, seems u used an external link for it to load

    Hi ya! I had to do a little digging because I couldn't remember the site I found it on. Alas, it's a site called MUSOPEN and it's got a bunch of public domain and copyright free classical music. The piece in particular is Waltz in A minor, B. 150 (Frédéric Chopin, Performed by Aya Higuchi).

  • a few questions.

    1: my model seems to be inverted on the y(up-down) axis. But I turned off collider fit.

    2: how can I turn off all shadow casting? What I mean is one side of my object is dark, but I want even lighting on all sides.

    3: is there a way I can have 2 objects touch and pull the UV data from that? my idea is having a player's ability's change depending on what color the ground is. I hope to pick the UV cord were the player is standing and cross reference that to the floors texture.

    thanks much.

  • Is anyone else having trouble with exporting? Some of my Q3D projects work on export and some just don't..

  • Is anyone else having trouble with exporting? Some of my Q3D projects work on export and some just don't..

    yes i tried last night exporting a demo.. and all i got is the basic shapes loading but the more complex ones wont load... 1 file in particular 25mb json model with 3 animations and 1 child in it .. hands and weapon atached in blender.. when im previewing the model loads.. in firefox and nwjs and chrome.. when i export... the map loads.. character is alive.. but no hands .. i added the loading process bar to see where it stops... and is always stoping around 70% for some reason the exporter doesn't exports all the data in the json file for that specific model.. its like skipping... is it because of r212.2 or above updates? or cause my file is big? il downgrade to some other stable older version and see if its still happening... but something is up after the windows 10 updates... also seems in r213 audio plugin isn't working.. and the minify script also posted the info in some other topic.. but was thinking is just me...


    actually i made it work... see here demo topic page seems on q3d you have to not minify the scripts if u do nothing will work properly ..

    anyways the final demo exporter by using NW.js loaded all most everything but the hands and gun... which without it.. there is no point of a game... also the physics oymo fails to work properly once i upload the game on html5 browser... its like the 2d web physics takes over for some reason

  • ,

    1. there's a 'collider' fit and a 'model' fit option, are you sure to be using the right one? Also, since different programs handle 3D axis their own way, it's a common problem if you had to turn your model upside down before exporting it.

    2. If you set the 'Material type' to 'Basic' (all the way in the bottom of the proprieties box), the model will be always fully lit. You won't even need any lights in the scene. You can also create a Q3D Light object and set its type to 'Ambient' if you can't use the Basic material for some reason.

    3. No idea :p

    purplemonkey , the only thing I can think of is you have to remember to NOT minimize scripts on exports. I'm always forgetting that myself

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