Rhed's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Just want to bump this post a final time. Really hoping there's someone who can share any thoughts of this. Thank you for reading.

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  • Hey AlmostDigital,

    Me, work colleagues and friends have had similar thoughts in the past and recently. I'd really like to highlight that for mobile developers, it is soo very important that we can mute the game audio and have background apps (such as music) still playing. Muting game audio isn't so much a worry, its just personal background music that is.

    Most mobile gamers often go straight to the options, mute music or sound and open their own music and listen to it while playing the game. Its a more personal experience and I personally feel it would be more professional if our apps (made in construct2/3) could do the same.

    Um, Does anyone have any ideas as to why all other audio is muted? Or anyway to stop it?

    Perhaps something can be done in Intel XDK for the apk, or a few lines in Xcode (Apple Products) or similar for different platforms.

    I'm not too familiar with xcode and all the like but any input on this would be great, and I'm sure we're not the only ones who want to play our games while listening to our own music.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a closer look thanks.

    I don't need to get their distance in 3D for the game to function as intended. but I'll definitely try it out, might fix or improve the game altogether.

    I have thought that maybe the reason why the closest object to Home was because the camera was making objects appear to be further away than they are. But Now I've got a life system In place, that doesn't seems to be the case, as objects that look like the closest, but are not being recognised as the closest are colliding with Home correctly and causing the player to lose a life, meaning that it was definitely the closest.

    Is there something wrong with the way I'm using the "Distance" expression? I noticed that there's allot of different options for obtaining the x/y/z coordinates for a Q3DModel object e.g. Sx,Sy, Sz or nBx. Should I be using these? What's the difference between each of these? My guess its to do with mathematics but I'm not proficient in this kind of maths.

    Either way I'll revisit the distance gathering logic and see if theres something else that's causing it.

  • Hey C2 Forums

    Been having some trouble trying to get Construct2 and Q3D to figure out the distance between many objects in 3 dimensions and a specific location. Its not the getting the distance of multiple objects that I'm having trouble with. Its that I believe that Q3D doesn't work correctly with the "Distance" Native Expression.

    Basically I've got many "enemy" objects moving towards an object in the centre of the game space, lets call it Home. e.g. 5 enemies, spawned 1 second apart from each other and moving slowly towards the Home in the centre. While all the objects are in 3D space, I'm only using 2 dimensions, which is x and y. The objects don't move "up or down"/along the Z, unless they are interacted with by the player but at that point the're positions are no longer needed (the player kills the enemies).

    Every tick I'm checking each enemies X and Y and comparing its distance from Home. e.g. "Distance (self.X, self.y, Home.X, Home.Y)", setting that value it to a variable called MyDistanceFromHome. I'll then check each instance to see if its number is less than the others and assign the one with the lowest to be set to the closest object.

    The Problem is, I think Construct 2 measuring it in Canvas space rather than 3D Q3D space. So its checking its distance like its a normal 2D Construct 2 game and not a Q3D one.

    One fix I thought of was using Ray's, one for each enemy, to measure the distance from Home. When an enemy is spawned, a ray is spawned with it, its told to cast it too the Home's location From the allocated enemy. Then I would measure its length, compare it to the others, if it was the smallest it would be considered the closest enemy. However nothing I've tried to get the rays to interact with the game as worked. I can't seem to spawn one per object, And I can't even seem to make one visible, even with the debug options on.

    Help with either the problem or with how to use Rays in Q3D would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hey Scirra forums

    Sorry for reviving an old thread.

    I've been having trouble with WebGL regarding web browsers and exporting.

    Currently I'm only exporting onto android devices.

    The problem I'm having is my game runs incredibly slowly (5-10 frames) when run from APK on Android.

    I've tried disabling WebGL and it causes the game to run perfectly, apart from not using effects and other things that WebGL should bring. These effects are compulsory to the games visual feel.

    I'm exporting using the Mobile, Cordova option. Importing it into Intel XDK and then building it using Cordova Crosswalk.

    When I play the game from Google Chrome, when exported using the html5 option and hosted from my own server at a web server, the results are the same.

    Strangely, when I run the game (from the same device) in Mozilla Firefox, it runs fairly quickly with WebGL, but it lags heavy for the first few seconds.

    I have tested on IOS using this same link, and had mostly no problems.

    I have heard that Google Chrome and Crosswalk are connected so it maybe an issue with them, but I'm not experienced with java or htlm5 coding, only with Construct2's drag and drop code style, and don't understand why or how this could be true.

    This is the tutorial I've been using to export and build the game, https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/809/ho ... alk?page=7. As far as I can tell the steps are still relevant but the end result doesn't appear to be the same.

    Ultimately I need some help understanding why this problem happens.

  • 5 posts