Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • As i see QuaziGNRLnose was last here month ago so this project might be abandoned...

  • I know he's put a lot of work into it but i would have to advice anyone against buying this plugin at the moment.

    Support is non existent, i've asked questions that never get a response.

    There is no documentation.

    The few examples that come with it use deprecated commands.

    Yes it requires some understanding of 3d, which i have, but its still all just painstaking trial and error of each command, of which there are many.

  • yes, it can be frustrating to use for the points mentioned above.

    I had been trying to get some raytracing working, and it was very particular in the way it needed to be setup..

    I found out that you can only project a ray against a q3dModel. You can't project it against a q3dSprite. You also can't pick a basic geometry that is created with the q3dMaster.

    You have to set the Model Fit property to Unaltered (it auto sets itself to Fit).

    I also had to rotate the model 180 in the Y axis so that the mesh faces were facing the camera (the ray won't hit if the faces are facing away).

    You also must use a q3dViewport.

    You must have two events:

    q3dViewport-> Pick q3dModel by intersecting projected Ray. Here you can retrieve data from the intersection and put it into variables.

    q3dRaycast-> Raycast and loop over picked q3dModel intersected.

    Note that you must have that raycast event otherwise the first event won't have any data to retrieve.

    I had to figure all this out on my own since these things weren't explained anywhere.

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  • I know he's put a lot of work into it but i would have to advice anyone against buying this plugin at the moment.

    Support is non existent, i've asked questions that never get a response.

    There is no documentation.

    The few examples that come with it use deprecated commands.

    Yes it requires some understanding of 3d, which i have, but its still all just painstaking trial and error of each command, of which there are many.

    Last I heard QuaziGNRLnose was upset with the limitations for Plugins in Construct 2. Interaction with Q3D is cumbersome because of this. Maybe he's (she's?) waiting for Construct 3 for a overhaul.

    And I REALLY hope that's the case, cause I'm learning to love this plugin, even with all limitations it has. I tried looking up what it would take to make a 2.5 D game in Unity and, God, what a pain. There's really nothing like C2 event system out there. I'd rather have limited 3D graphics in C2 instead of a powerful 3D engine I can't handle.

  • I'd rather have limited 3D graphics in C2 instead of a powerful 3D engine I can't handle.

    Agree ! !

    But what ever the reason might be... he should write notice to all of us and not just leave...

  • > I know he's put a lot of work into it but i would have to advice anyone against buying this plugin at the moment.


    > Support is non existent, i've asked questions that never get a response.


    > There is no documentation.


    > The few examples that come with it use deprecated commands.


    > Yes it requires some understanding of 3d, which i have, but its still all just painstaking trial and error of each command, of which there are many.


    Last I heard QuaziGNRLnose was upset with the limitations for Plugins in Construct 2. Interaction with Q3D is cumbersome because of this. Maybe he's (she's?) waiting for Construct 3 for a overhaul.

    And I REALLY hope that's the case, cause I'm learning to love this plugin, even with all limitations it has. I tried looking up what it would take to make a 2.5 D game in Unity and, God, what a pain. There's really nothing like C2 event system out there. I'd rather have limited 3D graphics in C2 instead of a powerful 3D engine I can't handle.

    My problem isn't with the plugin specifically, its thats he's selling a product that has zero support or contact combined with no documentation. I guess i bought the plugin on good faith based on him being a long time user, and the fact that it's relatively inexpensive so was worth the risk (since there was no demo to try, which isn't possible with a plugin).

    Theres always the risk using 3rd partly plugins that the developer will disappear, but its a little annoying when the product is being sold.

    Personally i think Ashley, Tom should look into whether they should allow plugins to be sold on their forums like this without some input by themselves, i.e. outside the store. But at the end of the day no one forced me to buy it, i just want to warn others what to expect.

  • Ethan I'm in the same boat as you. I found this plugin to have great potential and pretty much assumed that it was going to be supported for a while so I bought it in good faith. It's not the end of the world but I'm pretty bummed that it's not getting the support that I had hoped for.

    That being said, we could try tweeting Quazi or his brother for some information regarding future support and what not.

  • purplemonkey i hear what you're saying, but at the same time i don't want to chase him all over the internet or start posting on his personal pages.

  • Ethan I know, man.. I just couldn't find any other way of contacting them :/

  • Apparently any use of the Opacity expression in a Q3Dsprite causes an error, because the expression doesn't exist in the runtime. You need to copy over the expression from the Q3Dmodel runtime into the Q3Dsprite runtime for it to work.

    So if anyone runs into this problem, that's how you can fix it.

  • I'm extremely busy these days, and don't have any time to work on updates. Q3D is immensely complex and construct 2 is constantly upgrading so i can't get it to always work with the latest versions that release bi-weekly, but the SDK is too limited for me to take Q3D much further. I stated after the last large updated I wouldn't be around for a while because of other projects I needed to focus on. I have some builds with minor fixes, but it can't be expected that I'd be able to work on the plugin for years. It's already got a lot of functionality and isn't/was never meant to be a competitor to unity etc. just a supplement to construct 2. Q3D has most of the features you'd need for basic 3D games, but you can't expect it to have all the features of an engine like unity which is made by a huge team of people.


    I was working on a large "how to" manual this summer, but got caught up with other things and never finished it. Even in it's incomplete state it should be of help to some users, and covers some of the basics.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/829 ... 2-4_2.docx

    I apologize for it abruptly ending and incompleteness, but I just don't have the time to write 100+ pages more at this time. I had hoped plugin users would themselves make examples and share them/help each other out in my absence.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Thank you for your contact... if you can't maintain it any more... have you considered maybe to open it for community to continue the work on it?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    I'm not trying to pick a fight but to be fair you must have known what you were getting into when you created it, how difficult it would be, how frequently Construct gets updated and the limitations of the SDK. You must also have known how busy you'd likely be in the future with your studies or whatever. I certainly understand your reasons and can relate but if you're selling a product i don't think its a good enough excuse. Either make the situation clear or don't sell the product.

    If you'd had a disclaimer on the plugins website and here on the front page of this thread saying you're pretty much done with it and use it "as is" then thats fine, and to be honest if that was the case i probably wouldn't have bothered buying it. I was never expecting unity, the plugin seems fine, but i was expecting some indication on how to use it.

    As someone who did buy it i think i have a right to post my experiences, and only fair to warn other potential customers what to expect. You've posted what the situation is (something you should have done in the first place) and so people can decide for themselves now. I've had my say so i'll leave it at that.

  • Ethan

    As someone who've learned Q3D via trial-and-error and some frustrated educated guesses, I've had no actual major problems understanding nor relying on Q3D to do it's job.

    Obviously documentation is a big plus (and something I also would've liked in the beginning) with plugins like these, but it is in no way mandatory. Quazi has created something that wasn't supposed to be supported by Construct 2 in the first place - alongside plenty of update information every time he adds onto it, and taking his time to support Q3D users with their questions in this thread. I've read through some pretty nasty and naive comments here, and Quazi always seems to be able to answer in a professional and patient manner no one should take him for granted to have. I believe we're forgetting that he's just one person (talented one at that) whom at some point decided to make an excellent plugin and then went out of his way to keep it stable and feature-packed by the best of his abilities, and I commend him for every second he spent doing that.

    His brother recently released a game that I've been looking forward to (Towerclimb) - and even then, Quazi has every right to be busy whenever he likes to be. This is not a commercial product backed by tens of people, it's one hobbyist pulling the strings and asking for the equivalent of three substantial dinners in return. No pay-per-month ********* no pay-per-update shenanigans - he's as humble and as reliable as can be in my eyes. And with that, In my opinion, you should be satisfied with what you bought since the only problem here is documentation, something he has since proven is on it's way.

    He could've just released the first version and leave it at that, but he does try to keep it an understandable, working, semi-regularly updated plugin for something that otherwise would require a java programmer to achieve. Going the other more painstaking way around, Playmaker for Unity costs $65 as of writing - and should give you enough to emulate Construct 2's event system in a fully-fledged €ommercialized 3D-engine alongside probably plenty of documentation.

    So please, respect Quazi's private life and his personal will. When he wants and has the time to work on the plugin, he will do that.

    I got here to ask about how to render a Q3DSprite's magnification filtering by nearest instead of linear, but was pleased to see the plugin is still in progress and hoping it'll be in v2.5. Until then - I will work with what I have, refer to this thread for common answers and just ask questions when I'm full-on 100% stuck. For more beginner documentation than what Quazi just linked, you may also want to check out http://3dswing.com/ or CTRL-F on the first post to scan through update information with keywords. Otherwise, some of the most confusing little problems for me has had the most simplest of answers in places you don't even think about looking in. If you're curious how to achieve something specific, you can also look at the demos referenced on the website I linked or on the first post, otherwise you can always try it yourself and learn from experimenting.

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