Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • Minify will break everything. Other than that, using too recent a version of construct may cause bugs as Q3D's current version was only tested with versions coinciding with it's release (around April 22nd 2015), I can't really future proof releases cause construct 2 updates can change things unexpectedly.

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  • awesome. thanks pedroRocha! both suggestions worked.

    and as for the third thing oh well. it was going to be a cool feature. But I can get the core game done without. I was hoping to be able to have things like sticking to walls. But I can pull of the idea in a top down perspective

    Thanks again!

  • Hello. I am making a Bastion style top-down view game with handpainted backgrounds and 3d pre-rendered animated characters. As this games need many frames (RAM and HD), I would like to know, if Q3d can handle realtime 3d characters in a 2d Construct scene like a sprite with my own 2d z ordering. Is Q3d only a separate 3d layer than can not be mixed with 2d layers?


  • I have a question about how "texture from image command" works. if I make one, then make another with the same name. will it over wright the first one?

    what I'm doing is painting on the model. I do this by using the paster plug-in to edit an image. then make a texture from the paster. then put this texture on the object. however changes to the texture are real time. or repeat many many times depending on how fast the game is going.

    So if it creates new textures every time then that will full up memory fast. So I hope because it uses the same name it will delete the old one first.

  • Just out of curiosity, is there a way to have multiple cameras and have an object hidden on one but not the other? I'm working on a project where the player can simultaneously look through a security camera and his own eyes, and I want to hide certain elements from appearing in both (certain gui elements, things invisible to the naked eye, etc). And there are instances where both cameras will be looking at the same thing.

  • Hi

    It is possible to import a full 3d scene made in 3ds max, a landscape with houses, trees and a road, all textured inside Q3D and then use that for a racing game?


  • Very large issue (for me at least):

    While manipulating bones through the Q3Dbone-object (picked by name) , somehow the wrong bone is selected..

    I'm not sure if this had to do with too many bones in my object or wrong hierachy or something else, but a bone is manipulated, which is nowhere near the bone I was aiming for and which has a completely different name..

    I'm sure I'm pushing the boundaries of this plugin, but I'm very close to achieving what I want if I could only get this single bone manipulating to work as expected..

    Edit: Maybe there are other limitations, like name-length, etcetera?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    As far as i remember. The Mouselock plugin doesnt work with NW.js? (games for Steam for example) That's a huge bummer if its not working for that

  • As far as i remember. The Mouselock plugin doesn't work with NW.js? (games for Steam for example) That's a huge bummer if its not working for that

    Latest Mouselock works with nw.js .

    Just out of curiosity, is there a way to have multiple cameras and have an object hidden on one but not the other? I'm working on a project where the player can simultaneously look through a security camera and his own eyes, and I want to hide certain elements from appearing in both (certain gui elements, things invisible to the naked eye, etc). And there are instances where both cameras will be looking at the same thing.

    not sure if that can be done, so far i know cameras are not acting like objects... so you can pick 1 by name, and you could add another viewport and see if u can pick the feed from the 2nd camera to it. the 2nd port will allow u to have real-time map feed in different scale, however not sure how you pick the camera to be shown in it! O.O the only way you can create a camera is by using the master object.. which.. is a bit short on camera parameters.

    QuaziGNRLnose it wold be awesome if there wold be a future update object for q3dcamera

    i did a quick example for 2ndary camera and a 2nd viewport check image bellow

    you dont need to place the pick-camera on everytick events.. i placed it there cause i was rushing

    viewport can also show a surtain scene... not sure how that works, or what that means... different layout? did not use it before... but.. as i see viewport does not have a Z-Axes coordinates ... only X and Y so you only be able to place its position as a 2d object... unless u use some sort of 2.5D trigonometry and make it bend towards the direction u want.

  • codespeed

  • Very large issue (for me at least):

    While manipulating bones through the Q3Dbone-object (picked by name) , somehow the wrong bone is selected..

    I'm not sure if this had to do with too many bones in my object or wrong hierachy or something else, but a bone is manipulated, which is nowhere near the bone I was aiming for and which has a completely different name..

    I'm sure I'm pushing the boundaries of this plugin, but I'm very close to achieving what I want if I could only get this single bone manipulating to work as expected..

    Edit: Maybe there are other limitations, like name-length, etcetera?


    All bones are accounted for and they all work!

    Somehow the export from Blender messes up the names (probably because the bones are parented, but not connected)

    Had to change the bone-names manually in the json after figuring out which was which, but it seems to work..

    Edit: The Bone-rotation is also not set correctly, but that is not that much of an issue..

  • Bought this a while ago (first run) on this paypal

    Need it

  • I'm out of the loop. Is there still a limit to how many Lights you can add to a layout? It used to be just four or something.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Any news on the horizon?

  • Does Q3D work well on mobile ? Sorry for asking it , too many comments >.< I can't read all of them in a short time. Thanks ^ ^

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