kingpirux's Forum Posts

  • ¿porque no podian ser traducidas?

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    Ashley David is testing the C3 build and reports that some "loading", "downloading" and "function" words are not being translated, Could this be caused for the use of "Memory" in POE? or something else?

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    I'm on it!


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  • DavidCB creó un Discord para esto específicamente. Pueden sumarse a debatir y definir los términos a usar en

  • Laurent yes! i can edit it and send you a version compatible with C3. Send me your email in MP

  • Ok! i'll continue with that then

    Just to add some experience, there were before other lenguages with this experiment:

    • Phyton in spanish, didn't went well but schools used it to introduce kids to programming skills
    • as i said Unreal4, but the public was really unconfortable so it's currently under revision
    • Scratch, a software specific for introducing kids, it had quite a good result here.
  • Ashley

    isn't better to leave keywords as they are?

    For introduction, i hate Unreal4 spanish version, is COMPLETLY USELESS, "change Unreal4 to english version" is one of the most wanted tutorials because the words doesn't match the general logic and is a hell to find tutorials or help.

    A lot of keywords must be in english to understand the order of events, because in spanish could end with a really ugly result in the big picture.

    Just saying, that key words should stay as they are to help the general learning of the engine, for example "MovingAngle", it doesn't need translation, the description in spanish is enough.

    Changing key words like "Layout" could be quite a headache if someone starts C3 with english tutorials, leaving it as that, helps a lot for new users in any lenguage. Also when looking for help in the forum, since those words will be familiar for all, because they could be translating the word "Escena" to "scene" when trying to say "layout" in english in the forum...

  • me agrego para dejarlo como tick, incluso hay muchas palabras claves que deberían dejarse como están pero vi que las traducían... las palabras claves confunden muchísimo porque después un tutorial en inglés se vuelve totalmente inutil para alguien en español

  • lets try! what about spanish from different continents? it's quite similar but different from for example Argentina and Spain

  • here is the download for the capx if interested: ... sp=sharing

    it uses a plugin "patterngenerator" to throw some numbers in the array so the island is randomly created (it might freeze for a few seconds while generating the land mass).


    WASD : to move,

    i : to zoom in, get closer (some times the zoom goes to the left, so move a little to the right to find the isle)

    o : to zoom out

    g: to generate a new map

    + - : to move the line of horizon

    Data in screen: fps / cpuutilisation / sprite count / array position in x / array position in y

    if you click a sprite, then it shows: Value / lowest sprite / x, y, line, column, X Position in zoom, Scale / light power

  • Very impressive work!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> im not a coder as well but i was working on something similar, transforming sprites to proyect a land created procedurally in C2, but i found a lot of problems that you already solved <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised">

    you can see what i've done here


    and download the capx here if interested: ... sp=sharing

    it uses a plugin "patterngenerator" to throw some numbers in the array so the island is randomly created (it might freeze for a few seconds while generating the land mass).


    WASD : to move,

    i : to zoom in, get closer (some times the zoom goes to the left, so move a little to the right to find the isle)

    o : to zoom out

    g: to generate a new map

    + - : to move the line of horizon

    Data in screen: fps / cpuutilisation / sprite count / array position in x / array position in y

    if you click a sprite, then it shows: Value / lowest sprite / x, y, line, column, X Position in zoom, Scale / light power

  • That's pretty cool.

    You should check out what we theorized in this thread.


    Here's a capx with a 3D software renderer of sorts without any plugins.

    It's pretty cool, maybe can come in handy. ... .capx?dl=1


    really impressive! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ill check it out to compare and see what can be usefull for both methods

  • Lets start this saying that this is NOT A GAME it can be used FOR a game... Its an experiment to take the full potential of C2 WITHOUT any help of plugins searching to find a new way for a fake 3d, pure event sheet power (only 97 events) and to think new games with it.

    UPDATE 09/12/2017 : This intresting video

    [quote:38tjl7pd]Here is an update. Now i was figuring out a way to use it, but i had the problem of perspective movement, in my attempt to fix it, i found a way to do some kind of proyection from the bottom... just like the holograms in ancient movies....

    Right now, It is merely a method to create maps and to interpret a noise equation to generate some kind of Vortex 3d map in Construct2. In the way i learned about performance in heavy loading, how to work with 5 thousand objects at the same time, and a lot of ART TEORY! Yes, a lot of it helped to understand the ways of 3d in a 2d world.

    Saddly, i can't continue because i have to go to a stronger engine (for my job, not for this) )


    All began with this

    I love to experiment, and the most intresting thing about this, is how many mistakes i had! And those mistakes were the main reason it actually worked! Really!

    This went in 2 separated experiments, the first one is maybe the most intresting for those who wants to create world maps is this noise generator, easy to use and to implement in anything, maybe for rpg games or tower defense. The results are nice procedrualy generated worlds with, sea, water, sand, grass, trees, debris, forests, mountains and a lot more...

    The second path, was to do detailed zoom, but detail in the way of information, so in this one, you can zoom in and out, adding details of information (like if you see a forest, you can get in and see what kind of trees there are) (ignore perspective effect, was just a test)

    the main equation was wrong in a few operating signs but the result looked like something right... but when i fixed it, the entire noise generator became just a boring island... so i return to the wrong equation and those islands became nice big areas of land and water mixed toghether like natural beigns

    After this, i started to try to be more deep into the information you can get from a single tile. So i went to high mountains and deep sea... For that, i added an equation to move the tiles according to their deepest point to the highest. Creating a real time deforming mesh (yes, 13 thousand objects being constantly updated wasn't very cool for FPS)

    But i went further... Here i started to test with deformation of perspective view, the results were very intresting but it didnt totally close the idea.

    So i added a reverse size effect (further smaller, closer bigger) and the result was an other nice artistic result

    This scalated quickly after this, im talking about 6 months of work but this last phase went bananas in a few weeks.

    Understanding shadows

    understanding deformation meshes

    learning how your eyes understand 3d

    and of course, how far can i go with effects

    but the most intresting thing i learned was about "octavios" (reducing the amount of tiles in the distance to improve performance but not loosing quality, you jump some tiles that wasn't going to be visible anyway) To understand this, basically i had around 6000 objects, with octavios, i went down to 3000 and getting the same visual effect.

    I lll continue the story in an other time for now, i want to know if anyone else were practicing or trying something like this before and what do you think? what kind of games can be done with this??

    funny things:ños.gif[/img]

  • If you want to create a text adventure in construct, and you have the free version, or if you want to add a story to your game (any kind of game), then this template will help you with endless posibilities. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    The main intresting thing of this template i made, is that is purelly controled by the XML, but with easy instructions, and can be improved to many things.

    • Text Adventures, Graphic Novels and Point and Click games are the directly possible games, but since the code in construct is so short, you can add this to fighting games for dialog introductions, space games for in game stories, or just use it to show text in any kind of games that needs player interaction or multiple choise options.

    You can change lenguages, create alternative instructions, add objects and missions, etc...

    The CAPX comes with:

    Comes with a full game as example ready to edit. ¡Only 110 events in the entire game! You can make a Text Adventure game fully compatible with Construct2Free edition.

    Multiple Lenguage Selection Menu

    Save points and jump chapter options.

    Multiple Choice menu to create endings and paths.

    Cool Plugins to use for animation and positioning.

    Easy to use character method.

    Entire Story Core in the XML so you can work with a friend (he writes the story, you develop the game).

    Easy to expand and adapt!

    Game Example (this Graphic Novel comes with the template)

    I created this game a long time ago in a game jam, with a real life D&D experience we had... it's a text adventure game with a few intresting concepts like many dead ends, three possible endings , but the most intresting is the system, i didn't realice that there are so many people who wants to create their own text adventure and gets stuck for construct limitations or tecnical knowledge so now im sharing it.

    First here is The game:


    (spanish and english)

    Find your way out of this dimensional jail, in this old style but modern text adventure game of nightmares and the meaning of life.

    You can play it in

    o en Newground

    Also used in:

    Digging game ... dios.bunny

    Text Adventure

    If you have questions or need specific help, just ask! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • I created this game a long time ago in a game jam, with a real life D&D experience we had... it's a text adventure game with a few intresting concepts like many dead ends, three possible endings , but the most intresting is the system, i didn't realice that there are so many people who wants to create their own text adventure and gets stuck for construct limitations or tecnical knowledge so now im sharing it.

    First here is The game:


    (spanish and english)

    Find your way out of this dimensional jail, in this old style but modern text adventure game of nightmares and the meaning of life.

    You can play it in

    o en Newground

    But also, invite you to get the full code in:

    why? well long story short, the entire game is only 110 events, and there are a lot of events that can be made in less code, so if you want an engine to tell the entire story of your game and at the same time get multiple paths and endings, this will surely help you.