jomo's Forum Posts

  • Every projects I taught to my students are compressed into 100 events in C2.

    Guess what? All there final projects across 100 events, and several teams use more than 500 events.

    Judge a C2 project by its event number is meaningless. But it's really amazing and joyful to launch a student's 500-event project.

  • Thank you very much, i tink that would be cool if there was a short sound after each word shown.

    Pooya72 You can use <Typing> behavior's <On text typing> event.

  • I can make videos if someone provides a question list. The major problem is: rexrainbow had made sooo many plugins that I don't know which one to start.

  • jomo How can i increase text size ?

    1. Find <e_eModule_dialog_custom2>. It controls the style of inner elements.

    2. Find <On created> event of [txt_dialog_content]

    3. Change font face to the one you want.

    * Cautious! If your player doesn't have the font you specified, it will return to default font. So webfont is more reliable than local font.

  • It will be valuable if the IDE supports Crosswalk Lite wrapping: ... _lite.html

  • jomo

    actually this part was a little bit confusing :

    This step is a simple copy-and-paste operation of C2 event sheet. Change to <dialog_template.capx> and change to event sheet <e_eModule_button_template>, use <ctrl + a> to select all events and actions, use <ctrl + c> to copy them. Then go back to our new <e_eModule_dialog_custom2> event sheet, push <ctrl + v> to paste them all.

    Now its solved in platformer example i should try again with my original project.

    2) How can i resize cutscene size ?i want to make it smaller.

    You can change the parameters (offsetx/y, box_w/_h, title_offset, icon_offset. OriginalWindowWidth/OriginalWindowHeight are C2 expression to measure screen size.) Please remember you have to change these parameters both under Parameter 0 = "R" & Parameter = "L" conditions.

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  • Hi jomo i bought this template but CutScene_APIs_install is a little bit confusing.

    in step 5 it says to copy e_emoduale_button_template to e_emoduale_dialog_custom2. but what about the other event sheet ? also e_emoduale_dialog_custom2 doesn't exists in Game file what exists is e_dialog_custom2

    Hi~ Pooya72 , <CutScene API installation guide> assumes the reader had finished <Dialog Template Installation

    Guide>(this is address in blue in Step#1). So the other event sheets should be copied to your working project already.

    I checked my v1.2 capx, and there is no <e_dialog_custom2> event sheet. Could you double check at your end?

  • I just finish my lecture <C2 + Firebase internet games> at Tatung University. One of my student released his game at below link:

    Please feel free to try it. And you'll need at least 2 player to start game.

  • Hi Scirra team & all forum members,

    I'm a professional C2 teacher located at Taiwan(yeah~ I make my living by teaching Construct 2). Before I start to put my suggestions, I think I should address my major achievements all the way.

    1. Construct 2 Textbook in Chinese:

    2. Teaching C2 in 3 university/college

    3. Online courses series in Chinese:

    4. 8 tutorials on Scirra website (including a multiplayer tutorial with capx using offical MP plugin)

    5. 3 products in Scirra store (including Easy Module Series, now on popular items page)

    6. Helped bunch of students to finished final projects, some early works could be find here:


    I'm excited to hear about any news about C3. Considering my promotion experiences in Asia, I have the following suggestions:

    1. $99USD/year had crossed the limit for a newbie here, but acceptable for professional studio/indie. This price will move the balance of newbie/pro ratio.

    2. If a powerful FREE version is available, the user base could rise further. (Actually, after our striving in these years, it's just start here) I personally would be happy to see a <true full-featured + forced splash> C3 FREE version.


    Oh yes, there is one more thing: I don't use IntelXDK because its extra slow compared packing apps locally using node.js + Cordova. And I also use NWJS + serialport plugin to use C2 to control my Arduino on COM port. I hope these are still valid on C3.

  • I recommend using Rexrainbow's FireBase series plugin. But even if you have plugins, it still requires a lot of network game knowledge to make your MMO.

    • Post link icon

    Can't wait to hear the news!

  • Hi Joe7 and C2 fans~ Owing to that I used this plugin in my tutorials, there are a lot of students asking for this plugin recently. So I leave a backup download link here. And hope someday joe7 will be back and join us together again! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • lynesslim

    Console log prints these error message

    [quote:1yj8gdtj]XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404

    It seems that file "Ann.model.json" does not load correctly.

    Sounds like the problem arises from the capital letter "A".

  • Hello, thank you for such an amazing plugin. But I encountered several problems:

    1. Everything works fine in play test. But once I export it out and upload it to my server, live2D model doesn't show up. Is there any specific settings to be done during the export?

    2. When I tested it via iphone 6 using LAN, there is some colour loss on the model. Is there any way to fix it?

    3. Is FPS an issue if I were to build my game entirely based on Live2D?

    Your reply will be appreciated. Thank you.

    1. All the file need to be named in small letters. C2 will change every letters to small letter automatically so if there is any large letter name you'll get an error.

  • Sorry for the late reply guys,


    That is the correct behavior of how EaseInBack, EaseInBounce etc works.

    I'll try to explain EaseInBack and EaseOutBack using ordinary words.

    So in height tween of EaseOutBack, it works by making its height bigger, then it will exceed 68 pixel, after that it will return to the 68 pixel with.

    In height tween of EaseInBack, it starts by making its height smaller, then grow its height bigger until it reach 68 pixel.

    But in the case of EaseInBack since it starts at zero, the height became negative, which cause it to turn upside down. This is how C2 behave, if you set height or width to negative value it will flip or mirror (actually that is how it is coded in javascript), so I can't do anything with it. Clamping it to zero in litetween using javascript would make other people who expect it to go negative unsatisfied. So if you still want that effect, you should clamp it to zero in C2 events.

    I made a simple example here: ... anged.capx

    Are you sure you don't want EaseOutBack instead?

    Thanks for the reply! But actually it seems we were not talking the same thing. I know negative height will cause flipped image so I use the tween combination intentionally. The problem is when I refresh about 10 times there will be about 4 times to see an upside-down (will see a flipped READY at tween end) image. But, now I changed to r239 and everything is good again. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Thanks for your support!