jomego's Forum Posts

  • Can someone solve the problem for me... I have some effects installed for Sprites... everything is correct the effects appear in the list of installed effects... but when I try to place that effect on a sprite they do not appear in the list... no effects that you have installed separately that does not come standard in Costruct appears.... someone has had the same problem... I am running the version...v398.2

  • The best thing for multiplayer is that you use

  • Good morning guys... I need to make a screen crop to a mosaic background... because I have made a scroll of objects in it... the problem is that the mosaic object is taking up the entire screen in length because the objects that has in it are longer than the height of the screen.

    I need to be able to make a cut so that only the piece I want can be seen on the screen but I can scroll over it.

  • I'm trying this to see if you can help me.

    I want to click on that image object from Javascript, it is very important for my project.

    let flecha = runtime.objects[runtime.globalVars.MY_IMAGE].getFirstInstance();
    let clickEvent = new C3.Event("click", true);

    Please Ashley

  • I need to make a click to emulate the mouse click on a Construct3 object... how could I do it... why can't I do it?

  • I need to move the mouse position using the gamepad, but I can't find any way to place the mouse in the position indicated by the gamepad... does anyone know how to do it.

  • How can I import the TILED file... I manage to import the file but it doesn't appear as in the image... it doesn't put it in Isometric... does anyone know how to do it?.



  • Good morning guys, I have a problem, I am creating objects at runtime and I need to be able to assign the family to which it belongs to that created object...

    How could it be done?

  • One example please…

  • It is very necessary to be able to replace a complete animation with a webp sprite... because in this way the possibilities and GPU memory control are more precise without having to overload the system.

    I think the animation override functions are very necessary in Construct3

  • Good morning guys, I'm trying to load a new animation in a Sprite using a URL to be able to change this animation whenever I want... it's to be able to have a character with different skins. But when I try to load the image into the sprite of the webp file, it only puts the first image and not the full animation. How I could do it is very important for my project.

  • Good morning guys I need to change the scene from Js... but I can't find the way to do it... I tried with... RUNTIME... but I don't see how to call a scene from the project... any help... Thanks from beforehand

  • thanks

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  • I can't do it... even changing the z-index... the background image is placed above the construct objects even if its position changes when the scene starts

  • Good morning guys, I'm trying to place an HTML object that by programming loads an image and converts it into an animated background... my problem is that when I put a sprite or any Construct object it is never seen... even if I modify its Z -INDEX because it always gets higher... someone knows how to fix it.