jomego's Forum Posts

  • I have a question... I have a sprite designed in 8 directions... up... down... left... right... up-right... up-left... down-right and down-left. ..

    My problem is that I can't differentiate when it goes in the diagonals from top right left and bottom left right... to be able to load the images corresponding to that animation... how could I do it... I can only identify up, down, left and right.

    I attached an image of the code.


  • Is there any way to export my game to XBOX?


  • thanks, I managed to delete it following your instructions

  • Thanks..

    I didn't understand how to do it... could you please explain it to me?

  • I am creating objects with the Create object function... my problem is how can I tell it to destroy a certain object... because if I do the Destroy it destroys all of them... and I want to destroy a specific one.

  • That only happens if you step back from the button... but for that you have to realize at that moment... I still think that a program like Construct3 cannot afford that kind of usability that is out of the ordinary.

  • There is indeed a need because I have many variables and the best thing is to have them organized... Likewise, when moving it to the folder it turns them into Local and that is not logical...

    If you have more than 500 variables, you'll see if it's necessary to have them organized... that's a Construct3 error, it's the first programming language I've seen that does that and also destroys the functions you already have designed.

  • original:


  • No... if a GLOBAL variable is moved to a folder all references are lost automatically... Try it...

  • Good afternoon, I have seen a major problem with Global variables.

    In the middle of developing my game I realized something that has thrown away the work of several months.

    I created a group in my game to put all the variables inside.

    After dragging them all... all the references to those variables in the game code disappeared... and I have not been able to recover the code... because I did not realize it until after several minutes and a backup copy was made too of this change.

    It can't be that simply by moving a variable to a folder all game references will automatically disappear... because it breaks all the game's code.

    This is something that should be fixed immediately... because this can happen to anyone, especially when it is a big game and the number of variables is growing and you want to have the entire game organized so that it is easy to read.

  • I have a problem... how can I control the memory overflow that causes the game to crash and exit the game...

    I bought the MM_UNLOADER module... but after buying it I realized that it only works for C2 so I wasted money... there is an addon that does similar functions to clean the memory and that the game doesn't crash.

  • Thanks

  • I'm trying to make a menu where the text of the menu options change when the mouse is over... but I can't find any options in the mouse events

  • Try Construct 3

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  • interesting, we wait for news

  • How can I achieve a candle light effect... that is, the map can be seen or darkened depending on the character in an isometric view.

    I'm trying things... but I can't

    I want to get this in isometric... some example please