jomego's Forum Posts

  • Thanks

  • Thank you so much..

    I have another problem in reference to the CSV... I have the CSV in a file, how do I load it as a string... because the plugin only allows strings to be added.

    I'm trying to load it with AJAX... and then pass the data with AJAX.LastData but the game crashes and crashes... how could I pass the data to the Plugin.

  • Downloaded.. A very cool aesthetic... Congratulations... and good luck!!!!!

  • I have a CSV file with many words from the comma delimited dictionary... I would like to pass those words to an Array... but I have tried the REX plugin but it doesn't work... does anyone know how to pass that string to an Array

  • Hello everyone... I want to put one layer on top of another in the execution, but the lower layer does not work... because now when I click on the upper layer the actions of the lower layer are activated.

    Is there any way that when I put a top layer... the actions of the bottom layer stop working.

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  • I am trying to call a JS function when pressing a button, but it is always returning an error like it cannot find the function. Does anyone know how to do it?

    This is the error that Chrome returns:

    action.js:31 Unhandled exception running script Hoja de eventos 1, event 1, action 1: ReferenceError: mensaje is not defined