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    Just because no C2 developer has been successful on steam does not mean the rest of us don't have a chance.

    I dont meant to be rude, but the C2 games on Steam have better counterparts on Kongregate for free. I even saw one developer make an entire presentation on why they did not get anywhere on Steam. They followed the tutorials, they followed all the advice, they read all the books, and they studied the market. They forgot to account for the fact that most people do not play platform games on their PC. There is no successful Platform game on the recent market to speak of. Mainly because there are millions of them available for free.

    Long story short. You can't just wrap up a turd and sell it on steam anymore. I defiantly agree there. The user reviews will have your projects going down in flames on the first day you release it. What looks great as a mobile app, turns into a "Crappy ported mobile game" in the steam reviews.

    If you watch the steam sales page you will see the guys who are "marketing for a demographic", will fail each and every time. Game developers that are focusing on just making a good, fun game Do usually succeed , if they have a decent enough product.

    Take a look at Rocket League. They are not focusing on a single demographic, or market, and the are hitting ALL OF THEM. They have been on the top 10 page ever since the release. They are using the Newbie multiplayer and controller templates. The game is extremely simple, and yet it outsells games like Grand Theft Auto 5 on certain days. Simple games can make it, and they can make it big. It just takes a lot of time and work.

    Being able to sell a turd for millions like Flappy bird is a mobile only phenomena. Most mobile developers dont have a chance on steam because they are not serious. They think they can put 0 effort into it like a mobile game , and reap the rewards of people who actually spent time making a full game.

    Well anyway +1 for this plugin. I hope it comes to light soon. I think that people do have a chance on Steam if they are willing to work hard for it, and not rely on a single stupid gimmick.

    2/3 projects I have worked on are successful on steam. (Ace of spades, Running with Rifles) It is not as hard as some people think. It just takes hard work is why most people are failing.

  • You can also De-compile flash with this:

    It can make images, or you can pick apart an entire flash game.

    Big shops use Fume FX, but the license can be steep.

    Comes in aftereffects, maya, and 3Ds.

    I would also like to add that Blender has a full fluid simulator, that lets you use particles too, so you can do awesome splash effects and water ripples. (nice for splatting bugs, or blood splats for zombies.)

    Be sure to check out the baked Physics in blender too, you can animate things falling over, or bounce. Neat for explosion effects 8)

    There is a really cool application that has a C2 plugin called Spriter. With that you can import the animations, and even the sound effects. It can also render still frames.

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    Are you for real too? Or maybe you just felt a big need to add some more nonsense to that specific quote I made.

    Oh it was satire? Ok, I am sorry, my English is not that great. I did not know you where just saying non-sense to be funny,


    If you market it I hope you make lots of money

    I will be your first customer! (please keep it under $200.00 though, I am on a budget)

  • Blender is great for this:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    You can learn that in 3 minutes.

    There are others like WAX, and Sony has a special effects package.

    There are even free ones online like this one:

    Texturemaker has one that will calculate seamless loops, but it does not work on modern PC;s . you need a windows XP computer to use it.

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    "Without steam support = no serious game developers".

    Are you for real?

    Do you even know what Steam is?

    He wants to publish his game with the biggest game vendor on the planet, and you question if he is real or not?

    The biggest place on the PLANET to have your game listed, That is what steam is.

    Scirra is really missing the ball with this one. (I have a feeling it is going to be a Construct 3 exclusive though. )

    Meanwhile, On Unity developers site:!/content/2211

    Game maker: ... index.html


    I know C# a little bit, what do you need to make this plugin 100% your code?

    If you want to sell it as a 3rd party package, then let me know, I might be able to help you.

    Any developer that has PC , Linux , or Mac versions planned will probably buy a copy.

    (Or move their serious projects to Unity like I did)

  • Here you go:!xNQgmb6I!1UEOyFgl5zgX ... g8CwO4Yc94

    Just type something in the box, and you will see how it works.

    They are just 2 instances of the same text, only different colors. i do 2 examples with different offsets.

    Otherwise try using a sprite-font, then you can pre-render shadows.

    Hope that helps.

  • Check your exporter documentation, There might be a way to do it. I only use Node webkit.

  • Use NW.js plugin.... It is the new name for Node Webkit.

  • Not sure exactly what you are looking for but this might be helpful: ... dependence

    There is a target frame rate setting too, but I dont think that will lock your frame-rate.

    Be verry careful when you do this. Especially if you are thinking of selling on steam. There are verry high profile people who will trash your game if it is not to their expectations: ... te-Police/

    I subscribe to them, and they let me know right before I buy a game if it is frame-rate locked.

  • Might want to list this in the Plugins section so people can find it easier.

    I know it is far more important than other people's plugins, but people will be looking there as they are shopping for plugins. Maybe you can talk to a moderator or Sciarra to get a sticky thread, or some sort of elevated status so it stands out more than the others.

    Nice work, I might try it later today.

  • That plugin only works with sprites , and inside the sprites bounding box. iirc. It might work with backgrounds too.

  • You can use this to open the capx if you need to recover any graphics or if you want to try repairing it.

    Maybe need to file a bug report.

  • Get the sprites angle. it is SpriteName.Angle if you use it in an expression.

    Hope that is what you are asking.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Try making your sprite 2 times as big as you want it, then scale it to 0.5 in game.

    This is how Zbrush does it's AA.

    So if you want a 32x32 in game, make it 64x64 in your editor.

    Hope that is what you wanted, my English skills are not so great.

  • Does this problem happen in Chrome or Firefox? I get the lag in Firefox. My only solution so far is to just test in Chrome.

    I hope someone has the solution for this. Maybe it is not a browser problem like i am thinking.