Experimental Greenworks plugin

From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.

    shinkan I'm not saying that only steam matters of course. You can be a serious developer without developing for steam. But to be honest. If it said on the scirra homepage that Steam wasn't really supported wouldn't you have looked for another option when choosing a game engine if you are planning to make a living out of it? I would because I knew that I wanted to make games for both PC and mobile.

    So what I meant was that if C2 doesn't have up to date steam support it will scare off many serious developers who would choose an engine that exports for all major platforms instead.

    But atm it looks like steam is supported so people happily start making their games, And when you finally have finished your game after months/years of work and gone through the greenlight process you'll then realize that steam wasn't really supported. And you can't add all the things that players expects from your game. Then you'll be really disappointed and regret choosing C2.

    It's like buying a plane and start flying and everything is going just fine and you are super happy. And after a few hours of fun you want to land and then realize that the plane doesn't have landing gears installed and you crash and die

    But thanks to MadSpys plugin it works fine. But it shouldn't be up to a person in the community to keep a feature alive that is advertised on the homepage when you first look at C2. There should be an official one.

    "Without steam support = no serious game developers".

    Are you for real?

    Do you even know what Steam is?

    He wants to publish his game with the biggest game vendor on the planet, and you question if he is real or not?

    The biggest place on the PLANET to have your game listed, That is what steam is.

    Scirra is really missing the ball with this one. (I have a feeling it is going to be a Construct 3 exclusive though. )

    Meanwhile, On Unity developers site:


    Game maker:

    http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadios ... index.html


    I know C# a little bit, what do you need to make this plugin 100% your code?

    If you want to sell it as a 3rd party package, then let me know, I might be able to help you.

    Any developer that has PC , Linux , or Mac versions planned will probably buy a copy.

    (Or move their serious projects to Unity like I did)

    > "Without steam support = no serious game developers".


    > Are you for real?


    Do you even know what Steam is?

    He wants to publish his game with the biggest game vendor on the planet, and you question if he is real or not?

    The biggest place on the PLANET to have your game listed, That is what steam is.

    Are you for real too? Or maybe you just felt a big need to add some more nonsense to that specific quote I made.


    Thanks for your proposal.

    For the moment, I just need free time in order to work on it (and to test it)

    As you can see in my previous post, I already have a good base to work.

    Are you for real too? Or maybe you just felt a big need to add some more nonsense to that specific quote I made.

    Oh it was satire? Ok, I am sorry, my English is not that great. I did not know you where just saying non-sense to be funny,


    If you market it I hope you make lots of money

    I will be your first customer! (please keep it under $200.00 though, I am on a budget)

    jojoe looks like you still don't get it Anonnymitet already understood why I wrote that. So let me explain it to you. What I mean to say is that Steam is not everything. For some reason PC players and most of the new developers think Steam is a holy grail of "publish my game - get rich immediately".

    "Without steam support = no serious game developers" - That statement clearly insult everyone who is interested only in making games for mobiles or web browsers either free or paid. It looks like, if you don't have your game on steam you are not serious game developer.

    Just because no C2 developer has been successful on steam does not mean the rest of us don't have a chance.

    I dont meant to be rude, but the C2 games on Steam have better counterparts on Kongregate for free. I even saw one developer make an entire presentation on why they did not get anywhere on Steam. They followed the tutorials, they followed all the advice, they read all the books, and they studied the market. They forgot to account for the fact that most people do not play platform games on their PC. There is no successful Platform game on the recent market to speak of. Mainly because there are millions of them available for free.

    Long story short. You can't just wrap up a turd and sell it on steam anymore. I defiantly agree there. The user reviews will have your projects going down in flames on the first day you release it. What looks great as a mobile app, turns into a "Crappy ported mobile game" in the steam reviews.

    If you watch the steam sales page you will see the guys who are "marketing for a demographic", will fail each and every time. Game developers that are focusing on just making a good, fun game Do usually succeed , if they have a decent enough product.

    Take a look at Rocket League. They are not focusing on a single demographic, or market, and the are hitting ALL OF THEM. They have been on the top 10 page ever since the release. They are using the Newbie multiplayer and controller templates. The game is extremely simple, and yet it outsells games like Grand Theft Auto 5 on certain days. Simple games can make it, and they can make it big. It just takes a lot of time and work.

    Being able to sell a turd for millions like Flappy bird is a mobile only phenomena. Most mobile developers dont have a chance on steam because they are not serious. They think they can put 0 effort into it like a mobile game , and reap the rewards of people who actually spent time making a full game.

    Well anyway +1 for this plugin. I hope it comes to light soon. I think that people do have a chance on Steam if they are willing to work hard for it, and not rely on a single stupid gimmick.

    2/3 projects I have worked on are successful on steam. (Ace of spades, Running with Rifles) It is not as hard as some people think. It just takes hard work is why most people are failing.

    jojoe looks like you still don't get it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> Anonnymitet already understood why I wrote that. So let me explain it to you. What I mean to say is that Steam is not everything. For some reason PC players and most of the new developers think Steam is a holy grail of "publish my game - get rich immediately".

    "Without steam support = no serious game developers" - That statement clearly insult everyone who is interested only in making games for mobiles or web browsers either free or paid. It looks like, if you don't have your game on steam you are not serious game developer.

    Steam isn't everything, but it's a great opportunity for PC/MAC developers. Whether people succeed or not on Steam isn't the point. Game engines need to give them the opportunity to succeed.


    Define "no C2 developer has been successful on steam does not mean the rest of us don't have a chance"

    Our Darker Purpose http://steamspy.com/app/262790

    The Next Penelope also sold nearly 6,000 copies since May this year. Not a huge success, but not abject failure by any stretch of the imagination.

    "2/3 projects I have worked on are successful on steam. (Ace of spades, Running with Rifles) It is not as hard as some people think. It just takes hard work is why most people are failing."

    If only "hard work" is all it took...

    Our Darker Purpose http://steamspy.com/app/262790

    Wow, 60.000+ sales? Congratulations. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Steam is not everything, but it's definitely something. And it's a very big something. So I believe supporting it is a must have for every engine.

    [quote:1g17gj8x]Define "no C2 developer has been successful on steam does not mean the rest of us don't have a chance"

    Our Darker Purpose http://steamspy.com/app/262790

    The Next Penelope also sold nearly 6,000 copies since May this year. Not a huge success, but not abject failure by any stretch of the imagination.

    "2/3 projects I have worked on are successful on steam. (Ace of spades, Running with Rifles) It is not as hard as some people think. It just takes hard work is why most people are failing."

    If only "hard work" is all it took...

    Has it been on the top 10 sales page? Running with Rifles and Ace of spades both made it to the top 10 list sales list.

    And all we did was work hard for our steam success.

    Maybe you need to work harder?

    Maybe Ashley would like to comment on the thread then it could be locked.

    spongehammer partybreaker


    So, one year later... why is this plugin still in "Experimental" stage?

    shinkan sorry.

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    Has it been on the top 10 sales page? Running with Rifles and Ace of spades both made it to the top 10 list sales list.

    And all we did was work hard for our steam success.

    Maybe you need to work harder?

    Good for you man.

    We just don't work as hard as you do, I'm sure.

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