Locked icon Experimental Greenworks plugin

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    I will release it as soon as Ashley gives me permission to post this "unofficial" (for the moment) plugin. It should solve most steam problems

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    I will release it as soon as Ashley gives me permission to post this "unofficial" (for the moment) plugin. It should solve most steam problems

    There shouldn't be a problem in releasing it in plugins forum, as there are already quite a few modded plugins in there.

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    > I will release it as soon as Ashley gives me permission to post this "unofficial" (for the moment) plugin. It should solve most steam problems


    There shouldn't be a problem in releasing it in plugins forum, as there are already quite a few modded plugins in there.

    Nice that he is asking. Ashley made a post saying that he did not want people to do this.

    Hope he OK with it. I really want to use this soon.

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    MadSpy is right to be cautious about introducing an unofficial port of a beta plugin. Now Ashley has the option of simply including these changes into the official plugin and we all win official c2 support for its functionality. I doubt that a wait of an extra couple of days will prove catastrophic after a year of this plugin being beta.

    If c2 is to have credibility as a professional game development software then support for things like Steam api is a necessary burden for Scirra to carry, IMO.

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    pending the Ashley's reply, the plugin is finished (if Ashley reply yes it's already done) and have the following basics features:

    • support NW12.0
    • support steam SDK 134
    • works on win32
    • works on win64
    • the black screen issue is solved
    • condition "steam is available" works
    • "active achievement" action works

    currently working on advanced version with the follwings features:

    • added condition trigger "onclearachievementsuccess" -> DONE
    • added condition trigger "onclearachievementerror" -> DONE
    • added action "clearAchievement" -> DONE
    • added condition "isCloudenabled" -> DONE
    • change condition "issteamoverlayavailable" -> DONE
    • added condition "isCloudforUserenabled" -> DONE

    todo: add "getNumberOfAchievements" expression

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    Excellent work!

    Does it work on NW beyond 12.0 or are we still stuck with NW version specific?

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    MadSpy Very nice features you just added, thank you for that.

    While new features are in the focus I would like to suggest something that the plugin should have also implemented.

    The feature is called: "Fetch Users Profile Picture".

    So this is my plan how it should work:

    1. An expression called "Fetch Users Profile Picture" that returns the link of the users profile picture.

    2. Simply use the "Apply image by link" on any sprite and you are good to go.

    I think this feature is quite common on a lot of other engine plugins/compontents/api's etc. , so why not on C2's Steam Plugin?

    Feel free to reply with any issues or feedback about my idea.

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    thank you

    the plugin could work on NW12.1 but I didn't test for the moment

    TheRealDannyyy thank you

    the plugin is based on greenworks by Greenheartgames and on the current adaptation for C2 by Ashley

    atm greenworks doesn't support this feature that's why experimental greenworks by ashley and mine don't support this feature too

    perhaps in next version of greenworks

    Please keep in mind that until Ashley grants me the permission or contact me I can't post these 2 versions.

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    pending the Ashley's reply, the plugin is finished (if Ashley reply yes it's already done) and have the following basics features:

    - support NW12.0

    - support steam SDK 134

    - works on win32

    - works on win64

    - the black screen issue is solved

    - condition "steam is available" works

    - "active achievement" action works

    currently working on advanced version with the follwings features:

    - added condition trigger "onclearachievementsuccess" -> DONE

    - added condition trigger "onclearachievementerror" -> DONE

    - added action "clearAchievement" -> DONE

    - added condition "isCloudenabled" -> DONE

    - change condition "issteamoverlayavailable" -> DONE

    - added condition "isCloudforUserenabled" -> DONE

    todo: add "getNumberOfAchievements" expression

    Awesome, thank you. I hope you get the permission to upload it.

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    MadSpy Amazing work, thank you.

    But the problem, as I understand it, is that NW12 still suffers from a V-sync bug. Ashely mentioned earlier in this thread:

    [quote:1k92978g]The latest non-alpha version is based on a version of Chromium with a pretty bad v-sync bug

    So though we could use NW12 with MadSpy 's plugin update, won't we just run into the v-sync / jank issues until a version of NW is released based on a version of Chromium that has fixed the problems?

    If the official Steam plug-in is updated now, won't we still be in a position of not having a good Steam solution and needing another update once we have a bug free version of NW.js available? or does NW12 not have this problem?

    I'd be interested to know what version of Chromium fixed the v-sync issues? NW.js 12.3 is based on Chromium 41.0.2272.76

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    StaticCloud I had real problems with v-sync and jank issues with my game on steam when it was exported with NW11.5 but now it runs really smooth on all test computers using NW12 + the modified test greenworks plugin by MadSpy.

    No jank issues at all. Runs like it should and achievements are being activated by users now None of my beta testers have had any issues with performance and there are many beta testers atm.

    Wasn't the jank issues fixed with chromium 41 which NW12 is based of? I Might be wrong though.

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    That's fantastic news!

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    Thanks for your kind word

    [quote:2kv86rt9]But the problem, as I understand it, is that NW12 still suffers from a V-sync bug.

    It seems it concerns NW11+ based on chromium 38+ ; so I can investigate deeper on this but I don't have any jank or v-sync bugs with NW12 (chromium 41+) with small and middle range projects.

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    Chromium 43 is where it is fixed.

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    I tested NW12 awhile back, it ran a bit faster than 10.5 (lower CPU usage) but it didn't feel as smooth after playing for a longer period.

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