jojoe's Forum Posts

  • Not sure if Piskel exports TMX files. If it does you can load them in C2 editor. The tilemaps can be loaded from Json strings too, so if you see an option to export use it.

    You can combine all the tiles into 1 sprite strip, without duplicates I know.

    I picked up Piskel a while ago. a very fun little program.

    Wish i had more information for you. I am sure others in the forum have piskel too, so maybe they have a workaround for you.

  • OK I made my full-screen border-less node-webkit window, but it didn't help.

    On web browsers with border-less windows and full screen I get 60 fps, but on node-webkit with full screen normal window or border-less window around 45, and looks really choppy.

    Is there anything else I could try?

    It may because of Vsync? i am not sure. The reason I suggested border-less window is Aero will automatically do the vsync. This is great for games because you dont get the mouselag associated with Vsync.

    People with Windows XP will not be as happy though, they need to have the fullscreen with Vsync.

    Try benchmarking most modern games on your computer with fullscreen+vsync, then benchmark with only borderless window, and NO vsync... You will probably notice a big differance in not only frame rate, but with mouse lag when you are actually playing the game.

    This is just a guess about Node web-kit. I am not sure if it automatically does V-sync with fullscreen or not.

    maybe just do a border less window for people with Windows 7+ and A fullscreen Vsync for people with windows XP?

  • Easy. "On collision with Sprite -> go to layout by name -> choose("layoutname1","layoutname2","layoutname3"). Use as many names as you need.

    Great solution! now here is the hard way:

    On collision with Sprite -> go to layout by name ->"layoutname"&int(random(1,500))

    That will pick from anything named layoutname followed by a number between 0-501.

    substitute 500 with the total number of layouts you have.

  • Ok i found it finally. it was Rex after all!

    Rex made a bunch of things for board games. Sorry i could not find the link earlier. I may have broke google.

  • I did a sandstorm shader with it too a while ago chrisbrobs:

    just mixing 2 types of noise.

    Perlin and simplex are really useful. i am very surprised C2 does not support a noise function natively. If for nothing else, to help pick random numbers.

    Thank you for filling a big gap in my C2 toolchain <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Alternatively, has anyone found a way to run the game in debug mode without asking construct2 to create a local host server?

    Is it possible to get nw.js to run the game without the need to host it? This would allow us to quickly RUN LAYOUT, without the need to export the game for hours

    Nope not yet, but I have just started making my own console with the FPS and CPU stuff. I had to make my own system to visualize arrays, but other than that, I have been luck enough to just use the system expressions, and text objects to revile what I am looking for.

    Someone should really make a nice in game debug template for C2. I bet they would make a lot of money from us linux people.

  • Choose("Animation1","Animation2","Animation3","Animation4","Animation5","Animation6","Animation7","Animation8","Animation9","Animation10","Animation11")

  • {
    	"main": "[[[previewurl]]]",
    	"name": "[[[name]]]",
    	"window": {
    		"toolbar": false,
    		"width": [[[width]]],
    		"height": [[[height]]],
    		"position": "center",
    		"frame": "false",
    		"show": false
    	"node-remote": "[[[remotehost]]]",
    	"dom_storage_quota": 50,
    	"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (%osinfo) AppleWebKit/%webkit_ver (KHTML, like Gecko, Chrome, Safari) NWjs/%nwver",
    	"chromium-args": "--disable-extensions --disable-plugins --disable-internal-flash --disable-popup-blocking --enable-gamepad --enable-html5-camera --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-software-rasterizer --ignore-gpu-blacklist"
    sorry try that,
    the "frame": "false", is the part you need to add is all.
    The X and Y are thing you set inside construct, also the window width and height should reflect your desired resolution.
  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Try the bug section.

    People have been abusing this forum a bit lately. Using the Construct 2 general area like an "Elevated help" forum.

  • Might want to try a Debian based distro, like Debian, Mint, or Ubuntu,,,, I highly recommend MINT!

    Fedora has a really crappy user community. Their IRC channel pretty much sums up their attitude. You cant make a question without first asking the moderator for permission to speak first. Most of the time you will get Veto'ed , especially if you are a new user.

    Mint on the other hand works right out of the box, with most of the things new linux users want and need. The community welcomes new users, and people who troll them get banned. (Totally unlike Fedora community)

    Ubuntu is OK too, but they do not smash the trolls like the mint community. You get the jerks that start the forum post with "*Sigh*" or "well after checking google...". They have a real elitist crowed that can pretty much shame anyone that they feel like with impunity.

    Mint will help you out when it comes to propriatary drivers too. You can have mp3, DVD, and Java without having to do too much.

    Ubuntu and other Linuxes have a really stupid "Purist" thing with open source drivers. They will force you to install inferior drivers even when there are much better drivers available. The jerks who package this stuff dont even use the drivers most of the time, yet they will force their ideology / stupidity on you.

    Mint on the other hand will give you an option to choose which drivers are best suited for your computer BEFORE it installs. This way you dont waste time downloading, installing, and uninstalling crappy drivers that may even damage your computer.

    Well, anyway. Welcome to the wonderful world of Linux!

    Once you sift through all the Bullsh--t, it can be a really useful operating system.

    I am using Debian right now for my desktop, and I am using Sabiyon for my render slaves.

    If you want to use Windows applications like Construct 2, you can install WINE.

  • There is a board game movement script that might be helpful. (by rex, or r0j0?)

    I have a commercial template for board-game movement. It allows for multiple board designs, and it can be changed dynamically. Maybe we can work something out? send me a PM.

  • They gave me a key for Steam after I got the Scirra store version. I just had to email scirra help desk.

  • If you know how big the loop is you can just do a compare 2 values, and check if you are on the last iteration of the loop.

    if loopindex=10 then whatever....

    Also C2 reads things sequentially. If you stack one loop on top of another loop, it will execute the top loop before the bottom loop. So you really don't need to know when it is done, the next condition will not execute until it is done. Most of the time you can stack them together.

    If you are using a function you can also use the return value thing to flag when things happen.

  • There is no right way. You users will hate you no matter how you implement it.

    Jokes aside, I think you need to look at the URL you are using for the product. It does not seem to have anything defining the protocol. (HTTPS, HTTP, FTP...)

    Try adding http:// to the front of the URL

  • Yeah, you can use a bubble sort :

    Sort of complicated. Is this for a commercial game?

    You can use the dictionary object for some more advanced sorts.The array is limited to 1 sort iirc.