I was going to write a simple little program for me and a friend to make secret coded messages and I have an idea in my head but I'm not sure how to execute it.
To make it simple I have a number code: 1 0 5 1 9 8 6
The idea is when you write the code you take the letters and push them forward acording to the numbers and when you reach the end of the number you loop around back to the start same thing with the alphabet if you use a letter to far forward in the alphabet and it goes past Z it should loop back to A, to me this sound like a for loop and an array thing where I make 7 cells in the array one for each number then when I type in a message into the tex box object and press enter I want the letters to be run through the array before finally printed out in the text below but changed.
"Hello" would translate into "Ieqmx"
My thought process is this and I'm not sure if it's possible or if I'm overcomplicating it.
While the selection box Normal to Code is sellected when the text box message is typed, you hit enter in this case we say "Hello" again, the text is then boiled down to variables for each letter A being 1, B being 2 etc, turning the word into "8,5,12,12,15" those variables is then put into the array adding the numbers from each cell onto the numbers making it into "9,5,17,13,24" then written out through variable into the text below as "Ieqmx" as those would be the corisponding letters to the variables.
Then do the whole thing in reverse when I chose the "Code to Normal" option in the slection box where you subtract the number in the cells of the Array.
Do you guys think it's possible and how should I proceed to make it actually work, it sounds easy in my head (And it probably is and I'm just a dumb xD) but when it comes to executing it I'm not sure.