jojoe's Forum Posts

  • Unfortunately people forget that you should not build games in UE4 using only the blueprints.

    Why is this?

    My friends studio uses them exclusively , and he has never run into any issues. He is driving a new sports car thanks to U4E. One of the biggest selling games "Rocket League" is still using the noob templates for some of their multiplayer features, and the controller setups.

    My biggest problem with Unreal is the license. Some of my projects will still be using Playmaker+Unity.


    Is there some sort of licensing issues for the visual editor on top of the U4E license?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The only ones i know of are listed on the plugin thread.

  • If you want to enhance it, make pieces of the tank that look broken, and add the "bullet" behavior with bounce enabled. Then On Created ---->set angle: int(random(0,360)).

    They will fly apart,and bounce off solids when they spawn

    Cool looking game, reminds me of Combat for the Atari 2600, The worlds very first home console "Bro-Game" in cartridge form.

  • Check out Blender

    In the time it takes me to do 1 crappy pixel art frame, I can make a 3D model and take shots of any angle i want.

    Be sure to investigate toon rendering, and toon shaders. You can make cartoon characters really easy.: ... edges.html

    You can also do some awesome Pixel art with it: ... pixel-art/

    You can also use Freestyle rendering engine from inside blender now!

    If you want to make a tileset, you dont need to pay the a--holes at Tiled, just use Image magic.


    make sure they are sequentially named and then use this command from inside the images folder:

    montage -geometry 256x256+0+0 -background transparent *.png SpriteSheet.png

    You can save that command in a text file, and rename the file to *.bat or *.cmd so you do not have to type it every time.

    Change the 256x256 with your tiles dimensions, and the +0+0 change to the amount of padding you want around the images.

    Blender will render to C:\tmp, you can do the command there. Construct 2 can import from frames as well, and it makes the tilesheet automatically on export.

    Have fun!

  • "glerikud What's Q3D?" - garyrossiter

    Well, it is sort of a waste of money , given there are a bunch of free 3D engines out there. The only reason I wanted to buy Q3D was to use the C2 logic system for some demo scenes. I use Unity and Playmaker now, but I will be using Unreal 4 in the near future. They are much better suited for programming 3D stuff. They are much easier to import and export your assets from as well. Unity has a copy and paste importer for Blender now in the Unity store.

    If you want to submit to the Unity subscription for a pro license, then go with Playmaker and use Shader forge. This is the most expensive route.... You will have to build a lot of your own stuff with Unity. PLaymaker goes on sale for as low as $15, so watch the store page around the holiday sales. Shaderforge will probably never go down in price, just grab it soon or you might be paying a lot more in a few months for it.

    If you want to deal with Epic Mega games license crap, give Unreal Engine 4 a shot. They have a huge community of people. And they also have a logic block system as well so you wont need anything like unitys playmaker... They also have a shader editor that is fantastic.

    Check out a game called Rocket League. The game could be roughed out in an afternoon with the Unreal templates that are included. The game has the default Multiplayer folder structure still! It has been on the top 10 steam sales list since its first release.

    UNreal and Unity can export to phones and tablets. Unity has an HTML5 exporter that totally blows Q3D out of the water.

    Well anyway... If you like buying stuff and programming things from scratch (C#,Java, or Boo,Play maker,and a bunch of other logic brick editors) Unity is your best route.

    If you want an engine that is tried and tested, and you want all the cool stuff for free, give Unreal 4 a shot.

    An often overlooked game engine is included when you download Blender :

    Scroll down to the game engine part!

    The cool thing about eh blender game engine, is that it is right in the 3D editor.... The only other game engine I know of that lets you create content in the editor itself and then run the game is Construct 2.

    Blenders logic brick system dates way back, but it gets some love with almost every update.

    The only thing weird about Blender game engine is the GPL licence thing. There are ways to make a game and sell it, without posting your own code and assets, but it is sort of complicated. iirc

  • I use often is the "push out solid" behavior.

    There is a push out solid in the custom movement behavior

    That is the best tip I have read all week. Thanks! lennaert!

    I have been pulsing an overlap collision sensor, and adding custom movement to my AI so they do not overlap.


  • Just make a sprite font:

    Make it at least 2 times the size of the character that you want, and then use 0.5 in the "scale" sprite font Construct 2 setting. This will insure you get crisp edges on tiny font scale.

    If you make an outline make sure it is at least 2 Pixels (2px) wide in the sprite font generator, so when you scale it down you will get an exact 1 pixel outline.

    If you dont want to put a background behind the text, I highly recommend doing White with a Black outline, This way it will stand out. If you add a shadow, this will also help.

    The Sprite font generator is really awesome, if you use it be sure to pop into the thread again to thank BlackHornet.

    Sprite font will let you choose a custom font really easy, and distribute it across all platforms, without supplying a font file, or downloading one from Google font.

    Not to mention it is really easy to add tweak to the font in GIMP. I really have a thing about my "o"'s and "0"'s. I always add a Dot to the center of the Zero, or a slash so it is REALLY OBVIOUS! Modern computer fonts suck for programming. In the old days we always had slashed "0"'s so Typos where really easy to spot. We did not have things like "Syntax hi-lighting" on Apple, Atari or Commodore computers.

    You also get the ability to reduce the file-size by compressing your .PNG file. I think C2 has an option to automatically compress them on export.

  • Those are some mighty large claims.

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    If you make some sprite sheets, and sell them in the C2 store, Unity store or on Turbo Squid, I bet you will do well.

  • Yeah, no inline CSS that i am aware of for text in C2.

    I usually use different text objects for the color change. Spawn the first part of the sentence, and get the text width, then spawn your color changed word at The text object.X axis+text.width. Add the New text width to the first text width, so we can add the last part of the sentence with the color returned to the original.

  • There is an iterate command in C2 that is specially designed for looping through Arrays at light speed. Use the Arrays For each rather than the System For each to save some resources.

    If you are already using the Array's for each, i apologies for not understanding. I don't English very well.

  • Yeah, the Debugger sucks up a bunch of system resources.

    make a text object and then use a Set text "fps" to make your own FPS meter, and pulse it every 60*dt. This will be more accurate, but remember that the FPS meter you just made sucks up a little bit too.

    system=>every 60*dt-----------TextObject.Set text "fps"

    There are a couple of others you can use to help optimize, like getting the objects "count" and setting it to the text. I think there is even a CPU and GPU expression, but I really would not trust those due to hardware acceleration, and crappy web browser design. In Unity I have had some major heart breaks thinking my overhead was cool, but the meter i was reading was designed for CPU rendering only... It ignores the GPU completely. C2 might be the same way.

  • Load all the data you want to save into arrays.... Then save all the arrays into a single "Save array" and save as text file in .json format.

    If you are making one for simple user settings, that the user will be able to understand and read later, you should study the GetTokenAt get token count.

    The second option is the hardest, but if you want users to understand the file it is your best bet.

    There is a Save and Load game feature as well, but it will not let you have much control over what gets saved. You can save to the built in save slots, or dump the save into a .json string, and save it as the text file.

  • Maybe post a screenshot of the logic you are talking about? I cant really visualize what is happening from your description. Here is a free host:

  • Can you post a .capx?

    A common mistake is putting the pin action before the spawn action. This would be the first thing I would check.

  • I am not sure if it is possible with C2 but your theory is defiantly possible with a game in general. Have both layouts talk to the same server to relay the information. There might be a bit of latency though.

    Might be able to connect the phones to the PC's server over your Wi-Fi and LAN using an IP address.

    I can FTP stuff to my pone this way.