Check out Blender
In the time it takes me to do 1 crappy pixel art frame, I can make a 3D model and take shots of any angle i want.
Be sure to investigate toon rendering, and toon shaders. You can make cartoon characters really easy.: ... edges.html
You can also do some awesome Pixel art with it: ... pixel-art/
You can also use Freestyle rendering engine from inside blender now!
If you want to make a tileset, you dont need to pay the a--holes at Tiled, just use Image magic.
make sure they are sequentially named and then use this command from inside the images folder:
montage -geometry 256x256+0+0 -background transparent *.png SpriteSheet.png
You can save that command in a text file, and rename the file to *.bat or *.cmd so you do not have to type it every time.
Change the 256x256 with your tiles dimensions, and the +0+0 change to the amount of padding you want around the images.
Blender will render to C:\tmp, you can do the command there. Construct 2 can import from frames as well, and it makes the tilesheet automatically on export.
Have fun!