jojoe's Forum Posts

  • There are Physics objects. And also there is a Custom movement behaviors with a "Push out solid". Tinker with them and you may come up with something.

    You might use a bullet behavior, and have it enabled for a few seconds after the player collides with it. Once the player collides with it, have it enable bullet, and the bullet set angle -180 degrees from the players angle. leave bounce off solids enabled, and after the timer is up, disable the bullet so it eventually stops. You can use the bullet distance traveled to start a fadeout, or just destroy them too.

  • Ah sorry. I did read the text, my English is not so good.

    So water marks are cool until you get a contract ready for the game creator? You should be able to study the sprites for ****** or whatever with subtle watermarks.

    Hope I dont come across as too paranoid. I have been outright ripped off for my artwork on more than one occasion.

    My Protocol now is to Watermark everything. Add contact information to EXIF METADATA information area, along with copyright information.

    Copyright information should be displayed at all times, and verbosely name the creator with lots of contact information. Is what my lawyer said.

    Also on the image area, there should be some sort of visible Copyright information.

    The game run time should have the copyright information clearly displayed at all times.

    People without a lawyer can have art and music protected with the Creative Commons license if it is set up properly.

    Everyone! even kids can protect their content. They even have legal teams to fight in court for you!! Only takes a few clicks and your dream game is protected!

    If you are Legit, then a Legit contract should not be too much of a problem to produce before you get the game delivered to you. Then there are no questions later, and everyone is protected to a certain degree.

    If we agree to your terms of service, then you should also have to agree to our terms as well. On paper, in a contract.

    I hope you are just new at this and it is an over site. The service you are offering seems really nice.

    If it all works out, I think it could work well for everyone involved.

  • No problem! here is anoother tutorial about arrays showing you a sweet trick to instantly draw a sprite matrix on the screen.: ... m-tile-map

    Great if you want to make a nice level editor for a tile based game or whatever.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • If you would rather not make on screen controls for movement. You could compare the Touch.X and Touch.Y with the PLayer.X and Y.

    If touch.X>Player.X---Move Right

    If touch.X<Player.X---Move to the left

    If touch.Y>Player.Y---Move Up

    If touch.Y<Player.Y---Move Down

    Compare the X and Y separately, and the diagonal movements should be automatic. This is awesome for people with only 8 direction sprites. They do not rotate to the sprite so they keep their proper alignment.

    You can also have them rotate and move towards the mouse, but that really looks crappy.

  • You need a "Island" load out where you go between levels to share data.

    In that level have an array that you load from local storeage with the score first on the top of the X axis. On the Y axis under the score have the player name who got that score.

    At that point you can do an array "Sort" action on the X axis, this will sort them from highest to lowest.

    You might not need the "island level" but it makes it easy to break things up, so you game does not get too cluttered. It also can add some charm to the game like how Super Mario world, and Yoshi island is between levels. This also gives your player a chance to take a break and mull over their scores.

  • I'd like to make an object (myButton) with 2 variables:

    - variableName

    - variableValue

    And then if player presses this object change global variable thats name is [myButton.variableName] to [value myButton.variableValue].

    Now I can only change global variables selected from dropdown list.

    Is it possible?

    If they are not in the drop down list then you may have accidentally turned it into a local variable by moving it under an event block. A good rule of thumb is to put them at the top of the event sheet, and leave them there. Global has a earth icon, the local one has a diamond icon.

    The global variable might be under the block as well, and this just wont do. C2 reads the sheet from top to bottom iirc.

    I try to keep the Global variables on their own event sheet. That way to does not matter wher I put them on that sheet. Makes it easier to reference your variables too. You have one simple list where you go to add the tweeks, rather than scrolling through a bunch of event sheets.

  • Here you go:!kAxBQRTJ!ZqM9eHA0R-q4 ... lPRiPPXQFA

    Look for the Enter key, and the Click on the save button action to see how to load a string. With the demo running type anything in the box, and enter or click save to make a few keys.

    Rightclick will show you how to delete the keys, right click on the list to see how to delete the keys durring runtime.

    Sorry it is not a custom example, but it should help you.

    If you wanted to use my example to save a JSON look for where it says "Some random text I entered", you would put the Array json there, without any quotes.

    Hope it works for you, you will see how to make a quick LSD system (Load Save Delete).

    Remember also, you can make a "Save array" which you can load with other arrays, so you only have to save and load 1 string.

  • OnStart you have it clearing the storage. Try assigning a key to the clear storage action rather than OnStart and see if that helps.

    Small tip, to speed things up, load everything into an array, and save the arrays .json string rather than having 3 or 4 separate keys. This should make loading everything a bit easier too.

  • Thanks for the link - looks like it will be very useful.

    No problem. I have had a lot of fun with it, even though I really dont need sounds right now. wasted 2 hours with it the first day I started playing with it.

  • Great looking kit. I really like the Price.

    Just a quick critique on the name and a feature: "Familiar Player Character w/ 4-way aiming".

    Both Metroid, and Castlevania supported 8 direction aiming. You might want to add the capability to switch from 4 to 8 if they want a true Metroid or Castlevania feel.

  • Open the sprite editor, set Speed to 0, and loop to NO, and repete to 0.

    When you want to change the frame, just use the "set frame" in the sprites animation action.

  • The following text contains every important resource we will need from you to publish your APP!
    -> Signed and aligned .APK file
    -> Preview WEB Build to test your APP
    -> Images for the Google Play Store entry :
    –> ONE or more screenshots (JPEG min 320px to max 3.850 px)
    –> Icon (512 x 512 png)
    –> Header Image (1024 x 500)
    -> Discription of your APP (short) – 0 to 80 signs
    -> Complete Discription of your APP – 0 to 4000 signs[/code:25v7xpan]
    Anyone who sends you ANYTHING without a written contract is a complete idiot.
    If this guys comes off telling you guys "He needs to evaluate it first" be sure to watermark EVERYTHING before you send it to him. Do not give them any source files. Make sure you select to minimize your exported scripts. They should not need any of this stuff before you sign a contract with him.
    Never trust anyone in this industry!
    ( I sent $50 to a "Legit" Nigerian prince once, and he never sent me anything he promised.)
  • Great example! LittleStain

    The Dictionary is sure a nice tool. For functions like this I would have to use REGEX in Unity. Ashley made some nice things for us. He has saved us from making a lot of common mistakes like typos.

  • Those are the Node web-kit Developer tools not Construct 2 tools. C2 does not export the bug hunter thing. You need to make your own text object and add the debugging information with expressions. There is cpu,fps,and every object has an item count, along with other useful things.

    Look up append text, newline, and expressions. A simple FPS counter would look something like this:

    System.Every 60*dt Seconds |----------->|TextObject.Set text="fps" |

  • I guess that's just personal preference..

    You might try arrays, they sort much faster iirc.

    Magistross Ah yes! I understand.

    At I thought he meant there is no Bullet list like HTML at first because he was using the <li> thing. Then I though he meant how to make something with the same functionality.

    I really love your Tile AI plugin. When I first installed it yesterday, it made me want to quit my current project and start one using this great new add-on to C2! I immediately thought i gotta make an "Ultima III" clone!

    Have a nice day everyone I have work to do.