Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • adriel0000 No, it'd be in events under "Always" from the System object you put an action for the "Object to Set Y" position.

    aznmonkeyboy Kinda, you can use x360ce to emulate an Xbox 360 controller with other kinds, get that here.

    Just download the ini and dll for it and you can place that in the folder of any game requiring Xbox360 controllers to use your own =]

  • silvereon I've not seen a tutorial on it, but I have seen someone make one before.

    Here's a quick example I threw together: RunningGame

  • Sure thing =] Here's files I made for 360 movement a while ago:

    360 Control Type1

    360 Control Type2

    As for gravity you can do this:


    -> Object.Y = Object.Y + (9.8 * 1000 * timedelta)

    9.8 to represent something like Earth's gravity, and 1000*timedelta is to keep it at a constant speed regardless of the computer it runs on.

  • Ah yes, that's quite easy. I thought you were suggesting that the controller affects the objects built-in behavior, but pixel movements are not a problem!

    Important thing to remember is that Player 2 is being controlled by Controller 1 if the first player uses a keyboard and mouse.

    Would you like me to post an example of moving with a 360 controller?

  • You can have private variables for the Switch and Door objects (one of each, then place lots of them in the layouts) to pair them.

    Then compare this in the events Eg:

    For each Door

    -Subevent> Switch value "DoorNum" = Door.value("SwitchNum")

    You can then use different animation frames for different door and switch images and change this in their properties, or use a variable again to set it in-game.

    Edit: Ah, just saw Tulamide's post. Nice solution!

    Double edit: Oops, I just realized containers and an "On" variable on the Switch will probably work here too! <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> That's probably the easiest method, just have Switch in the container of Door and then:

    For each Door (or Switch, shouldn't matter which is looped through)

    -Subevent> Switch value "On" = 1, open door

    -Subevent> Switch value "On" = -1, close door

    Then, when the player uses a switch, just change its value of "On" to "On * -1"

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  • Can you show us a cap file of what you're trying to do?

    Edit: Ah, I think I see what you're trying. Unfortunately you will need to use events to control the behaviors with an Xbox 360 controller.

    Can you tell me which behavior you are trying to control? I will then try to make a cap file example for you.

  • No problem NotionGames, the method of this one works on the ZIndex (which one is in front) of the level icons.

    If you'd need something with paths like traditional mario then the easiest way would be to use built-in paths rather than loading them from a file.

    If you'd like I can try to have an example of that up here sometime.

  • NotionGames Hi again, sorry this took so long but here's a basic Mario overworld type example. It mainly shows how to go to a layout by name.

    Mario Overworld Basic Example

  • New sample of the book on PacktPub's website, read some of the color eBook here in color!

  • Maybe attach invisible detector sprites to each of the four sides of the sprite using image points. Then check which detector sprites overlap a tiled background to find where to go.

    I can give this a try later this week if you'd like an example.

  • You could try having an invisible "hitbox" for the player, and give that the platform behavior while positioning the bone object to it.

    Objects don't add too much processing usage to a game when they aren't rendered, most games are bottleneck'd by graphical stuff.

  • I think two words is the average length for game names eg:

    Team Fortress

    Unreal Tournament

    Happy Wheels

    Dead Island

    Heavy Rain

    Dead Space

    Killing Floor

    Mirrors Edge

    But there are games that have three words which are pretty well known eg:

    Super Meat Boy

    Super Mario Bros

    Rainbow Six: Vegas

    Worms World Party

    And Yet It Moves is four, but definitely try to keep it shorter than "Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing with Banjo Kazooie"

  • Pumpkin_head Thanks very much! I hope you enjoy it and will be happy to help if you want to discuss any parts of it =]

  • I've found that using families + the LOS object seems to really glitch things up.

    In my game I made a LOS system from scratch (since it's one-player, I was able to have a sprite for each zombie that was invisble and the width of the zombie. The sprite then stretched all the way to the player and if the zombie was less than X pixels away from the player and its LOS sprite didn't overlap a solid object, it could see the player. I also did some math to make sure that the zombie was facing the general angle of the player)

  • geniusrko, ah I see, I hoped it was just a shipping issue.. Hmm, perhaps if you have a central bank they can do electronic payments.