A demo of my little game similar to Worms by Team 17. This is literally all I have completed so far, so if you have any comments to make about they gameplay or other things that should be done before further development please mention them. The game includes the source if anyone wants to look at/use it (although it is not commented and probably very poorly coded) and as long as you don't steal the whole thing and say that you made it, do whatever you want ^^
-(Slightly) randomly generated and destroyable map
-Randomly generated spawn places
-Up to 4 player/mushroom combat
-Turn based warefare similar to Worms
-Particle effects
-Cool pixel shader effects (works without as well)
The readme contains a little more information, such as what the array object actually does and etc.
Other than that, enjoy the game =)
Link -> http://www.savefile.com/files/1629466