Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • You can do a "For Each object" loop and then if the object has variable count 16 add 1 to a global variable

  • Ah, to position physics objects you need to disable the physics behavior, move them, and then enable the behavior, and set the velocities to 0.

    This doesn't work in your case though, as you want the wheels to move the car body. In that case you'll probably need to create a physics joint/hinge between them but I'm not quite sure how that is done exactly.

    Your method would work in reverse for a one-wheeled/physics body object though, where you can position the non-physics object to the physics objects image point and it shouldn't glitch.

  • Or you can stream portions of the map. Eg: each map is a folder of text files numbered 0 to max like an array, then each segment you are in you load the text file on-the-fly to prepare the next area, maybe have 3 edges loaded at once so the player can always walk into another one without noticing.

  • I guess a temporary solution is to store that information in an array (eg: Array(SpriteNum, Animation) = animation frames)

  • Thanks very much for the music Ugotsta =]

  • Hmm, you could do it using the multiplayer plugin: http://www.scirra.com/forum/plugin-network-v03a-update_topic43662.html

    But you will need to have it running in XP compatability mode and run as an administrator on anything Windows Vista and up.

    Here's a chat mmo I made with it: http://www.scirra.com/forum/pixel-people-online-alpha-02-source_topic43970.html

    Have the main application run as the server, then have the client automatically connect to it (connect to localhost to run on the same machine).

    Otherwise you can try passing a text file between them, have input.txt fed to the client, which then edits output.txt for the main to read. I think you'll need to write/read them at different times in order to prevent them from accessing the same file at once though.

  • Ashley, can this version please be removed from the homepage? the R2 version seems pretty stable now.

  • Make exe files from your project, start every exe (server, game executables) with winxp compatibility mode + as administrator.

    Fixed for me the issue. I'm currently waiting for scidave 's reply for a fix for that <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    edit: I have win7, winxp users(I think) don't need to do this.

    Interesting, on my Win7 and WinXP pc's I never had issue on the same computer.

    However, if that fixes the issue in general then I'm extremely happy <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hmm, that should work.. try PixelPeopleOnline source code and see if you have the same problem (it's in the Your Creations forum here: Pixel People Online)

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  • playerelite, that's probably the lag-packet-drop-resend cycle I've run into as well. Basically once the latency is enough that packets start dropping I think the program resends them (this extra traffic causes more to drop until all packets are constantly being resent).

    Are you testing within a LAN network? or over the Internet to other parts of the country/countries?

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    They're celebrating their 1000th published title by allowing anyone who signs up before the 30th to download any one eBook, and giving a week of unlimited access to their entire library of books with their online service PacktLib <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Try setting a global variable EnemyX and EnemyY to the current enemy X and Y and then above the "pick closest [enemyobj]" condition try adding this one "Compare two values: distance(EnemyX, EnemyY, [enemyobj].X, [enemyobj].Y greater than 5".

    This will then pick the closest enemy object that is not within 5 pixels of the current enemy object (in theory, haven't tested yet)

    Edit: Oops, choose "Pick by evaluate" for the enemyobj and compare the distance instead of "Compare".

    Double edit: Here's my testing cap https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4714446/SelfTarget.cap

    Hope that helps! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    (Note: the red object shown doesn't do anything but show which object is being targeted. It can be deleted entirely and the code still works <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">)

  • Unfortunately Plasma effects don't work well with scrolling layouts. A possible solution might be to have the plasma effect on a static layer (scroll rates set to 0%) and hide the layer when a waterfall isn't on screen.

    Then you just have the static waterfall "background" part scrolling, and position the water objects to the position they should be at when the waterfall is on-screen, and show the layer.

  • I'm surprised nobody linked this yet, implemented Copperlicht with Construct 2: http://www.scirra.com/forum/plugin-3d-using-copperlicht_topic49881.html

    Seems like a great way of doing it <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Awesome, glad to hear Wolod <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />