Hi everyone! In my game there's a family called "red". It's the family for different types of projectiles my hero shoots. There are varaibles called "explosive" and "ghost". If the first one is equal to 1 bullet has to spawn explosion object on collision with solid object or enemy. Varaible "ghost" has another function. If it is equal to 0 bullet has to be destroyed on any collision. If it is equal to 1 it has to go through enemies but not through solids. If it is equal to 2 it has to go through any object. And here's my problem: my event sheet has to look like this, but explosive bullets spawn explosions only on collision with solid objects.
<img src="http://s12.radikal.ru/i185/1209/2d/c16e66e5dd64.jpg" border="0" />
But if it looks like this it works fine. Why?
<img src="http://s57.radikal.ru/i157/1209/48/e2f60999b4ab.jpg" border="0" />