jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • You can write a JSON object outside of C2. If you play some funny games with the C2 string object you can load them.

    String items = {C2Dictionary/Array/blah : data="}

    items append json.file

    items append ""}

    Or you can use XML files too.

  • that's the point of pin. Just make sure to pin on host and client.

    When player X goes over the flag. Both client and host have to have the same logic that triggers the pin. There is no need sync the flag. your making the work harder on yourself.

  • Hey Lunaray. This is an odd request. I really enjoy working with light tween. However I've trying to clock down one of my side projects to run positional and rotational(especially rotation) at 24fps rather than the standard every tick. Would it be possible to have a the option for tween to only update when called.

    ie object.tween.update()


    I think your thinking about scenegraphs. Where as the grouping in LiteTween is giving them the same tag. So that way when you 'start/stop' and such. All tween with the same name will activate or stop.

  • Why are syncing the flag? Don't. That's just silly,

  • You can also check out The blue Code at http://clay.io/game/thebluecode .

    C2 only limitation are limited to ones own talent. Take your project is small chunks.

  • Right Click > Replace Object

    Right Click > Replace Object > Select Which Object to Replace > Replace Object with

    The catch is that the object you are replacing must have the same vars/types and behaviors.

    As a guide. Use families most of the time. it will save you grief.

  • All complex features are all based on simple foundations. Tutorials are awesome, but if you lack the basic foundation all you can do copy/paste programming. This model of development never really teaches the studdier much of anything.

    Get your hands dirty. Think of something simple. Reading documentation and tutorials are better than watching them. Read the manual for all the parts you need to work with. Don't search for finished work; search for the basic component you need.

    Looking at an obstacle as a whole won't help in programming. Tackle each part in chunks.

    Finally. If you want to get really good. pick up a book on C/Java/Python.... whatever you want. Write your own simple data processing programs. Then don't need to do much except to give you a foundation of understanding coding process.

    Input > Process > Ouput

  • Don't bother. Start and stop animations when the client recieves the approrpriate action. But unless there is a serious need for it. Don't. 99% of games don't bother. The start/stop of an action is good enough and with latency there is no way you will ever get a 100% animation sync,

  • damnd, that's fast Ashley. You rock.

    While I overall understand your hesitancy for supporting non Browser wrappers. It seems with Apples current stance on non WebKit browsers we are stuck. Thankfully Ejecta is open source and offers alternatives paths to closed source. So thank you so much.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • This has been in speculation for years, but the more valid information the better. Let's cross our fingers for a nearer release than later.

  • adnan Hasbi

    Bug reports are to report bugs in only directly official plugins and engine related. To do a proper bug report there is a clear statement that the plugin must be minimal amount of code.

    Remove the leadbolt and see if there is still a bug. If there isn't then the bug is in leadbolt. Contact the creator of the plugin and let them know.

  • rozpustelnik

    If the platform allows assets are loaded and released on a layout by lay out basis.

    CocoonJS and Ejecta do not support the advanced memory management of JS. However full browsers do, so Crosswalk is a go.

    Ejecta may support better memory management in the future as Ashley has plans to look into this.

  • Do you already have a transaction service in mind?

    What type of controls does your game use?

  • Is this in game items using real cash micro transactions or in game currency.

    I assume this chat system is for an online game?

  • Thanks for the PM's. At this time I have interested parties for art and music. If that changes I will make updates