jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Depends on how your parsing. I suspect your tokenating. So every time you tokenate the search begins back at 0. If you tokenate your self by actively tracking your current character position. compare until next comma then you can save time. But otherwise your going to lose performance.

    So as an example

    mega, super, fun happy, time

    If you for some reason need time

    while(word != "time")

    word = tokenate( srtring, loopindex, ",")

    **** let's ignore the permanent stuck loop this would require.

    anyway this would search through your string 5 times to find time. What the system has to do is create a string for eaching parsing into a word. So the system is going to create an array every tick. then destroy the array. So your asking for an array to be created an destroyed.

    Where as if you broke it into an array at the start of layout you could just do


    and then avoid creating a tokenized array at the beginning of the layout.

    now however if you instead did

    if( string.find("time") )

    then that would be faster than tokenized parsing.

    Where as in an array. once you compare the first you move on to the second.

  • C2 Event Sheets lend itself to a better Hybrid of Code.

    Now I love Scratch. I think Scratch is fantastic to teach kids how to program. But my problem with scratch is tht the blocks ARE BIG. And then often use up tons of space.

  • object var name = "StormHo"

    compare object.name = Stormho

    compare variable name = Stormho

    people can tell you tons of stuff. You can read tons of stuff. But what you learn best is what you do. Apply, experiment. break. You will learn a lot from that. Also this question should be in the begginers How do I

  • If it's your image and you have a valid license of use of the software. Then there is no legal problems.

    A Flash Vector animation is not a sprite. However if Flash Animator can export a sprite sheet then there is no problem either.

    If you can do it. Then do it

  • Depends on what you need. If this is an occasional search. Then just stick with parsing text. However if this is action you need to do per tick. Then turn your text into an array by parsing the string at least once.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks for the fork. I appreciate that

    I found beahviours calculating angle everytick to kill my mid level testing device.

    As an example the simple Behaviour or Rotate even no matter what the size of the image. results were as follow

    100x100 image

    No Rotation: 60fps, 10% cpu

    Rotate behaviour: 30FPS, 40% cpu

    24fps by use of evey 0.040: 60fps, 20% cpu cycle

    2048x2048 image

    No Rotation: 60fps, 10% cpu

    Rotate behaviour: 20FPS, 50% cpu

    24fps by use of evey 0.040: 60fps, 20% cpu cycle

    calculating trigonometric math is terrible on medium devices. Where I'm sure LiteTween basic movement is fine. Some of the other more curving trigonometry I feel would be better being calculated less often. And proven so.

  • R0J0hound

    hmm. maybe it's Rex's plugin then. My mistake

  • It's long dead.

    A perfect example of not the point. This is a really productive post. In fact let me exemplify the success of Ouya.

    In fact there is now another Android potential game console on the market. The Amazon TV box. Just like the Ouya it's an Android device. This means that all those Ouya games are prime for another console box.

    Ouya was a success. Boxer8 pushing the way to make Android TV penetration increase where Google TV was having difficulties. What happens when the percentage of Android game capable TV's is equal to Android devices compared to the percentage of other smart phones?

    Boxer8 was a marvelous success on the trajectory. However no one should have really bet on the idea that the Ouya was ever going to reach the same market penetration of the PS3.

  • All stuff I have had to do with C2. However they require extra steps and annoying as hell. I agree that arrays need to be simplified and I would love for a JSON Object for data storing groups.

    However you can use R0j0hounds Hash which works as a JSON storage for now.

    Also Fimbul is right. Dictionary can't really sort. However you can itterate through Dictionary into an array. Then sort the array.

  • part12studios

    Don't worry about the naysayers and anyone who listens; doesn't get business strategy of trajectory. Ouya has a lot of new games and more importantly a lot of new games that launched first on the Ouya. Soul Fjord and Towerfall anyone? These games were never meant to stay on the Ouya. They launch on the Ouya. On the Ouya being a platform the games and indie companies can game some traction before launching on the bigger platforms.

    Ok But as I said Ouya is not hardware it is a direction. I knew before the launch that Boxer8 didn't have long term plans to maintain just a box. I was right. Anyone following will have heard that Boxer8 is making arrangements to have the Ouya system on TV's. Imagine that 50% of Smart TV's having an Ouya. Talk about market penetration. And that's the point. Rather than buying a console. You will have core game system right on the TV.

    Actually I heard the guys who made Towefall. While only make 24k+ on the Ouya. Proved that they were good developers that Towerfall scored a large contract from another company. second hand information. not from the developer himself. So hey. if proving your self on a small console still validates yourself as a developer. i think most people shouldn't say much.

    Will Boxer8 succes. that's another discussion. But that's the trajectory. Not the end all of making tons of Capcom levels of cash.

  • It's really not an arbitrary choice to support the console or not. C2 primary objective is to be fully crossplatform based on WebTechnologies.

    The keyword is WebTechnologies. If a platform supports a game viable browser wrap. Then Scirra has regularly gotten C2 exports to run on those devices.

    So the question and your question has been answered before. When Sony and MS well support WebApps then you will see C2 support the system.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Are you using Three.js as a scene rendered. Where as we use it as an entire world replacement. Yann's sample and who ever did Copperlicht plugin both went the route of world renderers.


    Are you using three.js as an alternative Sprite object replacement where the object will remain in a C2 world render?

    You can also use Threejs to render to texture instead of canvas.

    I'm looking forward to your plugin. I'm hoping I will have some use for it

  • 1. The MP Plugin is not part of Google Play's connection service. it's entirely it's own environment. However there is no reason you can't step up to the plate and use Google Plays connection service yourself and work by a hybrid method... providing Google now supports JS in the service.

    2. Only for Android right now. MP in the big MP Plugin Blog clearly mentions WebRTC and what platforms works.. You might want to check out the Scirra blogs too however is some one wants to do WebRTC extension for iOS then iOS will also have MP... the good part is that there is an ObjC version of WebRTC so it should be just some minor work to get that into Ejecta and then C2 MP should work on iOS. I will be looking into this some time in the future if no else has by time I need it.

    4. Ashley intends for online storage, achievements and other such features.

  • paprik123456

    Your going to have a problem making any P&C game on anything but a Desktop platform. Even many of the other suggested engines either don't do mobile or are massivly feature stripped for mobile.

    As for images. Even for desktop NEVER EVER go above 2048x2048. Not enough graphics cards can handle images larger than that. If your image is larger. Slice them apart and place them next to each other.

    However if you want the easiest, but knowingly limited feature route then I suggest using another engine. At some point I plan to strip and clean The Blue Code to an adventure game template and engine. But until that time C2 needs some elbow greese for P&C.

    Early in development TBC was running sweet for for mobile games. however TBC demo was never meant to be mobile. Instead the game was going to go mobile after a full game PC release. Now I still did mobile controls, but didn't highly managed resources.

    Now saying that. Because this was a one month project no one but me was concerned with the game running on mobile. So the game got hit by a handful of massive resource hogs. Some animators were sending character animations that were 3000x3000 per frame and there were 200 frames... double framed classical style. So in fact there were 2 frames per position. I spent easily a day cutting the frames down to 1/3, resizing the character to 200x500(still could go smaller, but I got complain from the product manager. It was his project).

    The game also received a massive dump of sound effects. I really suggest for TBC putting on some good head phones. Turn up the volume and spend some time in each area listening to the sounds. They ended up using half the game total size. Really listen to the sounds of Lisa walking from grass to stone, from carpet to stone. Those muffling effects are reverb files, heck the construction files also used reverb files..

    So TBC ran on mobile at a solid 30fps ish until the sounds were loaded.... then CocoonJS couldn't it anymore ... oh yeah. And Glitch also put on FPS drop, but it didn't matter at that point as all the sounds were being implement.

    So except for memory issues. TBC didn't really have a problem with devices from late 2012 and including 2013 devices. My Acer A500 was a Tegra2 and the game ran pretty well on an iPad2. However my iPodTouch 4g didn't do so well

    I however did avoid XML and instead used JSON and a custom in game scripting langauge.

  • JackAttackNZ

    Pin kind of ***** for scenegraph modeling. Consider PIN to be nailing one object in the current postion+/angle to another object. Literally. You can't independently move a Pinned object while it's pinned. You need to unpin, move, pin again. And if your doing that; then there is no need for pin.

    Now if you just want another object attached to an object. Then use pin. So attach all your points, then rotate the center object and your good to go.

    I also suggest you posting for non LiteTween help in the How Do I section of the forum.