Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • I am running an I5 quad 3.4G with 16GB of ram, my system and construct are running from a ssd but I didn't try moving my project to this drive, I will test it.

    Cool firefox runs the project, but the images are all messy, bluish and transparent, might be some of the webgl effects i am using, on the other hand it previews much faster than all other browsers.

    DUTOIT Thanks man, it was mine too, sort of, I can't honestly say I liked one Lucas Art adventure game more than the other, I liked all of them for slightly different reasons, from Loom to The Dig, they are all great.

  • volkiller730 I use Spriter for more basic 2D animations, but most of the animations in my game are pre-rendered 3D and are very complex, it's impossible getting these results with Spriter.

    Anyways my problem is just with previewing, because after exporting I am down to 500 files which is reasonable and I don't have performance issues.

  • Ashely I see, I don't have many variations, but i do have a lot of characters with a large amount of unique animations.

    What about other solutions, such as a check box for objects or animations that blocks it from being loaded when previewing?

    I work layout by layout, so many characters and animation are not needed globally.

    Or maybe another folder in the project where you can move some objects there and they will not get loaded.

  • Looks amazing, good job!

  • It happens on IE too, so it's defiantly not chrome related, on the other hand it's not necessarily a C2 issue, but i believe it can be addressed and overcome in C2, with resource management.

    I think it might be caused by too many simultaneously ajax request, or just a too large total number of resources.

    I wouldn't mind making a capx for Ashely to test on, but this can be easily reproduced by just adding lots of animations and frames, it also happens when i strip down the project of all the events/behaviors/effects and leave just the sprite objects.

  • Disney is aware of our project, but it's not approved yet, we're making a demo and sending it to them, it can go either way and we might be working for nothing, but we do this out of love for the game so we don't mind.

    I am actually working on another original point and click adventure based on the same project structure, so either way i would run into this again.

  • It's a point and click adventure game, designed for PC and the performance is great, you can see it on our video blog here:

    http://indiana-jones-and-the-fate-of-at ... ition.com/

  • Ashley

    I believe this is caused by the amount of files in my project, there are many animation frames, the whole project is currently 7200 files, but that's only when previewing, after exporting into sprite sheets it goes down to 500, i doubt i'll go over a thousand files after sprite sheeting for the whole project.

    But this makes it impossible for me to continue working on the project, exporting each time for testing is not an option, i am open to any other suggestion!..?

    Maybe disable loading of files in other layouts i am not currently using or adding sprite sheeting to preview (created once images are update and not on every preview).

    Really anything that will help me continue working will be most appreciated!

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  • Does anyone have problems with previewing large projects?

    I am getting a red bar on chrome, nw and ie, if i remove a few animations it works fine.

    At first i was able to get around this by refreshing (F5) while loading a few times, now even that doesn't work.

    After exporting, the project runs fine, project size is 360mb and will be much bigger later on.

    I am also getting a bunch of

    Error loading image 'http://localhost:50000/actor_sternhart-walk7-000.png': Eventbubbles: falsecancelBubble: falsecancelable: falsecurrentTarget: nulldefaultPrevented: falseeventPhase: 0path: Array[1]returnValue: truesrcElement: nulltarget: nulltimeStamp: 1430579124681type: "error"__proto__: Eventimg_.onerror preview.js:1594

    In the console.

  • cranberrygame The google game services leaderboards have the option to send back the user placement in every leaderboard, so you can notify them when they lose their place to someone else, this is a very engaging feature to have, do you think you can add it to your plugin?

    Thank You.

  • Play my new C2 game - Squidish - for free in Google play.


    Trailer on Youtube:

  • Don't you ever wonder how much time you really worked on some of your project (if you're not on the clock that is)?

    I think the capx file should have a record of the time it's been used.

    Nothing too fancy, no in depth logs are required, just a simple event

    every 1 seconds

    add 1 to time

  • warville Is it possible to start an endless recording without presetting the length?

  • juduncan You can add to the end of your url a question mark with a random number for requesting the file again from the same link and disregarding the cache, example.

  • Well i had a an old version of moveto, now it works fine, thanks!