Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Made a ton of changes, the game is faster, smoother, new menu, new options, some levels, graphics and animations updates, i'd say we're at 95% and real close to releasing a 10 levels playable demo.

    I would love to hear from anyone got who got any comments, thoughts, ideas, reviews or anything else that comes to mind.



  • its just like you said it

    add an event:

    system/on start of layout

    and an action


    if you won't do a 'stop audio' action, it will continue throughout the layouts.

  • Hi again,

    I updated the game, runs much smoother now, added some animations, fixed some bugs on the interface and most importantly reduced food spread :)

    What do you think?

  • ok, i fixed the character collision and changed the scrolling method, it looks much smoother now, what do you think?

    next in line is level design and food reduction :)

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  • here is a little video demo of the game:


  • Hi, thanks for playing and for replying.

    • Thanks, as a musician, it matters a lot!
    • Thanks again :)
    • We are aware of that, it was much worst before, i am not sure if its a problem with the graphics, the code or maybe a too fast scroll movement, i am still working on optimizing the game, rest assured we wont release the final version like that.
    • I'll check it, thanks for noticing.
    • I agree, not all the graphics match and fit the game, yet, there will be changes in the final version.

    But to make it clearer, here is some more of story background.

    Whisker was a war general, he fought in the great cat and dogs war back in 2002, unfortunately for him he was captured and tortured by a group mercenary chiwawas and when he returned he went a little crazy.

    Whisker made it his life mission to take down as many dogs as he can, next in line was jasper.

    The battle between them went on for years, till one day whisker had an evil plan that will surely bring jasper to his end.

    He will build the ultimate tower of death and lure jasper there.

    five years later.

    Construction complete, then we basically jump to the "intro" of the game, whisker steals jasper bone and lures him to his trap.

    so everything around the building is whisker's creation and not suppose to be a natural part of the environment.

    but point taken.

    • Picking up food restores you're health and gives you points, on 1000 points you get 1UP, for the first 10 levels its not that important, but we're planning around 100 levels and the game will get harder, so you will need those Lives eventually.

    But... i also agree with you, it's a little too much, i will reduce the spread.

    • it's a robot-cat-spider, part of the army whisker made for his tower (if you'll closely his head looks like whisker's head).

    Thanks again and i am glad you enjoy it!

    oh and about your game references, i was born in the 80's, so i played them all, from digger to god of war...

    I'll refresh my memory on youtube, with some old classic titles.

  • Hi guys,

    We've been working on our first construct project for the past 3 months, a platformer arcade game called "Jasper's Revenge", and finally we've got something to share!

    Some background, Jasper's Revenge started as a promo teaser for an adventure game we've been working on for about a year now, it's started out as a simple shot the cat with soda cans game and evolved into something much bigger.

    Jasper and Whisker are characters from the adventure game.

    For now we are releasing this beta/demo with 10 playable levels.

    Some of the game aspects (graphics, music, level design, etc) might and probably will change in the final product.

    I've been working hard in the past few weeks on perfecting and stabilizing the code and all game-play conditions, but i most likely missed something along the way, so if you find a bug, a glitch, or anything out of the ordinary, please let me know, thanks!

    you can play the game online at this address:



  • Hi guys,

    I have a fixed width layout (4080px), is there a way to loop the layout?

    That when i reach X 4080 i'll continue seamlessly back to X 0, without warping back and without having my X position grow above 4080.


  • added a new sprite, imported 8 frames, dragged the object to the layout, hold down shift and move towards the re-size corner, then construct crashed.

    happened 3 times in a row.

    if i wait a second or two in between it doesn't happened.

  • Thanks, i wasn't aware this version exists.

  • I read the .xml files and got what you did, i tried it and it works, THANKS!

    I was getting worried there for a second :)

  • thanks for the quick replay, but i can't open the file, it says i need version 111 and i have version 108.2

  • Hi All,

    I've been playing around with construct for a few days now, trying to figure out if this engine works for me and so far i am really impressed with all the features, good job <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I am trying to make a simple arcade game, see chart below.

    What i basically want to achieve is this:

    "Player" shots "Item A" using physics, "Item A" collides with "Computer Enemy" and both react accordingly using Physics.

    For enabling "Computer Enemy" to walk around in his region i made a new Object (with no sprite) below it to function as a Floor.

    My problem is this, i need the floor to be transparent to "Item A" (Item A pass through it) and solid for "Computer Enemy".

    I couldn't manage to achieve this functionality.

    I have Physics Behavior set on Player, Item A, Computer Enemy and Floor.

    The Floor is set to Immovable - YES.

    Does anyone have an idea?



    <img src="http://www.avishaymizrav.com/gamechart.PNG" border="0" />