Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • i usually add a variable scale on the object and set it to 1 as default,

    then i add or subtract from this variable and set the object scale to that variable.

  • Great, thanks!

  • Not complicated but useful, instead of using 2 different fade behaviours, why not make the fade behaviour reversible?


  • Hi, very cool effect you got here!

    I am trying to use it, but i have a problem, i tried putting 5 cards in a family with the flippy behavior on it, then on touch i flip it.

    When i flip the first card it's ok, but when i flip the second/third etc, they all flip together.

    I even tried removing them from the family and putting the behavior on each card individually and made a separated on touch flip for each card and it still flips all of them.

    any idea on how to fix it?

    here's an example capx:



  • More updates:

    Added voice-over for the entire game.

    Fixed some issues, tweaked some graphics, fixed story script mistakes.

    added skip intro and dialogues with click/touch.

    Created a new homepage for the game, check it out:

    T.I.M.E - The Interactive Music Experience

    This time around i recommend you'll use firefox, seems to work best with audio, IE sometimes stops playing audio for some reason.

    Or download the PC version.

  • Why is there no way to abort an export in the middle?

    This feature could save some frustration when exporting large projects and then remembering you forgot to change something :)

  • finished storyline (but i'll probably do some rewrites).

    added action sequence after puzzle 9, fight Theda the story's villain.

    for PC, added changing mouse cursors and text for all hotspots.

    added listening mode, activates when you finish the game, so you can listen to all the music without needing to replay.

    fixed some bugs.






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  • Hi everybody!

    Just finished adding the final 9th room+puzzle+song, this means all the rooms/puzzles and my entire album is available in the game.

    But that doesn't mean i'm done, so what's left to do:

    1. finish and polish storyline (50%).

    2. add some bg music and sfx.

    3. add some more interaction with objects.

    4. tweak graphics.

    5. tweak UI.

    6. add facts sheets for songs 6-9.

    7. make a small playable action scene for the finale, play against the villain.

    8. possibly record a bonus track.

    9. possibly do voiceovers.

    If you have any comments or ideas i would love to hear them and now is the time!

    Both online and PC versions links are updated.


  • More updates...

    I made a new first puzzle, since the previous one wasn't much of a puzzle.

    Added about 50% of the storyline (goes on till after puzzle #5).

    The autosave, saves after completing a puzzle, you can use, S and L, to save and load manually to a separated slot at any time.

    Puzzle #9 is done, but not yet incorporated in the game.

    The online link is updated and here is a P.C version:


  • I don't know why it took me so long, but i added autosave + load.

    So from now on, no need to replay from the start and you can listen to the music you already collected at anytime :)

  • New room, 8th puzzle/song is now online.

    Still working on writing the story...

  • Hi again,

    So I took Gurrufio notes into consideration and i added a storyline,

    There is a new playable intro section, to get you into to the mood.

    The plan is to reveal a little bit more of story with each puzzle you solve.

    Puzzle 8 is done but not incorporated in the game yet, i'll be working on the new room for it probably tonight and upload an update in the next few days, i will also add more of the storyline with that update.

    If you already played the game, don't forget to clear the app cache and hard refresh the page to get all the new data.


    T.I.M.E - The Interactive Music Experience - Avishay Mizrav's Forgotten Melodies - UPDATED URL!

  • Hi Gurrufio,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    I am thinking about adding a storyline to it, but let me explain a couple of things.

    First, my music is instrumental, so i am not sure if it's possible to make a concept album without lyrics, i can have some recurring melodies and themes, but still there is a limitation to how much i can tell with just music.

    Second, the purpose of this "game" was to get another way/channel to showcase my music, at first i thought about just creating a playlist app, than i thought why not make it into an explorable environment, then i decided to add some puzzle to give it a little more edge, but the bottom line is to get more people familiar with my debut album, Forgotten Melodies.

    I am not saying i wont make another album in the future and when i will i will take the "game" aspect into more consideration, but making another album takes a lot of time and resources, so i am afraid it's not an option for this project, but T.I.M.E part 2 will come eventually...

    In the meanwhile i will try to come up with a storyline that will fit the current game and album, i'll share it with you when i'll have it.


    Avishay Mizrav.

  • After another productive session, added another room/puzzle/song to the game.

    T.I.M.E - The Interactive Music Experience - Avishay Mizrav's Forgotten Melodies - UPDATED URL!

  • Hi everyone,

    I added a new room with a new puzzle and another song (6 in total), also made some other changes, check it out!

    T.I.M.E - The Interactive Music Experience - Avishay Mizrav's Forgotten Melodies - UPDATED URL!