Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Sure no problem, come to think of it, i think you can put the webgl straight on the usermedia or the layer and take the snapshot, without saving the image first, unless you need the user the edit it or something.

  • you can have an empty sprite on the layout, then use load image from url on it to set the image from usermedia, then do a snapshot, you have another trigger onSnapshot then you can fetch the snapshot image with another system expression, don't remember the exact naming but it should be easy to find.

    You can alternatively use the unofficial paster plugin, it allows you to paste in sprites with webgl effects, then you can fetch the image with an expression.

  • you can save the snapshot to an image on your layout with all your text and watermarks on it, then just use the builtin system action canvas snapshot.

  • Looking good!

  • Maybe it's just me

    When I saw it that's the first thing that popped in my mind, I thought it was just a piece of the background, I got even more excited when I found out I can use it and naturally I started looking for mines and gaps to jump over

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  • Cool the graphics/animation/controls are pretty slick, this could be a really cool metroid meets moon patrol, keep up the good work!

    Do you have more levels designed ?

    What about 360° aiming with the mouse/analog stick?

  • Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it!

    Stay tuned for more cool stuff!

  • Link is update to alpha v0.51, with more than 47 levels and lots of new stuff!

  • This could be a nice feature for C2 or C3, when browsing through the layouts list, show a small preview image of the layout on the properties tab, it's somewhat frustrating locating a level layout in a list of 100+ layouts, you have to open them one by one and it takes a lot of memory and then you get a limit message when you're over 30 or something layouts.

    This can be a simple screen capture by demand (click on set preview image), no need for fancy triggers and conditions.

  • So here it is, the first playable alpha version of the game with 25 levels, I made a little lame intro to hint the direction and theme of the game and also a possible title, ENJOY!


  • Update 3/6/2015 New blog posts with more videos.

  • Thanks for responding guys, not sure why it only works with ver 7 here, but at least i know it's something wrong with my project and not XDK, so i am relaxed

  • My new C2 project, i'll be updating the devlog on a weekly basis with images, videos and later on some gameplay, check it out:


  • Yeah well 7 works for me too, but it's from 8 months ago and i don't see any reports about it so it worries me a little.

  • Player jitters on floor, causing missed jumps request

    This is more critical when the platform angle is between 90-270, making jumping almost impossible.

    Attach a Capx


    Is this a bug or should i handle jumping from rotating platforming separately with vector Y/X?

    Update: I found a temporary solution, if the wall angle is between 300-420 and the player is not jumping, i am pushing the player 2px in self.angle+90, this keeps him steady and jumping is working better.

    Maybe this is something that should be auto implemented for the platform plugin.